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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456804 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

out of work cologne (patent pending)

got a new idea (patent pending)--- you know that feeling when you just get out of a job you hate & the world feels anew for a few wondrous hours (no matter how tired you were beforehand)?

whistling while you work

believe it or not a constant tune being whistled can irritate even the most focused authority figure at any job & it can bring a smidgeon of satisfaction to the worker

the sociopath irony

s/he who will get locked away, fried in the chair, lethally injected, gassed, hung or shot by a firing squad, resides right in your home town, right in your neighborhood,

the mechanical kiss

the mechanical kiss comes without “love” without any sense of “love” without any place for “love” without any want of affection in the manner of “making love”

oopsy doopsy

little style nazi’s gotta problem with the way you write? little style nazi’s gotta problem with your flow? little fascist critic wants everything to
