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I have 770 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 532130 times and 77 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Geoffrey's picture
Geoffrey Ball

My stories

May Day

May Day Today is May Day so I’ll be seen With all my friends on the village green Midst crowds around a striped maypole Dancing like villagers did of old

Writing doggerel

Writing doggerel I like to sit and write in rhyme And most of the time I think I’m quite successful But I often find my mind goes blank and then I can’t find the rhyme I want.

The cloud

The cloud I float on high o’er vales and hills Looking for hosts of daffodils But spring has gone until next year There are no daffodils I fear So I head off south and on the way

My cat

My cat My cat is too fat but he doesn’t know that He eats food like a pig or a sow But I think he’s a cat ‘cos the noises he makes Don’t sound like an ‘oink’ but a ‘meow’

One hundred words

The ‘Varsity of the Third Age, want a hundred words upon a page, To form a story or a poem: - work that’s to be done at hoem.
