Steve Button

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I have 56 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 60680 times and 28 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 100 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

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Steve Button


My stories



Out in the white clad White carpet woods It is not quiet Though I can barely hear a sound Just the whispered Crystal tumble of snowfall In the melt And a breathless thump

A Ton Of Muck

You've got to eat a ton of muck before you die, Uncle George would say and said it just before he croaked having presumably eaten his allotment. He meant it either as wise counsel

Not Really A Proper Poem

Automatic writing is easy peasy It's just swoosh and there you go Just do it Nike poetry Maybe I'll get free trainers for that Bit of product placement I'm not above the sell out if there's

Land Art

Drawn to mark the earth With mortal tattoos These artists fashion Fragile appendices to nature. Whatever the opposite Of the search for immortality They chase it, knowing
Poem of the week

Last light

Much is made of sunset, That span of slow Luxurious passing. And in the end, Wouldn't we all like To go out that way? Arresting and slightly Doleful, day's end Slipping gently
