Eish! London 27 - 28 May
By Shannan
- 592 reads
Wednesday, 27 May
As I had mentally broken off all ties with the ‘disorganised’ agency, I figured I needed to replace them. I got back in touch with the agency with whom I had cancelled on the 8th of April and they said they’d be happy to see me today. It was a much better interview than I had had at any of the other agencies. I guess it helped that I had slept beforehand and I actually knew what the interview would be like and what substitute teaching entailed By the end of the interview I had a good feeling about the agency; they were friendly, open and treated me like an intelligent person. I was a bit irritated though because this agency had an entire welcome pack that included an information CD on supply teaching. They also offered me an Oyster card and would have set up a mobile phone for me! None of the other agencies had even offered to help with relocation details. Why did I have to go through all the other rubbish first? Murphy’s Law I guess.
I left the interview in a happier frame of mind for the upcoming term and went to have lunch with Garrick to chat about theatre developments (or sadly, the lack of), my ‘new’ living arrangements and life as a substitute teacher. He was being a fabulous friend and sponsoring me a lunch in the midst of my financial instability. I was looking forward to chatting to a familiar South African face, even if it was in a restaurant with potentially funny food. I was very grateful to see duck and potatoes on the menu, so I ordered that. It was great to touch base and catch up again.
Thursday, 28 May
Today I met up with Jonn for lunch and we went to a Japanese style restaurant; very different from the French one yesterday. It was a business and social lunch and we happily chatted for the hour before I headed to Heathrow to say goodbye to Shelly. Jonn said he would keep me posted on any work coming in.
Shelly’s check-in had gone very smoothly and I found her contentedly organised and ready to fly back to the challenges awaiting her on South African soil. We bought ourselves a cup of coffee and sat waiting for her boarding time. While we were chatting about the year that lay ahead for both of us my phone rang with Jonn’s business number. I answered. There were training jobs going with a transport company and all the people who his boss had put forward were away on holiday but he still needed to fill the interview slots; would I mind going along? How bizarre. I know nothing about transport in London. Not a problem, they would train us up and it would definitely be a few full weeks of work. He wasn’t that clear on the details as the client had only called them today for the interviews tomorrow.
"Tomorrow?" I asked in amazement.
"Yes, tomorrow, but I don’t know the time. I think it’s a morning slot."
I thought about it, why not, I have nothing to lose, the interview I’d finally managed to set up with an independent schools recruitment agent was later in the morning so I could probably fit it in: "Sure Jonn, put me down and let me know."
"Great, you’re a star. Thanks!" and the phone went down quickly. Clearly mayhem was going on in their offices. I wondered how many people they needed for this, and how many they would find as most of London’s substitute teachers generally travel during the term breaks. I chatted to Shelly about the call and we both figured it would be a great opportunity, and I promised to send her an sms (text message) to let her know how the interview went. We said fond farewells and promised to keep each other posted. I was very relieved when she sent an sms to say she had literally made it back just in time for the service.
More fabulous news was that the theatre group I had emailed had emailed me back:
From: The secretary
Subject: FW: Getting involved in the Players
Date: Thursday, 28 May, 2009, 0:48
Hi Shannan
Thanks for your email. As you've probably seen on the website www.pinnerplayers.org.uk we have 3 productions a year - November, February and May. We have a break during the summer but hold play readings around members' houses for a few Fridays - again, you may have seen this on the website. The first of these is this Friday. Basically what happens is we read plays we think would be good for the following season and take it in turns to read the parts from the script.
If you would be interested in attending, you would be very welcome - they are informal and fun. If you can't make this Friday, there's 4 more!
Secretary - Pinner Players
Very exciting! After Jonn’s call and the interview I had set up I thought it best to reply after I knew what was going on; but at least there would be four readings and I could meet the people and see what the vibe was like. Yay for opportunities!
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