Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light (PT 16 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1652 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Sixteen
Morning was gradually moving into afternoon as Kendrick's tank purred down road after road. He was beginning to feel like all this driving was a waste of time, Mina could be anywhere by now.
The air was becoming colder, even inside his vehicle, but Kendrick refused to put the heating on considering his daughter was somewhere out there maybe alone and freezing.
Kendrick thoughts turned to the many houses he passed, he imagined the people who's prim and proper lives seemed boring and a million miles away from his own life, completely understanding Mina's reluctance to live like this, but in reality his wife dying meant his daughter needed stability. The only way he could see her going forward was to live like himself and his brother Cedrick had.
Stopping his vehicle by the side of the road, Kendrick took his phone from the glove compartment and decided to call his brother's office where Cedrick worked as a landscape gardener. The phone rang out only a couple of times before it was answered.
“Hello!” Cedrick sounded surprised to hear from him on a Monday morning. “Kendrick, aren't you supposed to be at a meeting?”
“Yeah I was, but had to cancel.” There was a silent pause. “Mina's gone missing. I've been driving around all morning without any success at finding her.”
Cedrick sounded confused. “How could she have gone missing? We only saw her yesterday. I thought you took her to the foster home?”
“Yeah, I did, but that's the problem. Apparently she left their house in the early hours and hasn't been seen since.” Whilst he was talking Kendrick scanned the streets in hope of seeing her, though he knew it was clutching at straws. “I've been up and down these suburban roads so many times I'm sick of driving around. There's not been sight nor sound since I left her with the foster parents last night.”
“Are you sure she's not gone to one of her friends? That's normally what a ten year old would do.” Replied Cedrick.
“No, I've checked with Mrs Kennedy from the adoption agency. She's been in touch with school and none of her friends have seen her since Friday. Anyway, as you know Mina's not a normal ten year old. She's also had so much responsibility looking after her mother.” Kendrick knew the weight his daughter carried when Nina was ill.
He began to shiver with anger at himself for letting this happen. “I can't believe I was stupid enough to bring Mina out into this world with strangers.” Kendrick tried to find the right words to say. “I'm begging you brother, please, please let Mina come and live with your family, she'll be so much happier.”
Cedrick paused and tutted. “Look, I know that's what families are for, to help each other out in times of crisis, you know I'd be there if I could, but you're aware of our situation here. We've hardly any space for our own kids, leave alone taking in another. I explained this yesterday and Mina said she understood.”
Kendrick felt deflated, going over and over in his mind with a heavy feeling, knowing that as a parent he was now fully responsible for his daughter.
Cedrick could sense the panic in his brother's voice. “Look! Stop blaming yourself. Keep me informed of what's going on and I'll help in any way I can.”
“Yeah! Sure. I'll speak to you later.” Kendrick hung up and put his phone down beside him. Switching the engine on, it became all too clear that the longer Mina was missing, the harder it was going to be to find her, the first twenty four hours being so crucial.
All kinds of scenarios ran through his mind. Thoughts of her being kidnapped by some mad person, or even worse she could be dead. This didn't bear thinking about. He turned the radio on to take his mind off these thoughts. Blue Oyster Cult were playing: Don't Fear The Reaper, not very appropriate for his state of mind, but he decided to keep the music playing.
This was turning out to be a nightmare of a day. The main road was up ahead, Kendrick was worried that she might have headed that way and maybe got into a car with someone although he knew she wouldn't normally talk to strangers, he worried she might be more trusting if desperate.
Kendrick decided to park the vehicle up and walk, feeling he might have more success on foot. He wished now he'd got a recent photo of Mina, it would make life so much easier. Although he was cold, his body was sweating with all the worry. Licking his lips and realizing he was thirsty had him longing for a drink, as he noticed a newsagents just across the road.
Locking the vehicle door he made his way over, thinking he'd write a postcard and put it in the window, there seemed to be quite a few cards selling items and asking for accommodation, so hopefully it would do the trick.
The shop was full of school kids eager for sweets and drinks, which had Kendrick realizing just how hungry he was. Picking up a sausage roll and some bottled water, he took them to the counter.
The assistant gazed at him with lifeless eyes as if being behind the counter was the last place he wanted to be. Placing the bottle and roll down, Kendrick asked, “can I place an ad in your window?”
Without speaking the slim man bent down and checked under the counter, coming up with a card and pen as if it were an inconvenience to be asked. “That will be one pound a week.” He uttered in a robotic mode.
It felt strange to be giving out his details in such a way and he felt apprehensive, but for now it felt like a positive solution to finding her.
As he paid for his items and decided to pay for the card in the window for four weeks, his phone rang. “Hello!” He said walking out of the shop. It was the police station.
“Hello, Mr Hunter? I'm calling to find out if you've any news on your daughter?”
“I was hoping you'd be able to tell me something of her whereabouts.” Replied Kendrick.” This call was not what he was expecting and it left him even more concerned.
To be continued...
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I like the way the character
I like the way the character of Kendrick is explored further with each part. You must feel you know them all like old friends after working on this for so long!
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I'm glad you are exploring
I'm glad you are exploring Kendrick more as I found him a bit hard to understand, he has become a real person and you are conveying his worry very clearly
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Some good realistic details
Some good realistic details added to the search here, first 24 hours etc, and expanding our knowledge of Kendrick's character... onto the next one...
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