The Christmas Mansion Mystery ( Part Eighteen )
By skinner_jennifer
- 813 reads
Evans had spoken to Chief Inspector Lampard, as soon as he got back to the station.
Lampard never went in for the kill, he made a decision, to go to the
house with Brentford and let them know of the finger prints on the
rubber gloves, he knew to get the evidence he needed, he would have
to trick the killer.
It looked to Lampard, like this case would be solved very soon. Picking
up the phone, he rang the Henvey House. Alice answered. “Ah! Mrs
Henvey, would it be convenient to come over? Only we have some
evidence, we would like to discuss.”
Alice said it would be fine, for him to come over straight away, “the
sooner we get this sorted, the better,” she agreed.
“Okay...Brentford, are you ready to solve this case?”
“You bet sir!” Brentford already had the car keys in his hand and held
them up, jangling them, as he opened the office door.
When they reached the house, the sun was shining and it was a cold...
crisp afternoon. “It's certainly brisk weather, don't you think sir?” said
Brentford, rubbing his hands together.
“Yes, very bracing Brentford.” They approached the front door and
rang the bell.
Alice answered the door. “Please come in.” As they entered, a young boy stood in the hallway. “Ah! Inspector...this is my
son James...James this is Inspector Lampard and detective Brentford,
say hello!”
James said hello and then proceeded to ask, “are you here about my
father's death?”
“Yes...we are, James and it's nice to meet you.”
James smiled and then ran upstairs to his room.
“Oh! Don't mind him Ispector, he's quite shy around strangers. Can I
take you into the library? It's more private in there.”
“That will be fine,” said Lampard.
As they made their way down to the library, the Inspector asked if he
and Brentford, could speak with Mary and Nancy.
“What have you discovered, Inspector?” enquired Alice.
“I would rather speak to the two women, before I discuss with you,
what I have discovered.”
“But I think I have a right to know Inspector...this is after all about my
dead husband.”
“I assure soon as I've spoken to the two women, you will be
the first to know. Are all the rest of the staff here?” asked Lampard.
“Everyone's here, apart from Cherish, my assistant, she's running some
errands for me, but she shouldn't be long. I'll go and get Mary and Nancy, they're in the kitchen, would you like a tea, or a coffee?”
“A cup of tea would be fine, how about you Brentford?”
“No...I'm fine, just going to set up this tape recorder.”
Alice went into the kitchen, where the two women, were preparing the
evening meal. “Mary...Nancy! Inspector Lampard is here, he wishes to
talk to you both, would you please leave what you're doing, and go down to the library.”
“Why does he want to talk especially to us?” enquired Mary, feeling
“I really don't know, now please run along ladies.”
Mary and Nancy washed their hands, then made their way to the library,
asking each other, what was going on?
“Ah! Ladies, do come in,” said Lampard. “Please sit down.”
They both pulled up chairs, as Lampard began to speak.
“I'm afraid I have some bad new for you both.”
“What do you mean bad news Inspector?” enquired Mary.
“'s like this, the rubber kitchen gloves, we found with blood on,
had both your finger prints on the inside and the outside, but nobody
else's, which means...I'm afraid that you are both suspects.”
Mary and Nancy looked at each other, then Nancy put her hands up to
her face and began to cry.
“We wouldn't be able to kill anyone Inspector, this is absolute tripe,” protested Mary. “We do all the washing up, so of course our finger prints would be on the gloves, it doesn't mean we would kill anyone, leave alone Mr Henvey.”
“Well I'm sorry, but unless we can come up with anything new, I'm
afraid, we will have to arrest you.”
“No!” said Nancy, sobbing. “Just wait a minute, I'll give you evidence,
that it's not us.” She started to cry even more.
“Nancy! What are you talking about?” asked Mary.
“I want to talk to you alone Inspector,” Nancy implored.
“Okay! Nancy, but you realise we'll have to tape your statement, don't
“Yes that's fine, I've had this on my mind, since I discovered Mr Henvey's body, it will be good, to get it off my chest.”
“Okay...Mary, you can go now.” Mary got up, not quite understanding
what was going on. “Nancy! She said, sometimes you really puzzle me
To be continued ….............
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Gosh...Nancy may be about to
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