day break in the forest the sun is breaking through the trees spring is here once again and with this brings mother natures new born the dear and the antalope are feeding there young
im safe i came out of the darkness panic an eco of a screem a face in the shadow a chance you might meet there is someone at a window envy my heartbeat increaces
grandad around the bookies no beinging paid his winnings cricket on the telly waching englands innings arm around the girl friend gob stoppers to suck back row of the pitchers
when i woke a looked in your eyes i could feel my emotions taking over because i knew iwould not be hurt anymore i want to say i love you but the would is full off fogotton dreams
a trickle of blood the pain in my heart a series of events, cupid has pulled his dart, no one cares or notices my pain im just another lost soul crying in the rain,