The Christmas Mansion Mystery ( Part Ten )
By skinner_jennifer
- 1979 reads
It was quite late by the time Alice got home with the boys. For once
she found herself tired out and ready for her bed.
Alice had made a decision to tell the boys the bad news about their
Father in the morning, she didn't want to upset them before they went
to bed.
Because the whole house had to go down to the police station the next
day, Alice had phoned her mum and dad, to ask if they could come over
and stay with the boys. Then she dropped the bombshell about Andrew and what had happened.
Shelia who was Alice's Mother, could hardly believe what she was being told. “My dear girl!” she said, “of course we'll come, what time
do you want us round?”
Alice said she was so grateful and could they come round about
Shelia said of course. “We'll see you then.”
The boys were in their pyjamas ready for bed, when Alice walked in.
Suddenly out of the blue, James asked what time their Father would be
home? this was the one thing Alice had been dreading.
Not once while they were out, had the boys mentioned their Father and
now she found herself in this awkward situation, she certainly wasn't
going to lie to the boys.
“Sam...James, I have something I need to tell you, I want you to be
really brave for me, do you think you can do that?”
Sam looked at his Mother, “what is it...what's wrong?”
“Yes Mum! What's wrong?” said James.
This was the moment she had been dreading. “Sam...James, I'm afraid
your Father is...dead!” there she had said the dreaded word and she
felt awful.
Sam went quiet, while James started to question his Mother. “Dead...
dead! What do you mean? How did he die? He can't be dead. I want
to see my Father.” James got up and started running out of the bedroom,
calling, “Father...father! Where are you?”
Alice got up and ran after him, she managed to catch him, as he was
about to run downstairs. “James I'm so sorry...please come back in to
the bedroom.”
James clung to his Mother, as they walked back to the bedroom. Sam
was still sat on the bed, just gazing. “How did he die?” Sam asked, in
a quiet way.
“There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just tell you straight.” said Alice. “Your Father was murdered, there's to be a police investigation
tomorrow, so I want you boys to be brave when grandma and Granddad
come round in the morning. I will not be long and we can spend some
time together, maybe go out.”
“I wish I'd stayed at school now,” said Sam.
James started to cry. “Oh James I'm so sorry,” said Alice, consoling him. “Would you like to sleep in my bed tonight? Then if you want to
talk, or ask questions, I don't mind.”
James said he would like that, Sam on the other hand, was distant and
angry. “Sam!” said Alice.
Sam turned away and said he was tired and needed to sleep.
“Sam...listen to me! You are the oldest and now the man of the house,
I need you to be brave, look after your brother, listen to him if he wants
to talk.”
Sam's mind was in a whirl, at the fact he'd not had a chance to see, or
talk to his Father, he also wondered, who would do such a terrible
“Don't forget Sam, I'm here if you need me, please talk, it's best to get
any thoughts or feelings out of your system, don't keep it bottled up
Sam said he was tired, that he just wanted to be left alone, so Alice
took James and left the room. “Goodnight Sam and don't forget to
wake me, if you can't sleep.” She switched off his light...making her
way with James to her bedroom.
Alice need not have worried about James, he was asleep, almost as
soon as his head hit the pillow. 'Children are so resilient,' she thought
to herself.
To be continued …...................
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Coming along nicely Jenny.
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Another enjoyable chapter,
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What terrible news for the
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Oh poor wee mites. Sam has
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