By skinner_jennifer
- 3458 reads
Far, far away on Obsidion, Lena was sat in her
domed, rain forest garden, a place she and her
husband Addie had built, many years ago...with
some help from friends.
She sipped a glass of juice, relaxing on her
garden recliner. She watched the many species of
birds, they had collected over the years. Some
butterflies came and settled on some leaves...
very close to her.
This was her and Addies little piece of heaven,
where they could feel close to nature.
The air had to be kept at a certain temperature,
which made it extremely humid, but Lena was used
to the humidity, it never bothered her.
She was thinking about Addie leaving the next day,
feeling unsure of what would happen to him, it left
her feeling empty, this would be his first trip to
earth, 'hopefully his last,' she thought.
Back inside the Control station, Addie was saying
good night to his son. It had become imperative,
that they live on his job sight, because he could
be called up urgently at any time.
He sat on his seven year old son's bed. He had just
finished reading him a bedtime story. "Listen to me
Luke, when I leave tomorrow, I need you to be good,
while I'm away."
"How long will you be gone Dad?"
"I have no idea, all depends on how long it takes
to get the job done. There are a lot of bad men on
Earth, we need to restore some sort of order."
"Why are there so many bad men, on earth?" said
Luke, not really understanding.
"Son...there will always be bad men, for everyone
we reprogramme, a new one will come along, it's
just a fact of life, but just at this moment things
are getting out of hand."
Luke yawned, wiping his eyes he said, "Dad can you
leave some Crystal music playing, it helps me sleep."
"Of course son." Addie turned and pressed a button
on the wall, beside his bed. Bach started to play,
with the gentle accompaniment of Crystal chimes,
tinkling in a soft breeze.
"Now remember what I said Luke, I need you to be
good for Mum...while I'm away."
"Okay dad, night!"
"Goodnight Luke."
Addie left the room and made his way down the corridor. He was very suave and sophisticated, being tall and lean, due to a lot of working out,
not only to keep fit...but also for his general
health. His Wife Lena made sure he had a good diet,
she was a very good cook.
When not working, he was always concerned with his
appearance, which was always immaculate. He enjoyed
his job immensely. This would be his first trip to
Earth, his Father and Grandfather had all made this
trip once in their life time.
He reached the control room and placed his left
hand on to a pad, with his left eye staring into a
beam of light.
Once identification had been established, he opened
the door. The room was like one big surround Cinema, with controls in the middle of the floor,
except this was no cinema, it was direct pictures,
of Earth...beaming back to Obsidian, via a satellite they had set up many, many years ago.
You could see the great forests and people going
about their business.
Addie had studied Crystals and engineering, under
his Father and Grandfather's guidance, he knew one
day, that Luke would also study, under him and his
Father's guidance.
The Crystal Ships that were to leave the following
day, were built to travel through beams of light,
the beams would get them to their destination.
To look at the ships, they resembled giant diamonds, that glittered in the Summer Sun, the
centre...being the Control Station.
It had taken many...many years to build the Ships,
with a lot of trial and error and a lot of Crystal
taken from Obsidian's Core.
But eventually Addies Great...great...great
Grandfather, had discovered how to melt the crystal, so that it could once again be made into
these giant Crystal Ships.
Addie spoke to Thomm, who was stood at the control
station. "How's it going?"
"Oh! still no change, I just hope we get to Earth
in one piece tomorrow."
"So do I Thomm, so do I. Well I'm off to get some
sleep now, I think you'd better sleep aswell, we
have along journey ahead of us."
"That's true," said Thomm, "I'll call Garrett to
take over the monitor."
"Good idea, see you tomorrow."
To be continued ..........THE CHOSEN ONES ( PART FIFTY EIGHT ) | ABCtales
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Hi Jennifer, What a great
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You have alluded to these
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Yes I had never expected
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Hi Jenny, Finally caught up
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Hi Jenny, That will be fine.
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Hi Jenny
Hi Jenny
I rather think these characters might be the deus ex machina - to sort out the problems on earth.
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