Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 37 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1360 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Thirty Seven
Hirwin stood at his workbench busy crushing up seeds in a pestle and mortar, giving him time to ponder on his life, work and magic at the same time. The audible creak and groan of the floor boards above the cellar were an annoying reminder of Hirwin's sister coming and going across the hallway, forever at the beck and call of their mother, even Ruth didn't indulge Erika as much as Mila did, which to some extent left Hirwin feeling grouchy, but because he loved his sister Hirwin tried his best to keep out of her way knowing how sensitive Mila could be if shouted at.
It hadn't occurred to Hirwin that being in a relationship with Evie would be so difficult. The last time he'd seen her she'd wanted him to stay the night, which was a cause for much panic and made his skin crawl. Going out with Evie wining and dining her had been one thing, but sharing a bed and having to sleep with Evie was a whole other kettle of fish. He liked the fact that Mina had been there as an excuse to say goodnight at the door, but now Evie was alone she expected more, Hirwin decided to cool off the romance, not for just a while but in fact permanently, the veiled forest and its secrets were becoming tedious after so many years and just didn't seem worth the effort anymore.
Christmas day had come and gone, It had been a pleasure to see Mila happily cooking the huge turkey and preparing all the trimmings. Even the towering tree in the living room looked spectacular with the effort Mila went to decorating each branch with ornaments from the attic Hirwin hadn't seen in years and the new twinkling fairy lights. Even when Mila suggested playing the old parlor games like charades Hirwin had been quite happy to join in which surprised him greatly. As he watched his sister Mila take over the running of the house which was a bonus, it pleased him greatly to watch her being in control, no longer himself having to tell Ruth what to do, as far as he was concerned Mila could stay there indefinitely and she showed no signs of returning to Germany.
After pounding the seeds Hirwin placed one hand over the lid of a jar, wondering if he should open it or not. Inside was a nasty pungent mold that produced a smell of rotten odor that was supposed to deter any ominous spirits that might be lurking. Hirwin had felt a presence down there on many occasions, but was unsure of its whereabouts and he didn't want to be left with the offensive smell, which was why he hesitated before opening.
“I can't believe I'm doing this,” he expressed in a whisper of distaste. “dam spirits putting me through such an unpleasant situation.” Hirwin began to unscrew the metal lid very slowly, but with a whisper of an opening he screwed it back up quick, just a slight unfastening had produced a nauseating attack on his stomach causing him to wretch, it was worse than the stink bombs kids let loose in town, he didn't think it would be possible to put the spell in motion, not now or ever.
While he was pondering on where to go from here, a thought occurred to him that he might have more luck concentrating on Mina, after all she was the one who would be returning to the veiled forest, even if it wasn't till she was eighteen, all those years would give him time to work on her and hopefully become attached, but then thought again if it was worth the trouble he wasn't even sure of that anymore
Hirwin's feelings were scattered all over the place, his mind unsure of what to do and where to go from here after three years and wondering why so many things were going wrong. It felt like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders and although not desperate to get back to work after the holiday, he did think it would take his mind off all his own personal problems.
Upon Ruth not returning from her night out on the Eve of Winter Soltice, she'd stayed with a friend and so rudely not let Hirwin know she'd not be returning till the next day, which irritated him. He'd questioned her about the cat incident, Hirwin had believed Ruth when she'd told him of having no idea of any cat coming into the house and could tell immediately she was telling the truth, after all! He thought, why would she lie? No, there was more to this cat business than first met the eye, he wouldn't rest until it was discovered what the hell was going on.
His musings were interrupted by a knock on the cellar door, it was his sister who knew better than to just enter. She'd grown up with the knowledge of how secretive her brother could be with his strange private ways, having no interest in what he was doing, or getting involved.
“Come!” Called out Hirwin in a somewhat official manner, placing the gross smelling jar back on the shelf in a hurry.
The door creaked open and Mila made her way down the narrow stairs, always fascinated by the many jars of what looked like specimens of frogs legs and dead insects, of spiders, beetles and cockroaches. There were also fish tanks full of soil and mushrooms that appeared to be growing as she gazed. Large roots with what looked like spindly fingers and eyes that seemed to stare back as she passed by made Mila shiver. It was all too weird and she made no attempt to study any of it for too long, Mila just accepted that her brother knew what he was doing.
Reaching the bottom step, Mila coughed clearing her throat. “Brother There's an Evie Warren at the front door, she wishes to speak with you.”
Hirwin Ravenclaw was now shuddering inside wondering how she'd found his address, he played with his beard and thought: this is not possible! I'm ex directory and the office is closed for the Christmas holiday so it wouldn't have been anyone in work. How on earth did she find out where I live? He realised quick thinking was needed. “Just one moment and I'll be up dear sis.” Hirwin knew he couldn't keep her waiting, so immediately took his white overall off and washed his hands at the cellar sink.
“I think it's that woman who keeps phoning you brother. Shall I let her in?” Mila was pleased to think her brother had a lady friend, but couldn't understand the worried look on his face, though she shrugged and smiled.
“Yes Mila, you can see her to my study.” Hirwin hesitated straightening himself up and regaining his composure.
Mila marched back up the stairs feeling a sense of wonder at how for the first time her brother was maybe courting, or at least that's how it seemed, although when the woman had rung on numerous occasions, he'd failed to speak to her. Maybe! She pondered, it's a relationship gone wrong. “Oh dear,” she whispered under a long out take of breath. “I do hope he lets her down gently, she seems like a nice person.”
Evie was still standing at the front door awaiting Mila's return. She was well wrapped up from the freezing temperatures wearing a green fur lined parka coat with hood up and black scarf wrapped around her face covering her mouth, so that all Mila could see were eyes and nose, she wore black knee high boots over black corduroy trousers and carried a brown shoulder bag worn like a satchel across her shoulder.
“Do come! You mentioned your name was Warren, Is it Mrs or Miss Warren?”
Evie felt uncomfortable at the question as she stepped over the threshold, but didn't want to show her uneasiness so just smiled. “It's Mrs actually, though my husband passed away many years ago.” Evie felt the need to be more specific so explained, “but I still feel him with me everyday.” She had no idea why she'd uttered that last phrase, but it felt right to Evie.
“My brother will see you presently.” Mila led her into Hirwin's study, wishing she could sound less official as Evie followed, but not knowing this woman she wasn't sure what the circumstances were with her brother, so Mila remained business like. “It would be best if you wait in Mr Ravenclaw's office.” Mila opening the door turned to Evie and asked. “Can I get you a tea or coffee Mrs Warren?”
Smiling Evie unwrapped her scarf and took off her coat glad to be in the warm. “A coffee would be nice thank you, just milk, no sugar.” Evie hesitated before sitting down as Mila left. It was all very grand and plush with a burgundy velvet lounger and candelabra lighting, almost like something out of a period drama. There was a framed portrait on the wall over a fireplace of a stately gentleman, though it wasn't Hirwin. He wore a waist jacket over a white shirt that showed off his paunch belly. The man appeared distinguished and resembled what Evie thought looked like an older Marlon Brando in the Godfather.
She made herself comfortable on the edge of the lounger feeling nervous, wondering if coming here had been a mistake, but Evie needed to know why Hirwin had been avoiding her calls and why he hadn't been to see her. It was so strange how she'd become attached to this man in the three years they'd been going out, with feelings she'd not had since first falling for her husband so many years ago.
Evie thought about the many evenings they'd spent together, going out for meals, weekend walks in the countryside, making plans for their next meeting, yet it appeared the first time she asked him to spend the night at her place he'd become distant. After three years Evie thought he felt how close they'd become, but now it appeared that maybe she was wrong.
At that moment the door opened and Hirwin appeared and for the first time in ages Evie felt awkward, like they were strangers and she was intruding.
“My dear Evie,what brings you to my humble abode and how did you discover my address?” Hirwin acted oblivious to why she would be there, which was completely different from his thoughts, he knew he'd have some explaining to do as to why he'd not returned her calls.
Evie was just about to answer, when Mila walked in with coffee. Walking over to a side table Mila smiled and placed the coffee down without a word. Feeling uncomfortable in the sudden silence she sauntered back out the door. Hirwin turned away from Evie and made his way to his desk a vexed expression on his face as he sat down, arms resting while tapping fingers as if nervous, though a smile soon crossed his face as turned to face Evie.
She felt now was the time to speak. “I'll come straight to the point, I know It's probably wrong of me to be here, but I was just wondering why you'd not been in contact, after all we've known each other for three years now, but the sudden lack of communication just seems strange to me.” Breathing a sigh of relief, she'd spoken her feelings and was glad to have it out in the open she gazed at Hirwin waiting for a reply.
A guilty expression crossed Hirwin's face. “My dear Evie, I'm so sorry I've not contacted you sooner, what with Christmas and work, it's all been hectic around here.” Hirwin paused before continuing. “To be honest I've such a work load coming up and time is quite sparse, so I'm afraid I won't be able to continue our friendship.” Hirwin felt unrepentant, it had to be said. “How did you find my address by the way?” He sat back in the chair waiting for a reply and played with his beard, running fingers through the bushy strands.
Evie was beginning to regret ever knowing Hirwin Ravenclaw, she thought he was so up himself and wondered what she'd ever seen in this man. “Oh! That's quite simple, I got hold of your address through a friend who knows you from parties she's attended, in fact I spent Christmas day with her and we had a good chat. But I still don't understand why you wouldn't tell me all this sooner, it would have saved me coming here and looking so desperate.” Evie felt her face flushing as she spoke, not used to confrontations like this.
Hirwin could now feel this woman's anger building as she became intense. “I can't tell you how sorry I am Evie, it certainly wasn't my intention to keep you in the dark, I just felt you'd understand, I was going to speak to you after the holiday...honestly.” Hirwin leaned forward desperate for an escape route, not sure where the conversation would lead next.
Evie just wanted to get out of this house. Coming to standing without even touching her coffee, there was anger in her eyes which again surprised Hirwin, he'd never seen her so cross. “Thank you for the coffee, but I've suddenly lost my appetite for your hospitality.” She threw on her coat and slung her bag across her shoulder, almost knocking over a vase of flowers on the table. “Don't bother to see me out, I know the way.” It was all pure embarrassment that caused Evie to act in such a manner, all the frustration of weeks of waiting, her head permanently scrambled, it all just came out in a flurry of words.
Hirwin Ravenclaw came to standing in shock as the front door slammed shut. “Well! I have to say I never saw that coming...never in a million years.” Although he'd not been anywhere, his heart was racing from her outburst.
Even Mila came running out wondering what all the noise was about. “What on earth happened brother?” She could see him standing in the hallway shaking.
Calming himself down and taking some deep breaths he turned to Mila. “I don't think we'll be seeing Mrs Warren here again my dear. I'm afraid she didn't touch her coffee.” It didn't take him long to compose himself as he rolled shirt sleeves up feeling hot.
“Well!” Replied Mila in disgust. “I don't want to know the reason behind her sudden exit. As far as I'm concerned anyone who is so rude is best forgotten.”
“True...true dear sister.” Hirwin was glad Mila never questioned him further. He felt a great relief, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Deciding to pour himself a whiskey, he went to his drinks cabinet in the sitting room and poured himself a large one. Brother and sister never mentioned the incident again, as Mila went back to the kitchen to carry on preparing food for the evening meal.
To be continued...
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I'm a bit confused about the
I'm a bit confused about the revelation. Is it the parties reference?
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Glad Evie is free now - hope
Glad Evie is free now - hope she gets some sleep. I like how pro active she is - not just accepting being alone on Christmas, not just accepting Hirwin's absence
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