Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 29 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 910 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Twenty Nine
Mina was just about to ask Kate what subjects she liked at school, when Kendrick called her. “Sorry, dad's calling, I'll catch up with you later, she declared making her way out the front door, leaving Kate on her own.
Kendrick stood with Nick, a big sunny smile beaming across his face as Mina arrived. He began walking, waving for her to follow like there was an emergency. Come with us butterfly, it's about that surprise I've got for you.”
Mina had never seen her dad so excited and was now intrigued. “What is it dad?” She couldn't imagine what he had in store for her.
“Just come with us and you'll find out.” Mina followed her dad and Nick as they approached an outbuilding.
“Well, this is it butterfly, the surprise I promised, what do you think?”
Mina gazed at the structure wondering what she was supposed to say. “Is this where the animals are kept?” She uttered knowing it was a shelter.
“Correct butterfly, Nick has kindly said we can sleep in here if you'd like.” Kendrick knew how much Mina not only adored creatures but the outdoors to.
“You mean we get to spend the night with the animals?” Now she was really excited though it had been many years since she'd ruffed it, but this was different and she couldn't wait.
“We certainly do butterfly.” Kendrick was as excited as his daughter.
“That's great dad.” Mina saw bundles of hay stacked up for the animals and knew from her bed in the forest how comfortable hay was to lie on. It's gonna be such fun sleeping on hay bales.” Mina could hardly contain her enthusiasm.
“Nick It's really kind of you to let us sleep here in the barn,” declared Kendrick following Nick inside picking up bales and moving them to create some space as he'd done many times when he visited.
“That's okay as long as you don't mind sharing with the goats, horses chickens and two cows.” Nick grinned. “Don't worry they won't bother you, we keep them in those stalls, it's just they might get a bit smelly and noisy.”
Kendrick wasn't troubled at all. “I've slept here many times, as you well know I sleep like a baby.” Kendrick gazed at Mina. “What about you butterfly, sleeping here won't be a problem will it?”
Mina was in her element and ecstatic. “Of course not dad, I can't think of a better place to rest,” she smiled like the cat that got the cream.
“When you're ready come over to the house and join us for some food. Sally shouldn't be long at the market.” Nick was desperate to get on with fixing the fence posts before it got too dark.
“Sure and thanks Nick.” Kendrick was glad Mina was happy, he had a feeling she would be.
Mina gazed around and was enchanted by the barn, it conjured up so many images in her imagination as she thought about sleeping with the animals. “Dad, can I sleep on some bales tonight?”
“Sure butterfly, I was going to suggest that anyway. Here I'll shift some into that corner over there.” Kendrick pointed to some low eaves surrounded by wooden beams. He whistled an old folk song as they decided on the sleeping arrangements.
“That's perfect, thanks dad.” Mina quickly helped him shift more bundles of hay and set four up against the far wall of the barn. Quickly grabbing her sleeping bag she lay it on the bales feeling pleased with her work. “There,” she uttered to herself, “that will be nice and comfortable... better than the ground anyway.” Aware of how blissful this all was she turned to Kendrick. “Dad!”
“Yeah butterfly?” He replied, amazed at the strength of fondness she had for a dirty old barn.
“I'm really loving this place," she said, "it reminds me a bit of home.” The vibrations of the atmosphere gave her a great ambiance that was awe-inspiring, Mina had only felt this way in the veiled forest surrounded by magic.
“I told you it would be fine and that's so good to here butterfly.” Kendrick was now on a roll and couldn't wait to let Mina know of their other plans. “You're gonna enjoy tomorrow butterfly, we'll be rising before the crack of dawn to see the sun coming up, hopefully it will be clear.”
“How do they celebrate the Winter Solstice here dad?” Asked Mina sitting on her sleeping bag picking at strands of hay, intrigued to know.
“Like we do butterfly. They celebrate with drums and any other instrument available to welcome the sun.”
Mina was glad she'd bought her instrument with her. “Can I try and play my mandolin? I did pack it in the boot of the tank,” Mina asked excitedly.
“Of course you can are you getting on with your lessons?” Kendrick loved music and the thought of his daughter being able to play was just the icing on the cake.
Mina gave her dad a blank expression and bit her bottom lip. “Not brilliant, It's so difficult to find the time with all the school work, but I'm determined to master it.”
Kendrick was pleased. “I'm so glad you're working at achieving music butterfly, it will be so much fun and beneficial to play with others in the future.”
“What else have you got planned for tomorrow dad?” Asked a curious Mina changing the subject and desperate for a holiday packed with things to do.
“Well, after we've welcomed the sun, I plan to take you down to Merlin's cove.” Kendrick hadn't been down there in years. The myth and magic of the cove always sent his imagination into overdrive, especially when he stood at the entrance to the cave.
“What's Merlin's cove dad?” Mina had no idea of the history and myth behind this place.
“I'll let Nick tell you all about the great wizard Merlin after we've eaten, he's such a great story teller and will have you mesmerized.”
Mina shrugged in anticipation, she couldn't wait to hear about this place they were going to. She thought to herself! Perhaps mum was right, maybe it will be fun out here in the big wide world.
As soon as Kendrick had set up his own bed, they made their way out of the barn and walked across to the house. That was when Mina noticed a small child with blonde curly hair, wearing a thick pink jumper over brown corduroy trousers that were tucked into red wellington boots, she was pushing a pram and looking very pleased with herself as she trudged over the heavy mud talking. The young girl had two dolls in the mud splattered pink pram and was being very attentive to the occupants who sat upright.
“Can I go over and see the little girl dad?” Mina thought the child seemed so sweet, she wanted to introduce herself.
“Yeah, okay. That's Amber by the way, looks like she's taking her beloved dolls for a walk.” Said Kendrick on his way to the house.
“Thanks dad, I'll be over in a while.” Mina approached the young girl. “Hello!” She uttered as Amber tidied the patchwork quilt that covered the dolls.
“Hello, my name's Amber, these are my two babies, Molly and Amelia, I'm taking them for a walk.”
Mina peered into the pram at the two cheery faces, they both wore yellow woolen bonnets and looked as snug as a bug. It put another smile on her face. “They look very happy Amber. My name's Willowmina by the way, but everyone calls me Mina.”
Before Mina could speak, Amber continued. “That's a nice name, when I get my new baby, I think I'll call her Mina.”
Mina couldn't help grinning, this child was like a breath of fresh air. “Well Amber, I feel very honored that you would name you next baby after me. So when is your new arrival due?”
“Oh! I don't know, when mummy decides to take me to the shop and buy me one.” Amber then had another thought! “Or perhaps I'll get one from Father Christmas.”
“Well I hope I'll be around to see this new arrival to your family.” Replied Mina smiling at Amber's confidence.
Amber wasn't so sure. “Molly and Amelia get very jealous if I pay too much attention to others, they think I don't love them anymore.”
Mina felt she understood what Amber was saying. Growing up she'd lived in her own world and now Amber was exactly the same, so Mina ended the conversation. “Well Amber, I'm off over to the house to see my dad, so I'll see you in a while, okay?”
“We've got chicken stew and dumplings for dinner, followed by apple crumble and custard, mummy told me.” Amber licked her lips and rubbed her belly in anticipation.
“That sounds great Amber," Mina giggled under her breath. "I'm so hungry just like you.” As Mina walked away, she turned to wave as Amber carried on battling her way over the squelchy mud, completely oblivious of getting stuck and still chatting away to her babies.
Inside the house there were wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen. Linda stood at the stove top over a saucepan stirring madly, there were pans steaming away as she moved the spoon round and round. It felt warm to be among these people. Everyone seemed to be going about their business which left Mina a bit lost.
She felt awkward and didn't want to disturb Linda, so wandered off into a back room where there was a glowing fire. Her dad and two other men were deep in discussion over cans of beers.
“Butterfly, come and meet Nigel and Chris.” Kendrick ushered his daughter over, anxious that they should all get acquainted.
Willowmina on the other hand felt uncomfortable, the two men seemed a bit strange as they smoked joints. Mina could smell the curious aroma from her time around her friend Mia's older sister, who was always rolling joints. It also bought back memories of the tunnel and Paddy's friends. Mina knew there wasn't anywhere else she could go, so went and sat down on one of the armchairs.
Nigel and Chris both said, “Hi!” At the same time. “Pleased to finally meet Kendrick's special girl. He's always talking about you and your mum,” declared Nigel who wore a scruffy over-sized brown jumper that looked like it had seen better days, as he took another hit.
Willowmina scanned around the room trying to take her mind off their gaze. She noticed a framed photograph on one of the dressers and got up to have a closer look. There were many people of different ages, Mina guessed it was of the whole family together. Underneath it read: The Spud Family. In bold letters. “Who are those people in the photo?” She asked curiously.
“That's all the generations of the family who have lived here butterfly.” Replied Kendrick remembering the long days working hard when he helped out.
“Why are they called the spud family?” Asked a curious Mina.
“That's from when the place first started up and the family grew potatoes to sell at market,” replied Nigel. “They did really well and made quite a lot of money, but they were hard times too and the work was back breaking without the machinery we have now. I wouldn't want to go back to those times.”
There was an awkward silence as Kendrick thought of asking Mina about Ravenclaw, only the words just wouldn't come out. Again when it came to Hirwin his mind went cloudy and he'd forgotten straight away what his sealed lips were supposed to utter, Kendrick was always mystified.
At that moment Nick walked in and studied the three men. “I don't know, there's me out in the cold fixing fences, while you lot drink and smoke joints.”
Kendrick felt a sudden awkwardness, standing to attention. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Nick grinned cheekily. “Yeah! You could go get me a cold beer while I get washed up.” He then turned to his younger brothers. “You two need to get the animals into the barn before it gets too dark.”
The two brothers looked at each other. “Come on Nigel, the faster we get this done the more time for getting high.”
Nigel whispered in Chris's ear. “I think you need to watch what you say around young Mina, she might not be used to that kind of talk.”
Seeing the two brothers whispering, Willowmina had a feeling it was about her just from their piercing eyes that kept looking her way, which left Mina feeling even more uncomfortable, though she pretended not to notice.
Aware of a book on one of the tables close by, she picked it up, on the front cover it read: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Mina had heard of this book from school, but had no idea of the plot behind the story. She began reading the first page which immediately was a fascination.
At that moment Kendrick walked in with a tumbler. “Here you go butterfly, some homemade elder-flower juice especially for you, there's a straw to go with it too.”
Mina thanked him and took the refreshment, suddenly forgetting just how thirsty she was and guzzling it down. Wiping her lips she voiced in a drawn out tone, “Dad!”
“What butterfly?” Kendrick knew this was one of his daughters pleas.
“Who does this book belong too?” Mina flicked through the pages intrigued enough to want to read it.
“I have no idea butterfly,” replied Kendrick. “Why don't you ask Linda in the kitchen, she'd know.”
Straight away Mina jumped up with book in hand, leaving dad to his beer and made her way into the kitchen where Nick was washing his hands, and Linda was sat a black cat curled up on her lap reading a book, with a can of lager beside her on the long wooden table. She looked up and registered Mina's presence. “Hello Mina, are you okay?” She smiled at the young girl.
“Yes I'm fine.” Mina stood with book in hand wondering how to ask.
Before she could utter another word, Linda spoke again. “Kate will be down in a while, she's just finishing her homework.”
“Oh! That's okay,” replied Mina. “I just wanted to ask who this book belonged to, only I'd like to read it if they don't mind.”
“That's Kate's book, I'm sure she won't be bothered at all, ask her when she comes down.” Uttered Linda.
Mina had a feeling it would be Kate's, their tastes seemed very similar. She was just about to sit down at the table when Linda spoke again.
“Why don't you go up and see her, Kate's room is the second door on the left at the top of the stairs...” she paused, “I would knock before you go in, Kate gets a bit funny if you don't.”
Smiling Mina understood Kate wanting her privacy and thanked Linda as she made her way up the narrow staircase. At the top was a landing and four doors, then more stairs going up to another floor. Mina thought! It's certainly a large farmhouse.
The walls had old fashioned flowery wallpaper that was peeling badly, it also looked like the children had been scratching and pulling it off in strips, there were also wax crayon drawings of stick people in red and blue, the children appeared to have had a field day, Mina thought to herself! I can't imagine Evie letting young ones draw on her walls, she'd be livid. But this was a million miles away from Evie's and Mina loved it, especially now she was spending everyday with her dad.
To be continued...
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