I have 1022 stories published in
3 collections on the site.
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and 15 of my stories have been cherry picked. 4 of my 310 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes
I am a deep believer in individual liberty. I believe that everyone has the right to own guns. But in the current situation, I really have to support...
God forgive me a long list of sins, purge me of the sins I committed because I was IGNORED: these sins being: being REALLY obnoxious, making stupid,...
I've been living as a Korean-American in the USA for a long time. I think it was when it was in my mid-twenties that I began to call myself a Korean-...
I wanted to mention the meritocracy game and the liberation game because Hillary Clinton is a product of her time. She has done very well in both of...