Dealing With Tomorrow Part Four

By skinner_jennifer
- 739 reads
Part Four of Twelve
It was early morning of 30th October. None of the family had slept that well apart from Danny who always managed to slumber peacefully. They were submerged in the claustrophobic atmosphere of the manor, suffocating in a mixture of stuffy heat and noisy pipes.
Kenneth was the first one up at 6am waking in a ball of sweat which he needed to escape. Scratching his head he slipped quietly out of bed in his blue pajamas his wife bought him for his birthday, the last thing he wanted was to wake Bridgette. After a visit to the loo Kenneth crept down the landing, there wasn't a sound to be heard apart from the clanking of the old fashioned radiators.
As he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen walking passed the door that said DANGER! KEEP OUT! He wondered if the caretaker had a key to unlock it. His day would be busy enough getting to know his way around the church and where everything was kept, but he needed to know what was behind this door in his new home. Kenneth decided he'd phone the caretaker later from the church.
He soon had the kettle on and boiling. Picking up the teapot he took the tea from an old tin caddie and put in four spoonfuls needing his fix before beginning his day. Pouring the water in to the pot, his thirst had him gasping in anticipation of what Kenneth described as nectar of the gods.
Sitting at the kitchen table finally in the peace and quiet, his thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of Bridgette entering in her beige slippers and tartan dressing gown. Her hair was a mass of disheveled blonde curls, she ran her fingers through the tangle of spirals winding them around digits as she always did in the morning.
“Any tea left in the pot?” She inquired sitting down.
“There's enough for one cup love.” He stood up walking over to the sink. “You know how I enjoy my tea first thing.” Washing his cup, Kenneth declared that at least they now had hot water. “Why don't you have a soak in the bath before Danny and the girls wake?”
Bridgette wasn't too keen on the idea of a bath in this unnerving Manor. “No! I've got too much to do today. I think I'll get the girls to collect wood for a bonfire, after all November 5th isn't too far away.”
Kenneth smiled as he had a sudden thought. “Good idea, it'll keep them occupied and we could invite the community to the bonfire, it'll be a good way of getting to know the locals.”
Bridgette liked that concept and thought about the food she could prepare as she poured the last of the tea. Her attention then went to what to eat later. It was a Friday, they always had fish on a Friday. “Think I'll take Danny and the girls down to the harbor shops and check out the surrounding area, I'll pick up some fresh fish on the way.”
Kenneth was pleased his wife was sounding more positive. “I'll be back early – probably around three, we can go and do the main shop at the supermarket if that's okay with you?”
Bridgette blew a kiss as he left the kitchen and made his way up to the bathroom for a wash. “Sounds good to me.” She declared and was glad that the electric was now on and everything seemed more favorable. Bridgette wondered how she'd ever manage without Kenneth, sometimes she felt useless not even able to change a plug, though she did know how to change a light bulb which was so easy her daughters could do the job, but bringing up children was all she'd known in the twenty one years they'd been together.
As she sat deep in thought, Bridgette was bought back to the here and now by the disturbing sound of whimpering, thinking it was Danny she stood up and walked out into the hallway, her sense of hearing was sharp, still the whine continued but Danny wasn't there.
As she climbed the stairs, the sound stopped. Her face screwed up confusion in her eyes. Bridgette had no idea where the sound came from, though she had an idea it was from the walls which was a tad scary. Shaking herself a shiver ran down her spine. This was all too ridiculous I must pull myself together! She thought. Reaching the landing she crept along to her son's bedroom, opening the door Bridgette was pleased he was sleeping soundly.
She could hear Kenneth in the bathroom washing, Bridgette couldn't wait for him to finish so knocked quietly. “Honey – can you open the door please?” She knocked again.
Kenneth took a towel and wiped his face while opening the door. “What's up?” He queried, peering round the opening and wondering at the urgency in her voice.
Bridgette still had a puzzled expression. “ I don't really know.” She paused then continued. “When I was sat in the kitchen after you left, there was this whimpering sound like moaning, I thought it was Danny but he's sound asleep.” She paused again. “The strange thing was it came from just outside the kitchen door in the hallway.”
Kenneth felt sure Bridgette was imagining noises, what with the heating making such a racket. “Don't worry love these old buildings produce all kinds of strange sounds, I'm sure we'll get used to them.”
Although he knew his job was to reassure his wife, deep down inside he wasn't so sure himself.
He'd awoken with what felt like a led weight sitting in the top of his head, it wasn't too bad now but the throbbing hadn't stopped and he was just glad to be awake.
The dream had started out okay with him entering a church through large wooden doors. He'd paused at the smooth stone floor beneath his feet. Gazing around he was mesmerized by the classical elegance of stained glass windows depicting bible stories of old.
One caught his eye describing Jesus at the shore of the sea of Galilee standing in a fishing boat, arms outstretched and preaching to a crowd on the beach. Kenneth remembered how Simon the fisherman had been overwhelmed by the amount of fish he'd caught after Jesus had spoken, and how Simon had left his Job to become a disciple, this time fishing for followers.
In his dream Kenneth had wandered further into the church, walking between wooden pews. The Sanctuary of the alter stood before him, incense purifying the air. On each side of the huge Cross that stood in the middle of the alter, there were two tall white candles burning brightly, the flames rising. All seemed at peace for a while.
But then the scene had changed as Kenneth felt a cold breeze, which was when the pressure was felt to his head. Candle flames were extinguished immediately, petals of flowers in vases suddenly folded over and decayed. The air smelt putrid like dead bodies decomposing. From out of the atmosphere Kenneth heard the sound of horses hooves on the stone floor getting louder and louder.
The nightmare felt all too real, though even in his dream state he thought it was his imagination, until the ground began to tremble. Moans and groans echoed around as a rush of air engulfed him. He heard the sound of trees being demolished as they toppled over, but could see nothing.
Through the onslaught of all this pandemonium came a disembodied voice deep and menacing. “Are you John Gifford?”
Kenneth had no idea what to say, not able to utter a word, for some reason no words would leave his lips.
The voice spoke again. “You are the prophecy John Gifford – you have the power to unlock all secrets. Make no mistake about the menace.
”Kenneth felt vulnerable and in danger as the threatening voice declared. “The Wolf flies – Below the Bear draws blood.”
The Reverent Kenneth Baker then had awoken in a bed of sweat, his head aching. He couldn't tell his wife of the dream it might have frightened her or she might have found it all too ridiculous, so he kept quiet.
Now standing at the door to the bathroom he held Bridgette in his arms and reassured her everything would be fine.
To be continued...
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Hi again Jenny
Hi again Jenny
This is getting really exciting now. Ghosts and such like, and such an appropriate time to be posting it.
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