Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 51 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1780 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Fifty One
On a hot July evening the night before Mina's eighteenth birthday, with the window open wide, she sat crossed legged on the cushioned window seat Peter her foster dad had created from an old wooden chest bought at a car boot sale. Mina was amazed at how well it fitted into the small alcove and marveled at all his creations, like the wooden coffee table he made out of reclaimed wood, even her dad was really impressed with his handy work.
It was the Summer break and although excited about her approaching birthday, Mina was alone in a rambling world she couldn't understand. Her father had gone off traveling once again and wouldn't be there to celebrate. On top of that all her friends were off on their holidays, doing their own thing with family or friends, even Harriet had gone away.
So many feelings took a hold of Mina as she thought of her dreams and aspirations, wondering about her exam results and the prospect of not passing. Now all she could do was wait and hope that her best was good enough to further her education.
Mina breathed in the cool evening air staring out at the starry night sky, while in the background the racket of noise of the house continued. “Oh, how I hate the long Summer breaks alone in this world,” she whispered to herself, eager to get back to the forest.
The house was noisy as usual with kids still up and running around. Mina couldn't stand it any longer. The thought of spending another day in this atmosphere left Mina almost tearing her hair out. There was always a permanent din with the television up to full volume, kids shouting, battles raging on video films and screaming tots running riot because it was the holidays. “No!” She declared, “If I'm to be alone, I'd rather be back in the forest.”
She'd not even been able to celebrate the Summer Solstice because there wasn't anyone who understood the importance of the Sabbaths or their meaning. In the end she'd stood at her window and welcomed the sun on her own, leaving an empty feeling, Mina wished her mum were there, she would know what to do and what to say.
Mina needed to be back in the forest for Lammas on August 1st which was a festival of the first harvest, even though it was too late to harvest anything other than what was already growing in the garden, she felt sure that many of the vegetables and flowers would be overgrown, though the potatoes might take care of clearing weeds. Mina wondered if the flowers still sang sweetly, especially the lavender with its tiny purple flower heads that attracted so many insects.
She couldn't wait to decorate her mum's alter with poppies, dried corn, yellow and red ribbons and green ivy. Her mum would have made a fragrant smelling oil from basil, thyme and ginger. She would also have made dolls out of the corn leaves and hung them from the beams. Nina would have also baked corn bread and made fruit pies, drinking homemade apple juice, eating outdoors on hot Summer evenings. All these memories bought tears to Mina's eyes once again as she thought of home.
Then she remembered Jason's return from the army on leave, he'd gone back to being his usual miserable self, calling her weird which Mina thought he'd grown out of, obviously the army hadn't taught him any manners! She thought.
It was only 10.30pm and Mina couldn't sleep, too many images went through her mind. She felt so high on the idea of going home, that It was decided in her head to wait till everyone was asleep then leave, after all she'd soon be eighteen and legally an adult, so could do as she pleased.
Picking up an old carrier bag from under the bed, Mina packed as much stuff in as needed, not having anything of real value, apart from her mandolin which sat in its case already to take on her journey.
Mina lay down on the bed with a book and tried to read, but found it impossible. Placing the book on her bedside table, she closed her eyes and rested, soon without knowledge she was drifting off to sleep.
Awaking with a start in the darkness, Mina had been dreaming of her mum summoning her. It all felt so real and very strange. In her dream she'd stripped down naked and begun dancing to a far off music that could be heard down a distant path surrounded by varieties of many different trees.
Mina dreamed she was moving ever closer, when just in view she could see The Veil Of Light which was calling like a harp, each ray being plucked like the strings of the beautiful instrument. Mina found herself twirling, with long, radiant hair flowing down her back.
Wiping sleep from her eyes she reflected on the dream, Mina turned and pressed the light button on her bedside clock, it read 4am. It was quiet as she sat up dressed and ready to go. Stretching over Mina opened the bedside drawer and took out a torch deciding to write a note letting Rose and Peter know she'd gone. Sitting at her desk Mina began writing.
Dear Rose and Peter,
I'm so sorry to leave this way, but I need to get home, it's been far too long away from the life I crave.
I've really appreciated everything you've both done for me and hope you understand.
Hope you don't mind, but I'm taking some food from the fridge, not sure if there will be anything to eat when I get there.
Thanks again for all you've done.
All the best.
It all felt so reckless but essential as Mina put on her coat and picked up the torch, her mandolin case, leather bag and carrier bag. “I need to be away before the house wakes,” she whispered to herself. Creeping out the bedroom and along the landing, Mina made her way downstairs being careful to avoid the creaky floor boards.
Reaching the hallway she headed for the kitchen, remembering she'd need some matches. Finding some in the drawer below the worktop, Mina placed them in her leather bag then headed for the fridge. There was a block of cheese and some left over chicken. Mina knew meat would go off, so picking up the block of cheese she placed it in her carrier bag softly closing the fridge door, then grabbed some bread and a couple of apples out the dish on the worktop, leaving the note in view.
“Goodbye house!” She whispered, not feeling at all sad about leaving.
Gazing at the backdoor Mina remembered all those years ago escaping and decided it was her best way of leaving again.
Opening the door and stepping outside then shutting quietly, Mina waited for the garden light to come on but it didn't, so shining the torch she crossed the lawn and headed down the path to the back gate. Finding the latch she opened it quietly and crept out looking in both directions of the lane. Nobody was about it was so early. Pulling the latch too, she made her escape out onto the road.
Taking a deep breath Mina remembered there was a phone box at the end of the road. Some people had acquired mobile phones they carried around with them, but it wasn't something Mina ever wanted and would be useless behind the veil anyway. Ringing for a taxi was her only option being so far from the forest and so she headed in that direction.
To be continued...
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Hope everything goes
Hope everything goes according to plan for her. I keep expecting Ravenclaw to pop up again - it's worrying!
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Hi Jenny,
Hi Jenny,
You have a gift for storytelling, drawing the reader in to a lovely calming world of plenty and 'niceness'.I'm along for the ride!
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I like the mist coming
I like the mist coming through the tree branches looking like the strings of a harp
She must have been so disappointed Kendrick was not there for such an important date
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