By shoebox
- 1179 reads
Sa’ad and his son made their way across the square among the dense crowds of the city. Both father and son had gotten so accustomed to walking together for so many years that if they didn’t walk together this very hour, it would seem as if the whole world had changed.
Actually, their private little world had just changed drastically. It was a change for the better that had occurred in the temple only a few hours ago. All the family were ecstatic over the incident, even though they were just one more poor, ordinary family among hundreds in the area.
Sa’ad spotted the famous Jewish master and his companions surrounded by a crowd of on-lookers and listeners. The man had told Sa’ad and nine other hideous lepers that morning to go to the priests and ‘show themselves’. A miracle had occurred when they did as He’d told them to do. Not one of the ten had any signs of leprosy a few moments later. The temple priests were speechless. And Sa’ad’s son: He was delighted to be walking with a father who looked normal and not so ugly as before.
Sa’ad the Samaritan broke through the crowd and flung himself at the tired, sandaled feet of the Jew.
“How can I ever thank you?” he asked as tears streamed down his face. “Please tell me.”
“How do you feel?” asked the Teacher and Healer before the silent, listening crowd.
“I… I know how hea… heaven feels now,” the Samaritan stuttered.
“And where are the other nine?” the Master asked.
“I know not, my Lord.”
“Stand and go. Your faith has made you well,” the Jewish Master said.
Sa’ad later swore repeatedly that he’d never seen such eyes in a man’s face: eyes that reflected an immeasurable quantity of kindness and compassion.
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