The Christmas Mansion Mystery ( Part Eleven )
By skinner_jennifer
- 3675 reads
It was Monday morning and Graham Lampard was over the moon about his daughter, she had given birth to a seven pound baby girl early on Sunday morning. Over breakfast he told his wife that they would go to the hospital, he would ring Brentford at the station and tell him that he would be in later on.
Picking up the phone, he dialled the number for the station, when his wife called from the top of the stairs, “are you nearly ready? cause I am and we need to get going.”
“Yes love, just phoning the station, to let them know I'll be in late.” There was a ringing, then Brentford picked up the phone, “HELLO!”
“You don't have to shout Brentford, it's just Lampard here. What's all that noise going on in the background?”
DESK, THERE'S SOME TROUBLE, Oh!... okay they've calmed down
now...yes some idiots have been brought in to the station, drunk, shouting and causing problems, that's all we need on a Monday morning sir.”
“Well I've got some news, my daughter's had a baby girl, early on Sunday morning, so I'll be in about lunch time. If you can ask Mrs Henvey and the others of the house to come in about 1.30pm, then we can go from there.”
“Great News! Sir, tell your daughter, I said she's done you proud.”
“Thanks Brentford, now back to work.”
“Yes Sir.” Most of the staff at the station, were near the front desk, and a big cheer went up.
“Ha...ha...ha!” replied Lampard, as he put the phone down. “Well I'm
ready for the off, if you are,” he said to Joyce.
Graham Lampard was a proud grandfather, he was not one of those men
who expressed his feelings openly, but inside he was elated, he knew
Debbie's husband Jack, would make a great dad. He liked Jack, probably because he was into fishing like himself, not that he had much time for fishing these days, what with the work load, paper work!...was one of those jobs he hated with a passion, he would rather be out solving cases, than sitting behind a desk typing. He also felt slightly guilty, because Joyce was always on at him to take some holiday, that she was desperate to get away. Graham kept saying, “yes dear...just as soon as we've solved this case.” But it seemed, no sooner they solved one case, than another would drop into his hands.
Brentford sat behind his desk, reading a list of phone numbers he had
been given, when they were at the Henvey's, but he knew his first task,
was to phone Mrs Henvey, to let her know what time her and the rest of
the household, were to come down to the station.
Alex Brentford was a good looking, twenty eyed...dark haired guy, who had no problem getting the girls, his problem was keeping them, as soon as things got too serious, he was off, he just couldn't bare the thought of getting hurt, he also had no intention of settling down, the only thing he was married too, was the job, at least he knew where he stood with his work, but he did also feel lonely sometimes, when he went home to an empty flat, but he knew that his freedom was more important to him.
He was just thinking about who he should phone first, when there was a
knock at the door. “Yes who is it?” The door opened and a W.P.C, poked her head round the door. “Ah Carol and what can I do for you?”
“Are you busy?” she enquired smiling. Alex was very fond of Carol, they often went out together of an evening, on their nights off, she had a pixie style hair cut, that Alex found very attractive, but they were just good friends, Alex didn't want to spoil what they had, by getting too caught up in love affairs.
“Come on in Carol, what are you up to?”
Carol came in and sat down opposite Alex, with a note book in hand. “I was just wondering if you wanted me to put your name down, for the works Christmas party, we're having a meal at that new Berni Inn, The Bunch of Grapes, then for those that want to come, we're going to the Locarno for some dancing afterwards, but I need to know numbers for the meal, so are you coming? It's on the 21st December.”
Alex was definitely up for a meal and dancing. “Yeah! Sure I'm up for
“I'll need two pound as a deposit, it's the only way I'm going to book the meal, I'm afraid you'll lose the deposit, if you let us down.”
“Why would I let you down? You know you can always depend on me Carol. So how many people are going so far?”
Carol looked at her list, “Oh about twenty, but five of those aren't sure.
Oh by the way, are you doing anything tonight? I thought I might grab
some food at the Berni Inn, before I go home, then I can book the tables.”
“Well it depends on what time I get off, as you know...Sir's at the hospital with his daughter and new grandchild and we have to interview some people this afternoon.”
“I'll tell you what!” replied Carol, “I'll come back about six, see how
you're doing...we'll go from there, okay?” she got up to walk out.
“Yeah! That's fine...see you later.” Alex turned and went back to his list of phone numbers, he decided that the first person he would phone, was Mrs Henvey. Picking up the receiver and dialling the number, he waited for someone to pick up. A voice on the other end answered, Alex spoke...
“Oh hello! This is Detective Brentford here, can I speak to Mrs Henvey.” there was a long pause, while the person went to fetch Alice. ”Ah! Hello Mrs Henvey, how are you?...I was just ringing to let you know, that Inspector Lampard would like you all to come down to the station, at about 1.30pm.” Alex could tell by the way Alice Henvey spoke, that she was not very happy at being summoned, but she said she would do her best to get there at the asked time.
Brentford then found another number, that Cherish had given him, but she said, she had no idea who's number it was, she found it in his jacket
pocket, hanging up in the hallway. Brentford rang the number and a woman's voice answered. “Hello darling, is that you!”
Brentford was taken aback, then he spoke, “Who is this please!”
“Why darling, you sound so different.” There was a pause...then the
woman hung up.
“Obviously someone who didn't know he was dead.” Alex said to himself, he knew that Andrew Henvey was having an affair, just from this phone call, but thought it was best not to assume and speak to Inspector Lampard first.
Alex spent the rest of the morning going through the rest of the phone
numbers, most he had managed to account for, but there were still
others he couldn't work out, people he was either not able to get hold of, or they were not prepared to discuss Andrew Henvey over the phone.
To be continued ….............
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Well, we shall just have to
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Another fine chapter,
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I'm tempted to ask whether
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Hi Jenny, I am loving this
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Well done, Jen. I think
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Yes - I've nearly caught up!
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