Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 32 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1469 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Thirty Two
Hirwin paused finding the light switch and slowly proceeded down the narrow stairs. He found it odd that the strange noise stopped as he reached the bottom step, as if whatever was down there suddenly became aware of him.
“Must be rats!” He whispered to himself as he looked around engaging eyes with the floor for droppings but none could be found. Gazing at his specimen jars and apparatus that were situated on the wooden shelves that surrounded the walls, everything seemed in order.
Shrugging Hirwin started back up the stairs, unaware of the ghostly specter of a woman that lurked in a corner of the cellar. Her robes and long hair swayed as she floated in space with eyes that were deepest black, it was like staring into the abyss.
Before Hirwin had got even half way up, the ghost like figure disappeared leaving only a black cat in its place which ran up the steps, meowing and hissing as if scared and angry, it raced straight passed Hirwin causing him to nearly jump out of his skin.
“What the...” He muttered with heart racing. “A cat, a cat, how the hell did it get in?” He demanded in to thin air. Now he was angry and not at all in the mood for cat and mouse games.
Charging up the narrow stairs and shutting the door behind him, Hirwin looked everywhere for the cat, but couldn't find it. Then he wondered if his mother's nurse had let it in and gone snooping down in the cellar. I must get a lock on that cellar door! He thought to himself. “This is just not good enough, I shall have a few words with Ruth when she arrives back.” Hirwin uttered with vengeance.
Puzzled by the sudden appearance of a cat and not being able to find it, he decided enough was enough. “I must be more tired than I thought. Sleep is all I need now,” he mumbled to himself.
Switching off all the lights and making his way upstairs to bed, he declared silently, “ cats, I hate the darn things, they should all be drowned at birth.” Hirwin had forgotten all about the horlicks, it was the last thing on his mind.
The black cat crouched in the kitchen waiting for the house to become quiet, before leaving and entering the sitting room. It sauntered over to a silver framed photo of Broderick Ravenclaw and his sister, hissing at the photo and displaying sharp teeth as if it hated the very sight of the brother and sister.
Leaping onto the table the cat knocked it off with its black paws. The glass in the frame smashed to pieces as the photo dropped out. Then the cat jumped down and hissed clawing at the photo, leaving scratch marks across their bodies.
By now the fire was almost out again, only a few embers shone. Black cat slinking across the carpet took a final leap over the hot coals and vanished into thin air.
- - - -
That very same evening in Cornwall, Willowmina was gazing into the fire as Nick was reading the story. She felt sure the ember in her pocket was beginning to warm up. Here were a family that had no idea of her plight, not even her dad knew the whole story and there was no way of telling him anything, only she knew the secret danger when the coal heated up.
Mina couldn't understand why! Here she was enjoying a story, what danger could she be in? But as she glanced at the flames, the family cat suddenly stood up gazing at Mina as if this was the first time she'd been aware of her, Mina looked around at the others but they seemed oblivious. It was as if she were in another dimension and the family were unaware of what she was seeing.
There were sparks flying as the flames appeared to rise higher, yet still the family did not move. Out of the blue as the flames died down, the family cat stood on its two front legs gazing at Willowmina and spoke in a voice that sounded feline, but there was also a slight touch of her mother's voice too. “Not much time,” the cat murmured, “just heed my words Willowmina, take care, he's not to be trusted, I was wrong to place you in his hands.”
Mina wanted to call out, “Whose hands?” But couldn't, her lips stayed shut as she remained still. The cat curled up on the floor again leaving Mina puzzled. What was the cat on about! Was it her father? Mina wondered! She couldn't take her eyes off the fireplace, wishing the voice would return so she could question it some more, though she realized that would be silly with a whole family watching.
“What do you think of the story?” Kate asked as Nick came to the end. She nudged her new friend, but Mina never replied she just stared into thin air as if in a trance.
Kate had been curled up on the settee with her shoulders leaning against Mina's, she nudged her again. “Hey! Mina, are you still with us?”
At that moment Mina jumped coming back to the moment, not having heard a single word of the story. Turning to Kate she felt confused. “Sorry I was miles away.”
“ I could tell, what's wrong?” Said Kate feeling sleepy.
“Oh, nothing, I suppose I'm tired that's all, it's been a long day what with the traveling, just need to sleep.” Mina wasn't about to tell anyone what just happened, they wouldn't believe me anyway! She thought.
Kate gave Mina a smile of approval. “I suppose we do have to be up early in the morning, so I'm going to bed too. “Kate stretched and came to standing. Yawning it felt like her eye lids just wouldn't stay open.
“You off to bed love?” Inquired Sally sipping a hot drink.
“Yes mum, me and Mina have both had a long day...haven't we?” Kate grabbed hold of Mina's arm and pulled her up.
Mina agreed nearly losing her balance as she was yanked out of her seat.
“I won't be far behind you butterfly,” insisted Kendrick. “Just going to have a last drink with the brothers before turning in.”
The four men retired to the kitchen where there was some cheese and biscuits left out on the table to go with their last beer.
Kate pecked Mina on the cheek and made her way upstairs, calling back over her shoulder, “at least we don't have any school tomorrow, what a bonus.”
Mina smiled and put up the hood of her top, still unsure of what just happened.
“You gonna be warm enough out there in the barn tonight?” Inquired Sally concerned for Mina.
Giving a slightly fake smile because her heart was now racing, she uttered, “I'll be fine, it reminds me a bit of home.” Saying her good-nights, Mina picked up the torch her dad had given her and walked out into the darkness alone. She breathed in the cold night air, thinking how peaceful it was here, it was even quieter than the forest, there were no wolves howling, just the sound of a cold wind that whistled across the land. Quickly making her way to the barn she lifted the latch easily and the door creaked open. Mina could hear movement of animals shuffling around which felt familiar and was a comforting sound.
Finding her way over to the bed she'd made earlier, there was a flapping of wings coming from the chickens who became nervous in one of the stalls. Mina didn't take much notice of them, she just slipped into her sleeping bag and zipped it up. Putting a hand in her pocket she felt for the coal, it was cool which meant there wasn't any danger around.
As Mina fell asleep she couldn't help thinking about the cat and its message wondering what it all meant.
To be continued...
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Very smooth change between
Very smooth change between the evil Hirwin and the farmhouse - well done
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I really like the bit about
I really like the bit about Mina's Mum changing into a cat and then conveying her message through the cat in Cornwall
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