Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 20 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1329 reads
Picture by Pixabay free images.
A Story In Forty Eight Parts.
Part Twenty
Kendrick awoke in the backseat of his vehicle squinting, dazzled by lights of a passing car. Long strands of dark hair fell across his face where his plait had come loose. Sitting up and stretching he felt a punishing ache in every part of his body from laying in the same position, he just wasn't used to sleeping curled up in the same manner for so long, but hadn't seen the point in going back to his caravan.
Fixing his hair Kendrick had decided there were hidden secrets, he'd felt them in his disturbing dreams and knew they had something to do with Mina. At least now he'd be in the area at first light he thought. Without having had much sleep, he checked his watch which said 6.30am, it was still very early on this November morning and darkness seemed to drag on, but daybreak wouldn't be far off and he needed to stretch.
Shifting position he tried to close his eyes and go back to sleep, but it was impossible with so many scenarios going around in his head. No longer able to rest, he pondered if he should go and see the foster family who lived close by, but had the feeling they'd all be sleeping, so decided to leave that idea. Anyway! He thought, if she'd returned I would have heard by now.
There was only one thing for it, he needed to find water, it always helped and bought him closer to the truth, using his keen senses Kendrick would have more idea of where to look.
Remembering the direction John had seen Mina walk, Kendrick opened the car door and locked it. leaving his vehicle he headed towards the main road. A police car's siren could be heard getting closer, a reminder that left him wondering if the force had started searching yet, not that he had much faith in them, as far as Kendrick was concerned he'd be better off using his own initiative.
Passing the factory there seemed to be quite a few lorries coming and going, leaving Kendrick in the throes of worry as to whether Mina had been abducted. Machines could be heard pulsing like the beat of a heart, it was very agitating leaving him wondering how on earth people worked in that noise, he couldn't wait to get away from the drumming.
Kendrick's throat also felt gravelly, what he would give for a cup of tea at this moment he was so thirsty, but there wasn't any time to think of dehydration with a need to push on. Walking down the path towards the tunnel, a feeling he couldn't explain strengthened his reserve. Closing eyes his senses were telling him Mina had gone this way, so Kendrick decided to check out the river first, hopefully it would lead him to his daughter.
Across the other side of the path, another route took him up a muddy embankment, his boots squelched as they picked up large clumps that clung. Climbing was hard because it was slippery in places, but soon he was at the top looking down the other side at a river. Keeping his balance Kendrick ran down, noticing on the other side of the river was another embankment with a railway line.
At the water's edge light was beginning to break through dark clouds, soon it would be daylight, but for now darkness was what he needed for scrying. Finding a place to kneel and reach the water, was easy enough. Kendrick stepped down onto some rocks and took off his leather coat placing it on a rock. Slowly coming down to his knees, he got comfortable on the coat.
From his pocket he took a crystal pendulum and held it just above the surface, breathing deeply and concentrating, he began to chant: “I've come here for guidance great channel of water. Knowledge of my daughter's disappearance is what I seek. Her name's Willowmina, child of Kendrick and Nina. Secrets lay hidden just below surface, I need to find her, please help, give me direction, show me where she resides.”
Kendrick kept repeating the chant over and over till the pendulum began to swing, he closed his eyes again in meditation. How long he knelt there Kendrick had no idea, but when he opened them, daylight was unfolding, as were the ripples in the murky water which began to swirl creating images of what at first looked like a map, but then Kendrick noticed lines separating and turning into stick people huddled together around what appeared to be a fire. Kendrick knew from experience that this meant Mina was, or had been close by.
Placing the pendulum back in his pocket, he rolled up his sleeve and placed his hand into the freezing water and began circling with his fingers in a clockwise direction, again chanting: “Oh great channel of water, thank you for your help. Feel my magic healing run through your quivering motion, let vibrations set you free, for this is my gift in thanks to you. So mote it be.”
Although there were no signs that showed the water was pleased, Kendrick knew he'd done enough. Coming to standing he gazed out across the waste land and wondered which way he should go. He sighed with relief that at least Mina wasn't hurt or even worse dead.
Putting his coat back on, Kendrick made his way back to the path, it looked like rain as large black clouds appeared to get bigger, hanging like a deep depression. Kendrick could hear voices and barking of dogs in the far distance as he climbed back up the embankment and ran down the other side. Out of breath he was just about to reach in his pocket for his phone, when it began to ring, Kendrick had a feeling he knew who was on the other end as he answered it.
To be continued...
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Another brilliant cliffhanger
Another brilliant cliffhanger ending!
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