Steve Button

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I have 59 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 66836 times and 29 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 105 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

Steve Button's picture
Steve Button


My stories


From The Shore

I like the fact that before the sea I am the same as you The same as everyone Who falls To the swell of waves That pulse towards land A reminder Of the pull To our other selves


She went to live in Ulm, City of sparrows, And so we sat in cafes by the Danube Admiring her new life. Sparrows hopped about Our coupled legs Beneath the tables. The streets were filled

My Grandmother

Couldn’t get enough tea although She could barely stand still long enough To let the kettle boil. Family legend Claims a trace of gypsy blood and Irish temper To explain why she could be there


Out in the white clad White carpet woods It is not quiet Though I can barely hear a sound Just the whispered Crystal tumble of snowfall In the melt And a breathless thump

A Ton Of Muck

You've got to eat a ton of muck before you die, Uncle George would say and said it just before he croaked having presumably eaten his allotment. He meant it either as wise counsel
