the parkster

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StorySummer somewhere Louise178914 years 3 months ago
StoryTaking responsibility ... Lady-Bathsheba714 years 3 months ago
StoryGlobal warming nazzy217415 years 10 months ago
StoryNeed for Speed the parkster316 years 4 months ago
StoryThe day the X box 360 died gristo316 years 4 months ago

My stories

Where's Home?

A poem i wrote to make sense of my upset and confusion after leaving England and moving over to Australia. I wanted to share my view on the aspect of life we call "home" with everyone.

Dead End Affection Dilemma

"To sustain a rejection and refrain from affection will only precede a reign of tears." A poem outlining the emotions following on from my first heart brake and trying to fall in love again.

Because I Love You!

The first poem i wrote for my first propper girlfriend. Tells the reader how much i love her and what she means to me. Hope you enjoy!

Real Talk - the parkster's verse

My verse to my debut song: Real Talk. Talks about superficiality and steriotyping, and how that's not the way to truly respect people.

Need for Speed

This was written in an English lesson too because we had to write a sonet. So i wrote one about a car, because i was into a car game at the time. Oh, and because i didn't have a girlfriend!
