Viagra, In Female Form
By The Talisman
Sat, 10 Nov 2012
- 2225 reads
There is no doubt in my mind, that Audrey Hepburn was possibly the most
beautiful woman to adorn our screens.
She was just perfection.
The closest to her was perhaps, Jane Russell.
But, for me it will always be Audrey Hepburn.
She must have felt like royalty, as, when she entered a room, it must have
been filled with men doubled over, bowing.
Not out of respect.
But, simply trying to hide the embarrassment of an obvious erection, in her
Ladies curtsying, out of, weak at the knees, lesbian envy.
There you have it.
Audrey Hepburn...Hollywood royalty.
Viagra in female form.
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Not for me, Kelly Brooke at
Not for me, Kelly Brooke at the moment.
But for the oldies, yes Jane Russell was standout.
I think you should have put this up as a forum piece, see what everyone thinks!
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I can imagine many ladies
I can imagine many ladies were envious of Audrey Hepburn.
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Audrey Hepburn is very
Audrey Hepburn is very interesting. Her father was a Nazi sympathiser, both her parents were members of the British Union of Fascists. She spent her early childhood in the Netherlands during the German occupation (I live there, so it's kind of common knowledge) and suffered badly from malnutrition during the 'Hongerwinter' in '44 (eating tulip bulbs as that's basically all there was) and suffered health problems for the rest of her life as a result.
I expect you know all this, but I've always found it (and her life) fascinating...
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