Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 28 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1652 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Twenty Eight
The five hour journey down to Cornwall had been tedious for Mina with nothing to occupy her but the country music her dad played, followed by miles and miles of open fields, trees and hills that seemed to whiz by so fast she barely got to see anything.
Kendrick had insisted they only stop once on the way as he wanted to get down to Tintagel before it got dark. He'd also wanted to broach the subject of Hirwin Ravenclaw, but for the past three years every time he went to speak on the subject he'd forget what it was he wanted to say, this had been so frustrating and Kendrick had no idea why he just couldn't talk about it.
Mina was lost in her own thoughts wondering about this far off place they were traveling to. She'd never seen the the sea in real life before, except from books at school and what she'd seen on television. Mina remembered being fascinated by the harbors and small vessels her teacher said were fishing boats.
This was the furthest she'd been in her life, Birchester was all she needed and it felt like the world outside was way too vast for her liking. She loved living with Evie, but still longed for the forest that was surrounded by trees and gave a sense of security, the brooks and small streams where fresh water flowed...from where? Mina had no idea, her lack of adventure meant she didn't really care that much, which was why being out here felt unprotected with enormous landscapes that went on further than the eye could see.
Mina thought to herself! Now I know what they mean when people talk about eating up the miles. That's exactly how it felt to her with cars moving at great speeds overtaking like they were in such a hurry.
Moving ever closer to their destination, Kendrick was just about to say, look! There's the sea in the distance, but Mina beat him to it.
“Dad! Look, I think I can see water between those two hills.” She pointed excitedly thinking how cool it looked.
“You're right butterfly, won't be long now and you'll be able to smell the salty air.”
Mina opened the window and could immediately feel a difference in the cold atmosphere which seemed a lot fresher. “Dad, can I stick my head out the window?” She was desperate to see what it would be like.
“Okay butterfly,” laughed Kendrick. “Go ahead but I don't think you'll last long.”
Mina couldn't resist the lure of cold breeze. Winding the window down as far as it would go she reached out face first. Immediately a gale force wind took her breath away, she pulled herself back in pretty quick. “Whoa! I won't be doing that again in a hurry.” Mina began coughing, reaching down to the floor for the flask of hot tea. Quickly unscrewing the top she poured some out into the cup.Evie had introduced her to coffee which she now preferred, but the tea was all there was so that would have to do.
Kendrick on the other hand was amused at his daughter discovering new experiences. As he dwelt on this, the lanes suddenly weren't straight, but meandered this way and that as he came off the main road and onto a dirt track that gave them that bumpy feeling as they jolted around. The high hedges on each side made it difficult to see, but very soon they disappeared and Mina gazed at open fields.
In the distance a horse drawn red square shaped box on wheels carried four young children and a woman who was driving the horse. She began waving when catching sight of the vehicle.
“Who's that?” Exclaimed Mina finishing the last of her tea and screwing the cup back on the flask.
“That's Sally, she's one of the mums who helps run the small holding.” Kendrick couldn't help feeling excited, it had been months since he'd been here, but as always nothing had changed which was so heart warming to know.
Kendrick stopped the vehicle and got out as Sally approached and jumped down off the cart followed by the chanting children all shouting, “Uncle Kendrick! Uncle Kendrick!”
“Hello my friend, how are you?” Called out Sally with a smile that seemed to light up even the darkest day.
“Hi Sally, I'm not too bad, how about yourself?”
“We're all fine and making the most of the daylight hours that are getting shorter now Winter's here.” Sally turned to look at Mina who sat quietly in the passenger seat, afraid to come out with all the attention her dad was getting. “And who's this young lady might I ask?”
Kendrick felt a sudden wave of guilt at leaving Mina in the car. “This is Mina.” He waved his daughter out of the car. “Butterfly come and meet the children.” She got out reluctantly, these were her dad's friends, she had no idea what to say.
“Butterfly this is Charlie and Michael, they're Linda and Chris's boys who you'll meet later.” The two young boys looked apprehensively. “Then there's Thomas and Abbey they're Chris and Nigel's children who also didn't look that impressed.
Sally on the other hand was smiling with open arms. “Mina it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Kendrick's told us so much about his little butterfly.”
Mina stood rigid slightly embarrassed at the fact this woman knew dad's name for her. She wasn't sure what to say.
Sally gave her a hug then gazed at Mina's white face, black nail varnish and long black coat which matched her lengthy dark hair. “Are you a goth?” Sally asked, her look seemed to indicate she was.
“I like goth music and most people seem to suggest I am, so I suppose I must be.” Mina liked the fact this woman asked her questions, it meant she was genuinely interested.
“So, what music do you like?” Sally enquired as the children pulled on Kendrick's long leather coat wishing to be picked up.
“Well, I mainly listen to the old stuff, like the Cure who are my favorite, but I also like Psychedelic Furs.”
“I've heard of the Cure, but not Psychedelic Furs , replied Sally. "Well Mina I think you're going to like holidaying here, your dad tells me you love animals.”
“Yeah! I enjoy being around them as long as they're not caged. I think all creatures should be free to roam wherever they want, after all it's their life.” Mina thought Sally seemed like a caring type of person and hoped the others would be the same. Reaching in her pocket she felt the ember, it was cool so she knew everything was okay.
“Get back in the cart kids, you'll wear Kendrick out and we've got to get to the market before it closes.” Sally insisted waving them aboard.
The four children climbed back on the cart and waved. “See you later Uncle Kendrick,” they shouted in unison.
“Bye kids, we'll see you in a while.” Turning to his daughter he asked, “well butterfly, what do you think of Sally?”
“Yeah, she's alright.” Mina got back in the car intent on hearing her sounds and picked up the only tape she'd bought with her. “Dad can you put my music on?”
Kendrick didn't see the point in putting a tape on now they were almost there. “But we're nearly at the house, you can play it later.”
This only made Mina more intent on listening. “Please, please dad.”
“Okay! But just till we get to the house.” Kendrick didn't mind her music, in fact if truth be known he enjoyed it as much as Mina did, though he'd never admit it. As a father he thought it unusual for a thirteen year old to be so intense, but of course everyone kept telling him Mina wasn't your average thirteen year old, but a lot older and wiser than her years.
Love Cats came on and Mina was happy sitting back with her eyes closed listening. Kendrick began driving along the dirt track. It wasn't long before the huge farmhouse was in sight. It stood out on the horizon surrounded by fields.
“I've a surprise for you,” said Kendrick grinning.
“What is it dad, please tell me.” Mina was desperate to hear what he had in store for her.
“No, it won't be a surprise if I tell you, now will it?” Kendrick waited for a reply.
“I suppose not,” uttered Mina.
Approaching the house, a woman in a red jumper and jeans was milking a goat, while another was feeding some chickens. There was a man with a beard, mustache and hair in a ponytail wearing a flat cap knocking a fence post in with a wooden mallet, he wore an old brown jumper over jeans and heavy boots, thick gloves gave his hands some protection from splintered wood.
“Who are those people?” Asked Mina.
“That's Nick fixing the post,” replied Kendrick, “he's Sally's husband and does a lot of the jobs around here, luckily he can put his hand to most things.”
“What about the two women?” Questioned Mina.
The woman milking the goat is Christine and the woman feeding the chickens is Linda.”
As they pulled up outside the house, everyone stopped what they were doing and went to meet their guests.
Turning off the engine, Mina and her dad got out. Kendrick immediately felt the warm welcome as they walked over and hugged him.
“Nick, it's so good to be here again. This is my daughter Mina.”
Nick smiled and removed his gloves shaking hands. “Pleased to meet you Mina.” Then turned to Kendrick, “so, how have you been my friend?” Nick asked ushering them both to come inside.
“Oh, we're not doing too bad.” replied Kendrick. Following with his daughter.
Linda came and put her arm around Mina's shoulders and led her into the house. “It's lovely to finally meet you Mina, your dad's always telling us news of how your getting on when he comes to visit.”
Mina smiled enjoying the fact she didn't feel left out.
Christine took the bucket of milk and placed on the kitchen table. A girl looking about Mina's age appeared around a door, her long wavy dark hair covering her face so that only her mouth, nose and eyes were showing. She wore a long brown woolen jumper over black leggings and thick woolly black socks on her feet. Mina thought she seemed as mysterious as herself.
Walking up to the girl she introduced herself. “Hi my name's Willowmina but you can call me Mina, what's yours?”
“Kate!” Announced the girl with her face down and still covered by her long flowing curls.
Mina thought she was even shyer than herself, so decided to get to know her better. “How old are you then?”
In a whisper Kate announced, “I'm fourteen.”
“Well I'm thirteen,” said Mina, “so you've got a year on me.” They both smiled and it appeared to Mina there was a closeness. “This is a great house you have here Kate.” Mina thought of her mum's cottage. The kitchen was dark with flaking walls and not very clean, but the long farmhouse table in the middle of the room with benches and chairs gave a warmth that Mina couldn't explain...perhaps it was the fact there were so many people living here! She thought.
Just at that moment her dad called her. Mina thought to herself! I think I'm going to enjoy my time here.
To be continued...
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“I like goth music and most
“I like goth music and most people seem to suggest I am, so I suppose I must be.” Mina liked the fact this woman asked her questions on things other than her magic, it meant she was genuinely interested.
I thought the magic thing was a secret?
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I love the plonging strings
I love the plonging strings in Lovecats at the beginning :0) Though Plainsong is my favourite. I can imagine Mina listening to that in her forest
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