Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 27 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1149 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Twenty Seven
Three Years Later!
As seasons swiftly proceeded, the years became a motivating force for the young Willowmina, shaping her character as she welcomed her thirteenth birthday with enthusiasm, for now her age gave meaning, Mina was finally a teenager at last, no longer a junior though her style still remained. Now she was growing older, the boys that poked fun at her suddenly became interested, even Jason didn't bother trying to be nasty anymore.
When her friend Mia moved away, Mina found it hard at first, but over the months a new group of friends entered her life. They discovered fashion and how much pleasure it gave them to dress differently to everybody else, so much so that they shadowed Mina's mysterious ways. Wearing white makeup and black eyeliner was a must, even for the boys in their group, parents couldn't understand why their sons would want to wear black lipstick and dress in black, it all seemed senseless to them, but Mina loved being the center of attention and took pleasure in their fascination of her.
School had improved too...with Evie's help. Mina's keenness to learn progressed rapidly. Hirwin Ravenclaw wasn't around much these days, over the three years his interest in Evie seemed to have waned, though Evie had no idea why as she was still interested in him, but It did mean Evie was able to take Mina out to museums and made sure to show an interest in her learning. Mina's passion was still with animals, she'd made a decision to become a veterinary surgeon when finally leaving education. Evie and Kendrick were like two proud parents excited at her enthusiasm to go to college.
Yes she'd left behind her ten year old self, but still held onto her beliefs and gifts. Her biggest surprise was finding out that the ember could do more than just tell her when danger was around. It first started when she once healed a limping cat's leg on the side of the road. Mina had been holding the ember and was studying it when she saw the struggling cat. Walking up to it, Mina bent down and touched the poor creature, stroking its fur, her instincts told her to place the ember on the cat's leg, as she did the ember became warm and the tiny creature meowed. It took only a while for the ember to work its magic as the cat in minutes got up and wandered off, much to the amazement of Mina, though she never told anyone not even her dad or Evie.
It was great to be able to help other creatures, though she'd never attempt to practice on humans being too scared they wouldn't understand. Just before her friend Mia moved away, Mina saved her goldfish that was looking sickly just lying in the bottom of the tank, by holding the ember till it turned orange, then putting her hand in the water and gently placing the fish in her palm, it just seemed to revive the fish as it began to swim once more, much to Mia's surprise.
Mina could feel the magic working and sometimes had to make a conscious effort to control the power. Plants would bounce back to life the moment she placed the ember near them. Flowers would open their petals in Summer and sing to her, though Mina was the only one to hear their sound because it was so high pitched, leaving her feeling so privileged.
Mina had been let down the last time her father had said he would take her on holiday, it had all been planned, but then Kendrick's brother Cederick fell ill and they couldn't go. Though she was still not looking forward to meeting his friends in Tintagel who were strangers to her, she was still desperate to holiday with her dad. This time he'd promised to keep his word...even if it was three years later.
That morning Kendrick had the tank filled up with petrol already for the trip down to Cornwall. It felt like there was enough luggage for a month, not just a couple of weeks, what with presents for the children and camping gear, he'd just about enough room for Mina up front.
Kendrick was on his way to pick Mina up and couldn't wait to see his daughter, it had been at least two weeks since his last visit, but now he'd be spending every day with her and wanted it to be a fun time, so planned to camp out at some point even though it was Winter, knowing how much Mina loved the outdoors without even thinking of the weather.
In the past three years there had been many visits from Hirwin Ravenclaw to his massage sessions, each time he would question him on the forest where he worked, it had worried Kendrick to the point he wanted to give up his job at the hydro, but then in the last couple of months Ravenclaw thankfully hadn't been around. “If that man comes back just once more, I'm packing my job in here.” He'd said to the girl on reception.
But now he was also looking forward to seeing his friends and their family who lived as a commune in a big farmhouse in Tintagel. There were three families altogether made up of brothers, their wives and children, they all shared responsibilities around the farm.
Mina sat on the edge of her bed with Evie reluctantly waiting for dad to pick her up, it wasn't that she wouldn't be pleased to see him, it was just the fact she was slightly afraid of the unknown and had no idea where they were going, or who these people were that Kendrick was looking forward to seeing. “They're dad's friends,” she'd declared to Evie, “I don't know these people. I hate being forced into situations. That's all dad does these days.”
Evie understood where Mina was coming from, having got to know her so much more over the past three years, but knew that life could be a great adventure if Mina embraced every moment. Putting her arm around Mina's shoulder she insisted, “I thought you were excited about going and I'm sure you'll love it down there. You know your dad's trying his best and it could be a great experience for you.”
Mina's hair curtained her face as she fidgeted with her fingers still not convinced. Her heart beat fast as the doorbell rang. “That sounds like your dad,” voiced Evie getting up to answer it.
“I'll go!” Mina replied jumping up quick and running out the bedroom, leaving Evie surprised at how quickly she moved.
Opening the front door, Mina almost knocked Kendrick over jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist giving him a big hug. “Dad, I've missed you so much,” she announced hanging from his neck.
“Whoa!” Kendrick was taken aback and surprised by the sudden welcome. “I'm happy to see you too butterfly. Are you ready for the off?”
Mina jumped back with a sudden frown on her face. “No...not really dad, can't we go somewhere, just you and me? We could do whatever you like, I'll even go fishing, we can go wherever you want ” Mina started talking at a hundred miles an hour, anxious to go anywhere other than staying with these strangers.
Kendrick couldn't understand her reluctance, considering how much more grown up she was these days, it was like the ten year old Mina returning. “Slow down butterfly. We will spend everyday together for the next fortnight, but I think it will be good for you to mix with the friendly family we're staying with, you'll like them I promise.”
Mina knew she was fighting a loosing battle, it was useless trying to change her father's mind once he made it up. She slumped off to get her back pack that Evie had got her.
Evie came out of the kitchen and into the hallway having decided to leave daughter and father to talk. “Hello Kendrick, come in and wait for Mina, she shouldn't be long.”
Kendrick stepped over the threshold and grinned. “How has Mina been holding up at school lately?” The chill outside had him rubbing his hands together glad to feel some warmth.
“Oh, she's doing really well and every night she's been studying. I think this break will do her the world of good.” Evie always felt slightly uncomfortable in Kendrick's presence, his tallness and lengthy hair tied in a ponytail with the long leather black coat he still wore, were all intimidating, but she knew he was a good man at heart.
Mina came back through from her room proudly holding up a gift. “Look what Evie bought me, a brand knew backpack and she let me choose it myself.”
Kendrick looked at the brand knew army bag in green and black camouflage. “That was very kind of you Evie. I was going to buy her one myself, it's just as well I didn't now.” Although Kendrick was pleased, he did feel slightly guilty that he should have had the idea himself.
“It's no problem,” stated Evie. “Let's say it's an early Christmas present from me.” Evie could see the awkwardness in his eyes and hoped he'd understand.
“I'm sure Mina will get a lot of use out of it, especially as we'll be doing some camping.”
Evie looked over at Mina and shivered at the thought of camping in December. “Well!” She said. “I hope the weather's not too bad, it can be wild with freezing temperatures down Cornwall at this time of the year.”
“Oh! Don't worry, we'll be fine. I've got two really good sleeping bags and a very warm tent,” replied Kendrick, almost as if he were trying to convince himself.
Evie still wasn't persuaded, but Mina seemed quite happy about the idea, so she left it at that. Giving Mina a kiss on the cheek and a hug, she uttered. “Well I hope you have a wonderful time and I'll see you in a fortnight.”
As they stepped outside the door, Mina slipped the hood of her long black coat up and called back, “thanks Evie, I hope you don't get too lonely without me.” Then the door slammed and Evie was on her own.
“It's going to be pretty quiet around here without Mina, I'm sure.” Evie whispered to herself making her way into the kitchen and wondering what she'd have to eat tonight alone.
To be continued...
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coming along nicely!
coming along nicely!
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How I wish I could make
How I wish I could make animals better, the perfect super power !
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