By seannelson
- 739 reads
"All I can do
is just pour some tea for two
and speak my point of view
but it's not sane...
it's not sane." - Blind Melon
Usually when I confess visiting the strip bar,
I get the funniest reactions:
people think it's so evil
that I have fun drinking Coronas
and smiling at nude dancing girls...
when they support
(by non-dissenting participation
in our imperialist society at least)
a government that makes my childhood friend Sutton
daily gun down freedom-fighting Arabs
who only want us out of the Middle East
Then everybody's been talking about the big election,
the folks on TV, man, they get a fat erection
and now that the electorate's made a selection,
the newspapers are busy giving birth to a new God.
I mean, !!THINK!!:
this so-called nation
is a highly complex and highly technological casserole
of over 300 million people:
so what is 1 homo-sapien going to do
that's going to affect the U.S.A. so much?
Next to nothing, of course:
it's not a question of leadership or reason,
it has much more to do with bull-shit religion
It gets so old,
all these people who should know much better:
just doing what they're told
losing touch with their golden higher selves,
thinking they somehow need a fuhrer
Chicks and dudes, I'm not bashing Obama himself
(though he's a humorously ambitious intellectual elf)
he actually seem to have some hip inclinations
such as trying to work things out with "rebel" nations;
No, it's just that a state doesn't need a "head"
anymore than a plane needs wings of lead
And the U.S.A.'s prisons are full of so-called crimminals
but mostly it's not for crimes of the gun
or robbery or even theft that they've done,
but simply for potions that transform the mind
(which are as "street drugs" by the system maligned)
And the founding fathers would shudder to see
the debasing junk that's on the television:
sentimental drudgery, fine-silver-plate preaching,
shows like COPS and JAIL teaching
that you'd better not step out of line
or you'll cease to be treated as human
(sometimes open crimes against humanity
treated as entertainment on TV)
And we hawkishly control nuclear technology
when we're too filled with superstition to see
that it's the only solution to the energy crisis:
now folks are starting to realize,
but that's a hypocritical joke,
that's wasted decades and brutal air-raids
Now I've been in jail-
and known plenty of different sorts
(ripped slinging mexicans, salt-of-the-earth hippies,
guys who'd pulled stick-up jobs, this thin Dostoevsky-loving literary snob,
drunks who'd talked back to police-men,
red-neck meth heads sharing cells with thoughtful pot heads)
and in Jackson County, Oregon,
the whole institution was run
like a ruthless dungeon or something:
civilization was truly lacking from the men in blue
And I've known lots of "crazies,"
in foster homes and psych wards
across the state:
mixed together are idiots, singing visionaries,
sociopaths, and drooling Van Goghs
staring out of hated window-sills
Ya know, it's not that hard
for even a brilliant, rational scholar to go insane
when capitalist society doesn't value
the higher contents of his brain-
and wants him to write TV advertising
or some such deranged piss
Hm... see every now and then
I'm talking to some person
(most recently, a truly decent type)
and I'm warned about "the new world order;"
Now, I think it's obvious
that the rich of numerous nations
(from America to Russia to Saudi Arabia to rag-tag Zaire)
to each other owe greedy allegiance
(Bin Ladens, Waltons, and Putins sharing from a platinum dish)
leaving commoners to worship flags
and blame their poverty on people of other creeds and colors
But true globalism and humaternity
is the only defiant cure:
freedom from jingoism and racism
can save us all from truly terrible disaster,
for as no race is superior none shall be master
and if we do not freely share the sun
the sky shall eventually fill with wars' debris...
and the hawks of all sides will have "victory"
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