By skinner_jennifer
Tue, 10 Aug 2010
- 8999 reads
Have you ever felt in touch, with
someone in a different place,
sensed that something was about
to happen, was this the case?
Is your mind interlocked with another,
can you read their thoughts,
can you forecast the future,
can E.S.P. be taught?
Is it a quality in all of us,
that each and everyone can possess,
but which can only take flight,
when the circumstances are right?
Is it just coincidence, when we think
about someone or something,
then a letter comes through the post,
or the phone begins to ring?
Though people may insist, it's
just coincidence. I wonder what
your feelings are or am I taking
E.S.P. to far?
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I could be easily persuaded
I could be easily persuaded to believe in ESP- your poem descibes situations well
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Hi Jennifer like the way you
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
Hi Jennifer like the way you have
explained, yes I have, quite a few things
good and bad. Late Diana I loved her and have
bits and books etc; she was buried on my birthday.
My nan a dream, a brother same dream help? But my bleated pop was pyschic =can tell and say and know things, hated it when young, came true? But his mum
my nan had a crystal ball. Dream person bump into them, bit like telepathy. Most Titles or names of my
stories poems, used horse racing, or on here to strange. And sppoky to my belated pop gave me a 2nd hand ring like a crystal ball, top that's another story. School pal then engaged grown teenager, dreamt letter on mat married someone in Ohio think.
course she was older then. The special cat not mine poem "Green Eyes" comes and sit on low wall, if I haven't been about, open door and I will talk to him
say he is beautiful, responds cry.Now Uni; paper's say cat's miaows like babies for different things true.Other day spoke him "Jazz" big seagull sitting
cheekily on higher wall, cat cried, went indoors I can see by window,while on computer cat still mouth
open three cries, could been frightened of seagull
or some cuddly dogs, taken out. Now I sit beside him on low wall jump up snuggle up and bump me, roll over
or lay out flat, nearly falls off the wall, loves gentle touch and Ray scratch his stomach. They know.
Pop Navy man, always say know borther's too be on leave, start cooking, sure enough bach on leave with mates come no letters then. Mine gone to takes things
to friend confusing if he shops and me to, so all receipts? If write in ahste, your see mistakes appear. Reading your Cornwall day's really good, I nearly drowned to after lessons pot hole life guard.
Pop when I was child still am. let me go in sea, shock when floating. Nerve wracking. Isn't it.
julie xx
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New Skinner-jennifer Hello.
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
New Skinner-jennifer
Hello. Yes I do agree with you.
I wne to bed one night, woke bed wet No!
yes, it was water bottle burst, so I did
poem, big head thgougt clever, no comments.
The I tried "A Knight In Armour" but it mean't
each piece spiritally breast plate of motto og god.
Safety I think. No comments.
I think it has to appeal and have a bite in it, but
it's abit like sweets, we all like something different, sour sweet sharp, soft centred appealing maybe. No not crystals don't know. But bible states do not meddle with powers unknown. True cos brings more trouble. Maybe you have someone ancestory, have I spelt it right. Tea leaves fortune telling, taboo inreligious world. Mine watches ghost stories, I hate. Hour away, from sea, but Seagulls in land.
I was in paper once been wring centre, screaming noise flying low gigantic birds Seagulls, I had gliiter T shirt on, but zoomed low came back heavy wings, whacked me round my hearing aid, as I ran poeple shelter damn thing flew on, not knowing nesting high above building where I had been. So told
shops so could clear roof, press came out took photo
in garden, not same told me had to look sad. I look
really grumpy, but never put my poem in, stated maybe
it didn't like my poem daft. Now I have just done 2nd poem called it "Landing Bush" true here.
Maybe it's a gift you have, one day like touch, or care people, or just being aware.
I feel and I hope many will think of Giving our Editor t.cook cherry! for Abc Tales Top Writing site, by MakerUser I think, got right name.
I have found more silly or stupid or unusal poems I
tried, more AbcTale's like. And I sit laughing here. Can't believe. If it makes some one happy or bit sad, or can't undertsand mine, that's good causes eruption and more comments and reads, strange really. I combat answer or may not.
Please more stories, and poems all brilliant. On here!
julie xx
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there's no such thing as
Permalink Submitted by darkenwolf on
there's no such thing as coincidence! Brilliant; i love it.
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you are so very welcome ;)
Permalink Submitted by darkenwolf on
you are so very welcome ;)
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Nice Poem Jennifer, there
Permalink Submitted by WillSimpson on
Nice Poem Jennifer, there was a theory put forward by the great Carl Jung called syncronicity,
A good one I notice is when you drive past someone in a car and stare at them, they will turn before you pass and look back at you, I tried it once to prove it to my mate and it worked on every person we did it too,
Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt
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It's called instinct; we've
Permalink Submitted by darkenwolf on
It's called instinct; we've all got it but most of refuse to accept it - it takes us back to our animal ancestors - my instincts have never failed me; unfortunately i don't always listen to them.
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if we always listened to our
if we always listened to our instincts we wouldn't be human- we would be animal! Even our ancestors made mistakes and sometimes fatal! We are not always as rational as we would like to be ;D Thank goodness
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instinct isn't rational its
Permalink Submitted by darkenwolf on
instinct isn't rational its instinct. The rational mind says we have evolved beyond instinct but we are still animals after all different ones but animals all the same. ;)
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That was my point that
That was my point that instinct isn't rational but I believe we are not animals at all as we have the power of thought and don't follow our instincts as animals do all the time. I am not an animal. I am a human being with sensibility even though things don't always make sense ;)
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i can tell you that animals
Permalink Submitted by darkenwolf on
i can tell you that animals think as well and whether you like to think yourself an animal or not i'm afraid we all are: homo-sapien>primate>mammal>animal
sorry but thats science for you.
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Animals don't think ;) they
Animals don't think ;) they are not rational at all. That's the difference between human beings and them . That's not science in my books. But maybe I missed out on something ;)
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i've seen chimps use tools
Permalink Submitted by darkenwolf on
i've seen chimps use tools and an octopus figure out how to open a bottle and pull a crab out of it - that isn't instinct but learned behaviour to learn something you have to think it through. Just because they think in a different way to us does not mean that they don't think. But if you're getting tired of the debate i'm willing to agree it disagree.
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Oh I am not tired of it but
Oh I am not tired of it but I think we have come to a standstill. I am willing to agree that we disagree :D
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New darkenwolf Sorry to all,
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
New darkenwolf
Sorry to all, we definitely came from strt animals Apes. History, way long ago, and through time we
developed from stoneage. If this special cat "Green Eyes"
I now sit beside him on wall, he is happy and bumps me. I speak to him, and say silly things your beautiful, he cries responding, stroke him tenderly.
I get 3 miaow's uini proved Cat's Miao'w mean something like when babies cry. Like Bird's talk repat us, \Myna Bird Parrots.
I had books weekly once unexplained, most interesting. Encouraging instincts. Animals hurt unhappy bite, claw. and humas have all instincts don't you think I know. I bet I have "Rocked the boat now"? and get a lot of comments whoops!
julie xx
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thanks for the support but i
Permalink Submitted by darkenwolf on
thanks for the support but i think you might be right about the comments.
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New darkenwolf Hi! Dont's
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
New darkenwolf
Hi! Dont's want to upset anyone, but paper now
states someone had a bunch of Lily flowers
for a thankyou, took them in, and Cat involved died.
But the "Belladonna" Lily family, dictionary states, it is a poison flower. So who knows. Hope so sometimes right sometimes wrong?
But watch Monkey's they will imitate us tea parties
being like being bottled fed, and antics. Read my "Green Eyes". Jazz the cat poem. Sometimes turn his back on me, we are like that sometimes to.
Now cat comes call by name, running, if not
well and I am not about when open door, he is on wall waiting for me. And I say beautiful cat in the world, have you been looking for me? cries. miaow.miaow's. Different breeds cat's and dogs different temperament. Pyschology is used just like us. Behavior problems animals can now be re-trained
t.v showed. Very interesting, analyse us, and animals
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Hi Jenny, rather lost sight
Hi Jenny, rather lost sight of your poem in the huge mass of comments. I don't know about ESP, but my youngest daughter was told by a medium that aload of named people were keeping their eyes on her. She'd never heard of any of them and coming back home told her mother Anne, who replied that every name was one of her (Anne's) ancestors. Ther'es definitely something out there of which we have no hard knowledge. Hope you get to read this Geoff.
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