At This Time

By skinner_jennifer
- 7515 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Dear Mother Earth, at this time I
ask for your support and guidance
throughout the next ninety six hours,
be with me at this crucial period of my life,
let my heart keep beating in the same manner
as the drumming rhythm of our beautiful planet,
may the mother's wise ways wash over me and
keep me comfortable and safe from too much fear.
I hugged my special garden tree today,
stood beneath its shady leaves...whispered:
“would you mind passing me some energy please.”
Its bark was cool to the touch as I closed my eyes,
I concentrated on our contact, hoped that like a clear
mountain stream coursing fast over rocky crags, my
pain would flow away fast, be cast into a gushing river
continuing on its journey, liquefying in turbulent oceans.
Let breezes come together to cool my soul, that I may feel
comfort in times of need. Take my message to those guardian
angels, thank them for their guidance, I trust they'll be by my
side while in hospital and through this difficult time ahead.
Fire in my soul give me strength to overcome all obstacles,
keep my patients strong to keep calm when things don't go
the way I planned. Keep those helping me fit and healthy,
let them know they're truly loved and I can't thank them enough.
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I was just triying to work
I was just triying to work out if your fortnight was up. I would certainly pray many of these things for you, though I can't see the earth itself controlling those helpful angels, but the One greater than they and the earth he made. I suppose he can't be felt with your arms, but he is as real, and has tasted pain as a man.
keep my patience strong to keep calm when things don't go the way I planned – I thought that such a well-voiced sentiment/prayer.
much love over these next few days. Rhiannon
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Best of luck Jenny - I'll be
Best of luck Jenny - I'll be thinking of you. I'm sure you're in the safest of hands. Come back soon and let us know how it went xxxx
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Your operation
Jennifer, my prayers are with you as you enter hospital and put your trust in those who are to operate on you.
I look forward to reading the next instalment as you recover from your operation.
Edward XXx
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You are part of the goodness
You are part of the goodness of life and so should draw on that goodness to help. I hope all is well
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I'll add what I can Jenny. X
I'll add what I can Jenny. X
Parson Thru
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Looking forward to your
Looking forward to your return and many more lovely words. All the very best. x
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Jenny I have
Jenny I have just caught up with your news, having had major surgery three years ago I can relate to your state of mind as I was not in a good place before my surgery. I sincerely hope a new date is found for you soon and you are operated on successfully. Stay strong Jenny and as I took time out as you know, then it is important that you do what is right for you.
Edward XXx
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oh god what a nightmare -
oh god what a nightmare - poor you! after you'd got yourself all psyched up! I hope the anaesthetist is ok, and I suppose at least they hadn't started the op and THEN he'd collapsed...I hope you get another date soon, and that we see you on here sooner xxxx
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It's a practice, next time
It's a practice, next time you'll be a pro and not stressed at all
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So sorry about all this, poor
So sorry about all this, poor Jenny. As you said in the piece, need patience to keep calm when things don't go the way you planned. I hope the wait wont be too long, and recuperation will go well. love, Rhiannon
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Hi Jenny
Hi Jenny
Well, I guess you just have to put up with how things have worked out. I really liked your poem, and your calling on mother earth to give you strength. It sounded like the sort of thing the American Indians would have done. So as with the others, I will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.
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my partner asked me what
my partner asked me what stoic meant today. There's that old line in Greek myth is there anything I can do? [Alexander the Great
yeh, move out of the way you're blocking the sun. Your fears will no longer block the light. And you'll be alright.
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I feel daft...
... as I have been away for a long while and don't know what the op is for... not that it is any of my business ;)
Sending all the cyber hugs you may need and more for wherever you may be at this point and for whatever you encounter in the future - stay blessed :) and know
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I've been off the site for
I've been off the site for awhile and I've just today read your lovely poem but then I read these comments and I am devastated - I pray all will be well with you. I understand your poem's words better now. Your prayers to the Earth Angels and Guardians and the Creator to protect you. You are light and happiness and all good things Jenny - that's what I always hear in your stories and all that goodness that I feel in your words will come back to you and I think you will be okay.
I am sending you kind and healing thoughts filled with sunshine my well.
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So glad to see this post- and
So glad to see this post- and glad you are doing well....You deserve those accolades and more -
It's womderful you're back ready for your next story
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So pleased to hear it all
So pleased to hear it all went well (and that you finally had the op!). Well done Jenny. I hope you continue to improve that you're back posting on here soon! xx
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The silence from your end had
The silence from your end had made me think and hope that the op had come off fairly quickly in the end, Jenny. Glad it's over and you are recovering. love, Rhiannon
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