By skinner_jennifer
- 1272 reads
Sitting on the rock in the Cavern, was Four Bears,
he sat proudly guarding the entrance to the passage his peoples Caverns and underground home.
His people were from different tribes, he was from
the Cheyenne, but there were also people from the
Hopi tribe and the Sioux, also the Navajo and many
others, so many different tribes, had all come
together and were now living as one, down in the dark Caverns.
They hunted at night, their eyes not accustomed to
daylight anymore.
Their Chief's name was Viho, he was from the Cheyenne too. He had led the people into the Caverns for many, many years. They called themselves...The Night Bear Tribe.
Four Bears had got his name, because he had tackled
a bear single handedly, that had tried to enter
their cave. He was stocky, with a physical strength
of more than one man, he was also a spirited man,
who was not afraid to defend his people to the hilt.
He wore the head and coat of the bear he killed, so
that if another bear should try to enter, he would
deceive the bear, into thinking the cave was already claimed.
Qaletaqa came out of the passage and into the Chamber, he was from the Hopi tribe, his name meant
Guardian of people. "How is the boy doing?" he
asked, taking the empty bowl from Four Bears.
"He is fine, but boy needs to find his people. He
sits at entrance to Cave, just waiting...the dust
storm is to bad to venture out in."
"Well at least he is no longer hungry and thirsty,"
said Qaletaqa. "It will be dark soon," said Four
Bears, "you go out hunting tonight?"
"No!" said Qaletaqa, "to much dust, I think we shall wait it out, the wind very strong."
Qaletaqa turned to leave, but suddenly remembered
that he had a message for Four Bears. "Viho wishes
to speak with you, can you go see him now? I will
stay here while your gone."
Four Bears wondered what the Chief could want. He
stood up from where he was sitting and told his
friend to hide, if the boy should return into the
He wandered down through the passage way to another
inner Chamber, there were many people sat around
camp fires, which they kept going constantly for
warmth and cooking.
To the left of the Chamber, Viho sat around one of
the fires, with Yellow Bear and Hiamovi...who was
a Cheyenne high Chief.
As Four Bears approached Viho, the Chief beckoned
him to sit down, Four Bears sat cross-legged opposite the Chief.
"I hear you have been speaking with the boy again?"
said Viho. "The boy is lost, he has no idea where
he is," replied Four Bears.
"Are you sure he knows nothing of us?" enquired Viho. "He knows nothing Chief. When boy ask if I
live here alone, I said yes...which is why I need
to get back to my post."
"You need to get the boy away from here Four Bears.
If he is alone, it means others will come searching
for him, that could be dangerous for us."
"Where do you suggest I take him?" Four Bears asked.
Viho held out his hand, in it he held a piece of
skin, Four Bears took the skin and unwrapped it,
inside were some roots and herbs. "Add this to warm
water," said Viho..."give it to the boy to drink,
when he's asleep, take him away from here, but wait
till darkness comes... you understand?"
Four Bears agreed, he stood up and made his way
over to where Sikya sat with some other women. Sikya was from the Hopi tribe, her name meant...
Small Canyon, she was quite petite with waist length jet black hair, that was plaited. Four Bears
liked her very much, she smiled at him. "What can I
do for you friend?" she asked.
Sikya knew a lot about herbs, flowers and roots.
"I need some water from your pot," he said picking
up a wooden dish. "What do you need the water for?"
she asked. "I have some herbs and roots, for a
sleeping potion, I need the water to make an infusion."
"And who is it for?" Sikya enquired.
"The lost boy, who sits at our cave entrance, Viho
wishes me to take him far away, before others come
and find our camp."
"True! true," she said, "give me the herbs and the
root, I will make the infusion right."
After infusing had been completed, Sikya gave the
potion to Four Bears. "You take care now," she said
smiling at hime.
He turned and left the Chamber, walking back down
the passage to the outer Chamber, Qaletaqa was pacing up and down. "Ah! you are back good, so what did Viho have to say?"
"Shh!" said Four Bears, "you must keep your voice
down, the boy thinks I'm alone. I cannot explain
now, but you go back...before boy discovers you."
Qaletaqa felt a little perturbed at not knowing
what was going on. "Go! go," said Four Bears quietly, as he waved him off.
To be continued ..............
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Really vivid. I am curious:
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i enjoyed this episode Jenny
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