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I have 179 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 478540 times and 282 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1703 of my 5,454 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1750 votes

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1703 of my comments have received 1750 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

this is beautiful! All the sh

Posted on Mon, 25 Jun 2018

this is beautiful! All the sh and th  and oo sounds, made me think of softness but then the sh sound becomes the noise of a weapon "shaft’s full shining power" and it ends not soft at all with "bombarding light"

And it was so satisfying to...

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Posted in Brightness without burning

1 Vote

Thankyou so much Insert. I

Posted on Sat, 23 Jun 2018

Thankyou so much Insert. I wasn't sure. Thankyou for the cherries, too

Have been thinking about crisps for ages since hearing the packets will be here in 1000 years but couldn't think how to do it till read the poetry monthly idea. It is...

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Posted in In your shoes

1 Vote

or  Bleak House...

Posted on Thu, 14 Jun 2018

or  Bleak House...

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Posted in Vamos España

1 Vote

I like this too, but had to

Posted on Fri, 15 Jun 2018

I like this too, but had to read it a few times to realise what you were saying. Found myself putting in line breaks? I do like the idea behind it and all the descriptions very much?

Feel you are gathering lots of whisps of thought with...

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Posted in The minutes and the hours

1 Vote

My partner believes dogs to

Posted on Wed, 06 Jun 2018

My partner believes dogs to be spirit guides. Duko seems to be guiding the narrator to a more peaceful place, helping him to accept a horrible truth rather than put life on hold while hoping for the impossible. I like that the two people who have...

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Posted in Duka's Return

1 Vote

I love the sense of movement

Posted on Fri, 08 Jun 2018

I love the sense of movement you have achieved with the rhymes and matching vowels:

"dazzling their speedy swooping/sweeping in and scooping"

And the quickness of "dart, smart, dirt, martin"

And I like the human bit in the...

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Posted in Treasured Mud Oasis

1 Vote

your poem has a beautiful

Posted on Sat, 02 Jun 2018

your poem has a beautiful meaning, too.

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Posted in Number Spellings!

1 Vote

This is beautiful! So fluid,

Posted on Wed, 30 May 2018

This is beautiful! So fluid, the way the song pulses and the heart pumps to keep the wings moving quickly. Also, couldn't think how you make it clear that the last line is about coming back to earth, and wonder if it is the D's, which have a...

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Posted in May Sky Melody

1 Vote

you have caught the feeling

Posted on Fri, 25 May 2018

you have caught the feeling of thunderstorms so well! Have a feeling bulls and thunder gods go together which makes it even more tingly

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Posted in Gaia visits

1 Vote

yes, I liked that the cows

Posted on Wed, 23 May 2018

yes, I liked that the cows and children died had significance for different reasons, so much heartache put so simply

and that "Winters smelled of kerosene". I remember there were lots of powercuts growing up, so paraffin reminds me of cold...

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Posted in Histories of a small town in Ontario
