Routray poems


Cinsciousness and Soul

Consciousness and Soul P K Routray Sugar tastes sweet, fire gives light and heat. Sweetness, heat and light are the internal characteristics of sugar...

River Of Life

River Of Life P K Routray Equanimity of mind, humility to surrender at heart, combined can row the mortal man across the river of life with peace and...

intelligence Defined

Intelligence Defined P K Routray A man is intelligent if he keeps heart in contentment devoid of negative thought, responsible to make the strength...

Not to Desire but to Aspire

Not to Desire but to Aspire P K Routray “Nip in the bud, your desire, sacrifice your wants in fire, to get peace and happiness in life.” Thus the...

Philosophy Of Soul

Philosophy of Soul P K Routray Imprisoned in blood and flesh enmeshed in the earthly mesh the soul is frantic for its freedom to fly in bliss in His...


Key P K Routray To harvest the happiness man hankers after the success. To succeed in multifarious fields to the growing desire man yields to get...

In Our Good Days

In Our Good Days? P K Routray When we are in agony and pain we pray Him time and again. Pleasure and happiness when we get even to thank Him we...


Instead P K Routray I long to fly with each bird up in the sky. I long to suck and smell each and every flower on the earth fluttering with butter...


Umbrella P K Routray Umbrella over head for rain and sun it makes a shed. From east or west for poor or rich, young or old the umbrella still remains...

Definition Of Happiness

Defining Happiness P K Routray A tooth ache, love for life it wrecks. Pain on a nail makes a life hell. To poor or rich, sinner or saint pain can...

Management embraces

Management Embraces P K Routray An embarrassment termed in the parlance of management as the theory of ninety and ten percent puzzle the man, the...

Beauty Of Togetherness

Beauty Of Togetherness P K Routray Fragrance, form and color serve as yard stick to measure the intrinsic beauty and power the traits those glorify a...

To Me- As A School Boy

To Me- A School Boy P K Routray With two friends, to me one year junior, myself in the middle back of our teacher A memory from too old an album...

Joy Of Living Together

Joy Of Living Together P K Routray A photo of my kith and kin together with me, my mother, father, grandmother, my brothers, sisters both elder and...

Trading From Memory

Trading from Memory P K Routray During these twilight days’ monotony of leisure relish I often recollecting the events that I treasure Many of them...

Arts Around Living

Arts Around Living P K Routray On a man arts cast magic spell by their captivating artistic tale when he visits an arts’ pavilion or sees on an...

"I" Gets Hurt

“I” Gets Hurt P K Routray As usually advised by a doctor and as practiced since days of yore daily I go for an early morning walk out from my house...

That Is Life

That Is Life P K Routray At this twilight days memories, back when I gaze flash before me my smile and tear, tears of apprehensions and fear, smiles...


Disparity P K Routry At a posh hospital one sees the light of the day The other is born in thatched house of straw and clay Both survive to thrive...

A Prologue

(1) A Prologue P K Routray A scantily clad lady with frail, skinny body prematurely old having a stick in her hold carrying on her shoulder probably...

Then And Now

Then And Now P K Routray Tearing apart the core of my heart come out sighs of grief cursing the time, the cruel thief robbibg me of my golden days...

Thus We Start

Thus we start P K Routray The Lord, the Almighty call we whatever Him, we must constantly remember and express our gratitude in abandon with every...

Be Considerate

Be Considerate P K Routray On current primary education this naïve has an observation. At least what happens around me daily here in India as I pain...

Oh Lord! I am jealous.

Oh, Lord! I am jealous P K Routray At their twilight days of leisure in the evening senior citizens gather together generally in a park close to...

A Lesson

A Lesson P K Routray At its initial run a river swells in dimension with tributaries’ contribution And at its final run before merging with an ocean...

A Psychological Game

A Psychological Game P K Routray Some relationships are made in Heaven prior to birth. Some are made by man to coexist on this earth. Relationship...

Over Due Gratitude

Overdue Gratitude p k routray From my sick chair from core of heart with my prayer to soon recover from the lungs’ disorder occurred me a thought...

Dear Primeminister

Dear Prime Minister P K Routray With the deepest adorations of every Indian Dear Prime minister the leader of one and a quarter billion leading...

Indebted I Am

Indebted I am. P K Routray (Son-on-law) The Lord’s mercy is great in His creation, He did create for every being a unique mother planting inimitable...

Our Classmates at Sri Lanka

Our Classmates at Sri Lanka P K Routray (Part1) Hey dear friends, bonded since those golden days! I congratulate you all for your teenager’ craze...

Our Pride

Our Pride P K Routray Hall and Heroult never thought ever would work their pot with a fragile power system. far from the hub of its operating wisdom...

A Friend On the pyre

A Friend On the pyre P K Routray With thoughts nostalgic, fire flame on a sandal wood stick I put it on Rabi’s face looking cherubic His lips were...

To Our Dear Departed Friend

To Our Dear Departed Friend P K Routray With grief and sigh recall we, the day, we bade you goodbye in your mortal remains peeping from flowers of...

Real Happiness

Real Happiness P K Routray Real happiness, we find when, end, our sorrows of any kind, when this happiness does not depend upon nor is a slave to any...

A friend, I cannot part.

A friend, I cannot part . P K Routray “Hey, Damsel clad in rapturous red blazing the meadow spread ahead! You palpate my heart at a breakneck pace...

A Divine Gift

A Divine Gift P K Routray A charismatic figure that the Lord could configure with traits uniquely divine in a calm composure shrine as if, in it,...

Bye-bye to a younger brother

Bye-bye to a younger brother Hey, younger brother! I try to refrain my tear lest you will wake up from your divine slumber to put your head and hand...


AG Hey AG! Clarify we must removing the blur of dust over our AG call a language neither from latrine nor Cobol but from our heart’s core to propel...

Any Advice?

Any Advice? Listen, I often to many greats. Forget them oft all with regrets. On many subsequent repetitions to grasp it as no intended intention but...

A Prelude

A Prelude Sixteen years of penance for an accredited credence to seek a job of repute facing interviews en route to serve and to get served a...

Mom and grand mom

Mom and grand mom Bou! To you we all bow for your benign show that followed the traditional law the respect to your mother in law. On her return from...

An unwise man

An unwise man A man, unwise with grief , sighs at his past , that is passed, lives at present with attachme n t to materials around to be grief bound...

The Beauty Absolute

The Beauty Absolute The illusion as also His creation as an aid to run His game of fun “ The rest of His creation” blurs human vision to distinguish...


QUEUE Unique is the English letter ‘Q’ to exist in words it needs “U’ as its general companion or “Mam” puts a zero on the evaluation With ‘eue’...