Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 18 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 2090 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Eighteen
Mina ran through the darkness of the tunnel following the sound of her father's whispering voice calling. Much closer she heard a cat meowing but was unable to see anything. Behind her in the distance she was aware of dogs approaching, they would not let her be as their barking became louder and more savage the closer they got.
With no idea of where she was going and no light, Mina became aware of the ember in her pocket beginning to get hotter as sparks began to fly burning through her coat, within seconds her legs were on fire. Mina panicked and started to thrash at the flames, falling to her knees. “Help! Help!” She screamed arms flaying in the air.
At that moment a hand grabbed her shoulder and a man's voice called out. “Hey! MIna wake up, wake up, yer sitting far to close to the fire, yer burning up.”
Mina opened her eyes thinking at first it was her dad, but it was John. She'd been dreaming and suddenly realized she was sweating, her red face bent over her knees almost touching the flames of the fire.
Quickly she found her footing and jumped up leaning back into the cold tunnel wall, relieved to find it was just a nightmare. One thing worried her all the same as she checked the piece of coal in her pocket, she'd forgotten all about the ember until now, but realized it was a warning. “I want to leave here,” Mina uttered shaking. “Can Ivan take me to Meadow Cup Close? I really need to go right now.”
“But it's the middle of the night,” declared John feeling decidedly responsible for Mina. “Can't you leave at first light?” He said trying to give her the right advice, but desperate for the her to leave him in peace.
“I can't wait, mum's friend will look after me.” She looked over at Ivan. “He's the only one who can help, please, please John.”
Finally agreeing, John took Mina's hand as they wandered over to the couple. Ivan was still asleep head leaning on his girlfriend's shoulder. Skylar on the other hand was deep in a trance still holding a spliff, her eyes as large as the Cheshire Cat out of Alice In Wonderland. Her head swayed from side to side as John approached.
“Ivan, Ivan!” John tried to shake him awake.
“Hey, what yer doing?” Called out Skylar, her head still bobbing from side to side.
“I need Ivan to wake up. The young-en needs him to take her to that address.” John could tell it was going to take a lot to get Ivan up.
Mina was still sweating from her dream. “Is he going to be alright? I really need to go now.”
Skylar pointed her finger at Mina gesturing. “Hey, girly what's all the rush about? Ain't nobody never have to worry bout nothing down here.”
Ivan started to rouse at the sound of Skylar's voice. He lifted his head and gazed at John and Mina, uncertain of what was going on. “What's the problem John?” He started to smile, showing his black teeth that had seen better days. “Got any spliffs on you?” He turned to Skylar realizing she had one between her fingers. “Give us a puff girl.”
Skylar wasn't having any of it, her dreadlocks now hanging down across her face. “Nah, get yer own, it's me last one.”
John caught hold of Ivan by the arm and pulled him up. “Come on get up, I need you to take this girl to that address.”
Ivan's head began to spin and his legs were like jelly where he'd been sat for so long. “Hey! Get off me, what address? Don't know what yer talking about.” He leaned against the wall for support, trying to understand exactly what was going on.
“Yes you do know the address, don't you remember saying so last night?” Replied John.
Ivan brushed himself down feeling agitated and still sleepy, as his adventurous dream had now warn off. “I was out of it last night, don't remember anything. Who's the girl anyway? Looks a bit young to be out here, shouldn't she be at home?”
“I haven't got a home,” voiced Mina annoyed. “That's why I need you to take me to Meadow Cup Close.” She looked him straight in the eyes. “Like now!”
“Meadow Cup Close! Yeah I know that address, it's one of the new housing estates not far from here.”
“Well come on let's go.” Mina was getting impatient and eager to get going.
“Okay, okay already. What's the rush anyway?” Ivan hated being hurried, it just wasn't in his nature.
“I'm in danger and need to get to this address before I'm captured and taken away.” Mina was so desperate she felt a need to over play her situation.
Now Ivan was worried that they would be found in the tunnel and decided he'd better get moving. Turning to Skylar he picked up a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Don't move till I get back,” he ordered.
“I ain't going no where hon. “Skylar was far too spaced out to even think of vacating her spot. Even in the darkness of the dimly lit tunnel colors were shifting like tidal waves moving in and out, she had no idea what was real or imagination.
John felt relieved that Mina was leaving them, she seemed far too young to be out in the middle of the night, down here among so much poverty.
Satisfied that Skylar was settled for the night, Ivan led Mina out of the tunnel while John made his way back to the fire adding more wood that had been collected.
Mina followed Ivan wondering to herself what had happened to Paddy. I bet he's asleep on that park bench! She thought to herself. Mina hoped he'd keep his promise about not telling anyone she'd been in the tunnel.
Although it was dark outside, Mina had no idea of the time, she hoped that her mum's friend Evie wouldn't be asleep, or if she was that she'd wake up and hear her knock.
The air being very cold was a great relief for Mina after her ordeal with the fire, though the same couldn't be said for Ivan who gritted his teeth and soldiered on rubbing his arms trying to warm up. He wished he'd taken the blanket for himself instead of giving it to Skylar, especially when Mina put up her hood to protect her head.
Mina grabbed Ivan's arm no longer affected by the bad odors. She had many worries and one of them was the thought of going back to the foster home. “Ivan, I want you to make me a promise.”
Ivan thought she seemed far too serious. “What's all this about promises?” He said brushing the girl's hand away.
Mina hoped he would see the importance of what she was about to ask him. “Promise if anyone comes looking for me, that you'll say you've not seen me, that includes the others too.”
“So,” replied Ivan, “someone is looking for you. Don't know if I should lie, you being so young. Seems to me that if people are searching, then you're cared about.” Ivan wasn't so sure he understood Mina, he'd never had anyone come searching for him or seeking his whereabouts, not that he'd have gone home anyway. His life was far too sad to return. This got him thinking that maybe Mina's situation was similar to his. “Okay, I won't tell anyone I seen you, but I hope you know what yer doing.”
“It's okay, I know exactly what I have to do...thank you Ivan.” She touched his arm and smiled.
Ivan had never experienced anyone thanking him before, it was strange when Mina touched his arm, he felt a warmth at her contact he'd not even encountered with Skylar, it was slightly unnerving as the warm sensation took away his shivers and left him happy. “Come on we can't hang around all night, got to get back to me girl.”
At last Mina was on her way, it left her feeling relieved she'd made some progress at last. They reached the underpass and ventured by the factory, then made their way down the street she'd wandered much earlier the day before.
Without realizing, Mina walked by the tank she'd named her father's new car, completely immersed in talking to Ivan, unaware her dad was asleep in the back of the vehicle, as they carried on down the road arm in arm.
Progressing passed the foster home, Mina registered that she'd gone left when she should have gone right. The house was in darkness much to her relief. She wanted to tell Ivan about the home, but decided the less he knew the better, so they pressed on in silence.
To be continued...
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You have me on tenterhooks
You have me on tenterhooks hoping she gets to the right place!
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Amazing that she is still OK,
Amazing that she is still OK, and we know you're working the story out! Rhiannon
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Mina demanding to be taken to
Mina demanding to be taken to the address emphasises how young she is. And the way you so quickly give a clear impression of Skylar and Ivan is great
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Good dream sequence at the
Good dream sequence at the start. Mina is very strong-willed. Colourful interactions and supporting cast around her as ever, the tunnel was an interesting place, little microcosm of life, will miss it if it's the last we see
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