Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 13 ) Time We Left

By skinner_jennifer
- 1235 reads
Ben was busy at Meadow Down Valley helping his father-in-law Nathen, the only sound that could be heard was the thump, thump of timber on timber, as handmade wooden nails were hammered in. They had decided to work inside due to the bad weather. Nathen was putting the finishing touches to their platform for the sleeping area, it had two steps up from the floor and Ben thought it looked very comfortable; though he didn't think it could work in a cave, he was pretty sure Fern wouldn't like the idea of steps anyway, as she not only hated change, but would also think it could be too dangerous for Netty, being so young. He suddenly yearned to see Fern and his daughter, being so far from home, made it feel like he'd been away for many seasons, instead of days and nights. As he was lost in thought, there was a knock. “Answer that will you Ben!” Voiced Nathen, too busy to stop.
Ben stood up and wandered over, opening the door he was surprised to see Liora, holding a young boy's hand and Jay stood, all smiling at him. “Well! This is an honour to see you.” He thought they'd come to see Nathen. “It's for you!” He said to his father-in-law.
Nathen looked up, as Liora spoke. “No Ben! It's you we've come to see...can we come in?” Nathen went on with what he was doing, glad he wouldn't be disturbed.
“Why of course!” Replied Ben, somewhat taken aback. “So! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
Liora started to explain about the boy. “This is Cep, he's been very upset because he's no idea what part of the forest he comes from.”
She paused as Ben asked. “What are his parents names? I might know his father.”
The boy felt he could speak up for himself and stepped forward at this point. “Me father's name is Agaric and me mother's name's Rosa.” The boy wiped his sore eyes on his sleeve, leaving yet more trails of unwanted tears to seep into the material.
Ben thought the name sounded familiar and that he might know Agaric. “Is your father a woodsman?”
“Yes!” Declared Cep excitedly. “Do you really know him?” His eyes dilated at just the slight chance of Ben having knowledge of their whereabouts.
“Well! If I'm right, I think your parents live not far from us. Have you heard of Crystal Grove?”
The boy suddenly started jumping around. “Yes – yes! That's where I was taken from.” He began chanting. “I'm going home...I'm going home.” Ben was pleased he could cheer the boy up and felt Cep's joy himself.
Now it was Jay's turn to speak. “Can I have a quiet word with you Ben?” He was worried about his brother-in-law's reaction to his news as he took him to one side.
“Yeah sure! What's the problem?” Ben thought it was bad news by the tone of his voice.
Jay put a hand on Ben's shoulder. “I just wanted to let you know, that I've decided to stay here with Liora, it also means I'll be close to Mother and Father...I'll be able to keep an eye on them.” Jay bit his bottom lip in anticipation of his brother-in-law's reaction.
“Is that all?” Replied Ben, not surprised in the least at the news. “I had a feeling you'd want to stay, I think you and Liora are both well suited. All I can say is good luck brother.”
Jay breathed a sigh of relief that Ben had taken the news so well. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he declared! “We'll be saying a blessing at the graves later on in the afternoon, are you coming?”
Ben's expression changed at the thought. “No! Definitely not, I'd be a hypocrite if I thought that evil man deserved a blessing. You do what you have to, but I'm staying here and helping Nathen.” Ben quickly changed the subject. “So! When's Brigs leaving?”
Jay was slightly taken aback, never realising Ben's strong feelings on the matter of Bracus, but decided that probably a lot of the others would feel the same, so didn't say any more on the subject. “Brigs is leaving in the morning. We're going to say the blessing, then take the children down to the ship, they can sleep on board tonight, then they'll be ready to leave tomorrow.”
It was a load off Ben's mind now Jay had informed him of the plans. “I was going to stay here with Nathen and Evelyne tonight, but now I think it would be best if we all stayed the night on board, I'd hate to miss the ship setting sail – don't want to get stuck here any longer.” Putting down his tools, Ben told Nathen he was leaving and there was a rare handshake, between the two men, as Nathen told him to stay safe and give Fern and Netty his and Evelyne's love and kisses. Ben felt relieved that Nathen understood he had to go with the others, so they headed back down to the jetty, as Nathen carried on with his work.
Brigs was down in the stern where all their supplies were kept, he knew as Captain it wasn't his job to do the manual work, but he was obsessed with everything looking and being perfect before they set sail, he wanted to be sure they'd have enough food and fresh water to last the journey, his motto being; if you want a job done properly, then you should do it yourself, even if it's your ship. There was a musty smell and dust flew out as he shook out the pelts, checking there were enough furs for warmth and bedding, he began sneezing profusely and needed to get out. Varg on the other hand had been shifting crates to make room for sleeping, knowing the children would need plenty of space. He was just checking through the containers, when Liora and Ben appeared in the shadows of dim light. Brigs held a lamp up. “Who goes there?” He called out turning, not expecting any visitors.
“It's okay!” Said Liora. “Ben and myself have come to have a word with you.” The two figures approached now having no fear of walking on board without being asked.
Brigs wasn't sure he wanted to hear what they had to say, he guessed it involved the children.” So...what do you wish to talk to me about?”
Liora hoped Brigs would be okay with her plan. “You know the children will be sailing with you?” She tried to gauge his reply.
“Yeah...in the morning,” replied Brigs, somewhat unsure of what she would say next, knowing he found it very hard to refuse her.
“Well – would it be possible for them to spend tonight on board, only I would hate for them to miss sailing.” Liora couldn't read his expression.
Brigs considered her words. “I don't mind, as long as they behave and don't get in the way.”
“That's good!” Announced Liora. “Also!”
Before she had time to speak, Ben interjected. “Um! Myself and Varden, Cinnamon, Will, Addie and his men, will also be sailing with you, we'll be bringing Dawson with us. I hope it won't be a problem if we stayed the night too?”
“Well!” Replied Brigs. “This is turning out to be quite an eventful day. I suppose it saves hanging around waiting for everyone to turn up. Yeah! Okay – come aboard later on when I've sorted things out here, just before nightfall will do.”
It looked like things were finally working out, Liora was glad she and Jay would be alone tonight and she'd have her dwelling to herself once again.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 14 ) Sad Goodbyes | ABCtales
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A lot of scene setting in
A lot of scene setting in this chapter, Jenny. The stage management is spot on, and I look forward to seeing what the curtains will reveal when they are drawn back to reveal the vagaries of the next episode
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All the pieces are in place
Now to get from here to there without any spills along the way, Briggs' cup is going to be quite full, so to speak. Hope he is a good Captain and so glad Cep's problem is solved, another great read read
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