Zero-One-Two - A Mathematical Form of Rodeo Using Dice/ Plus: The Game of WHICH?/Plus: The Game of Rollette
By well-wisher
- 547 reads
The game of Zero-One-Two
Zero-One-Two is a dice game played with a six sided dice that has zero on two sides; 1 on two sides and 2 on two sides.
The rules are fairly simple - The number that you roll with the dice is the number of times you can continue to roll the dice
Examples of how this works in practice-
If player A rolls a zero he cant roll again and so its player B's turn to roll.
If player A rolls a 1 then they can roll once again but if they then roll a zero its player B's turn.
If Player A rolls a 2 he can roll twice more so that even if he then rolls a zero he gets to roll again.
The aim of the game: The aim of the game is to roll the dice as many times as you can before you have to hand it over to your opponent. The player who rolls the most times wins the game.
One six sided Odds/Evens dice
One six sided High/Low Dice
And One six sided Colour dice.
Odds/Evens Dice - The odds/evens dice has the letter O on 3 sides and the letter E on 3 sides.
The High/Low Dice- The high/low dice has the letter H on 3 sides and the letter L on 3 sides.
The colour dice has a red dot on 3 sides and a blue dot on 3 sides.
Players each start by picking one of the two Starting dice and then they roll their dice simultaneously.
If one player has rolled an odd number and the other player has rolled an even number then one player rolls the Odd/Even dice and if they roll an O then the odd number wins; if they roll an E then the even number wins.
If both players have rolled an odd or even number but one has rolled a higher number than the other then they roll the High/Low dice and if they roll an H that means that the Highest number wins but if they roll an L that means the Lowest number wins.
If both players roll exactly the same number then they roll the colour dice and if they roll a red dot then the red dice wins but if they roll a blue dot the blue dice wins.
Each time a player wins they add the number that they rolled to their overall score. The player who gets both the highest and Even overall score, wins the game, in other words the game can only end if the person with the highest score also has an even numbered score. This rule exists so that even if a player is behind in points they always have a chance to win aslong as their opponents score is an odd number.
Players each have one game piece which, at the start of the game, they can place in any segment.
Players take turns rolling a six sided dice.
Whatever number they roll is the number of segments they can move either clockwise or anticlockwise (that is their choice) around the board.
The player that is able to land on the highest number wins a round.
Each time a player wins a round they add the number that they landed on (for example if they landed on segment 6 then they add 6) to their overall score.
The player whose over all score reaches 36 or over first wins the game. (For a longer game just increase the target score).
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