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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456878 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

the intervention

the man lay dying & like many men before he was suddenly surrounded by an intervening troupe whose mission it was to make him like them “before it was too late”--- now,

the hope of wrong

no one is rehabilitated from the very act of living.

orwell’s moustache

the father of big brother whose face can be found on the cover of animal farm or nineteen eighty-four, his two most popular literary achievements--- he stares back at us with a moustache---

twas the night before december 25th

twas the night before 12/25, and all through the country not a believer was praying, not even mitt romney. s&m gear amassed in closets where stored,

Oeil Bonbons

THAT WHICH PROVOKES OUR INNERMOST lèvres pouty luxuriante et les hanches CRAVING---THAT WHICH SENDS US INTO A qui demandent une attention, FRENZY---THAT WHICH WE CANNOT REALLY
