"The Mangle Mess" Some 0f Life's Experiences now updated.
By Cavalcader
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I was from a family 8 hard times then! No electricity, no hot water tin baths very cold, definitely poverty,oranges very rare! chicken only christmas.Front room damp never used only christmas.Children weighed and measures undernourished we'd be sent to camp schools children illnessess polio in those times. Dormitories and fresh air walks I would get lost catching them up! Assembly roll call names every morning. Hospital on the premises.
Porridge lumpy and dormitories named after poets strangely enough!
"Belloc" "Rudyard Kipling" etc: lights out no more talking, pillow fights at age 10 bunk beds ugh! we'd have a fight lights out top bunk bed.
'Scarlettina and Polio then not heard of much and nothing to help much then.I was only 10
when I went there, there was a tuck' shop if sent or saved bit money could meet parents in Carfax Horsham centre, but one day parents came they came miles I had no money in tuck box so couldn't go, they had wasted journey. The bus was a wooden old rickety wooden seats so hard and uncomfortable for us if miles down into town for few hours.
Ablusions at night we had cover our heads cos of bats flying, showers we were made to run through cold as well as hot ow! Here is camp school song
Here we are at "Wedges" camp far far away
Mummy daddy take me home
from this convalescent home
wev'e been here a week or two
now I want to be with you
No more teacher's no more books
no more teacher's dirty looks (then)
get no sugar in our tea,
we are the jubilee fading away.
One of my baby brothers had been ill weeks, only 3 years old called rheumatic fever then golden curl boy,beautiful.Like an angel' also baby,three out of us 6 got.
when I came back from camp school I wasn't well at school told my twinny friend's please don't say! but they told knowing children? head teacher whoops along I had to go to her room! temperature high and sent home alone' at least nearly hours walk. When home from camp school and eventually back at school couple of us had have our names read out in the class as off to remedial sessions
as I had no bust then, we be put in triangle shaped bandage round the neck tied and the back we'd have to bring arms up and do pressing exercises to develop us it was nerving being so young. The gymnasium jump on the leather horse for a hand stand never could, teacher's have to catch you and hold you up? or try swing on the rope and climb up! definitely not for me not enough energy.
Dr's coming brother and checked me over too, little hammer knocking knees reflexes oh! dear 2 ambulances came one walking case both of us taken away to-gether mum be crying oh! it's baby crying she'd say not true. When in the hospital and much fitter after quarantine time fumigation done all visitor's had to robe up and only look through a screen everything. Then as time went by I would sit by the drop cot and read to my brother only 3 years old then he had operations later in the years.But I was allowed home first.
I was bit paralysed but ok eventually once put on bed- pan forgot about ouch!
stuck on it till after visiting time,the rimm ooh!
We heard this noise! going my brother wanted to know what it was the 'Sister' said "one day before I left" the "Swandean Hospital" then take us so sad beautiful girl in a iron lung never seen one, I was only ten her name was Irene' and we used sing song "Good-night "Irene Goodnight" Irene where see you in our dreams, she couldn't move bless her and of course died.
the day before I left camp school concert put on . I remember we sung "Powder Your Face With Sunshine" make up a great big smile. Yellow crep'e paper bows on the shoes not sure if tap shoes but great before going home, such as was argument's and strains. Many life's things never discussed in those days. let alone many good and bad thing's have happened now as years gone by?
I lost quite bit of school my twinnies always gave their marmite sandwiches to me then at school.as always "H".hungry.
I had little skinny leg's and the shoe's feet turned over so had wedges, sliding leather piece put in after polio which never spoken of couple children not at camp school also got it very near me.I used have permission go over and feed her. After back at school I was put in bottom class, came top! the next class harder. The clinic would do electric pads in water put on legs, fascinating to watch like electric meter by my side it turned feet out and back to strengthen them.The Clinic some went and me,it was an unmade road very stoney badly lit.
I was given cartons and cartons of maltaline like a toffee, mum had to wrap it around spoon and pop quick in my mouth , quite got used to taste after while builds you up and then' sun-ray treatment hospital, us children had then those days, school navy blue knickers and dark sun glasses,children that had it done. and me bit scary?
I missed few months schooling later teenager lost my sense of smell, but I coped very well indeed never been known and pretend at 14 I could smell roses etc: work later dodgy if electric fire' on keep warm, in a job once, someone left pies on electric fire heat warm! Whoops I didn't smell it?
Course I remember the Army jeeps going along our road soldier's stop and sit on top balcony shops soldier's call out or sing as they went along. Course it was tin plates and mugs in those times.Cat and dog,had food in to.
Our pop was in The Navy very strict up bringing, all of us never answer back and time and P.Q's and to help. Must be back if out on time! "I don't care if your 21" he say, "while under my roof you do as your told"?
We'd all have jobs to do at home help Mum etc;
Oranges,egg powder then, chicken luxury once a year, cake week-end shop floors be disenfected while shopping.
Front room only warmed and used at xmas used.Ration books changed for clothes by a neighbour,for toy's big scooter, rocking horse. Dark cupboard on top floor at home oldest brother put a sheet on wall and show 'Cinematograph films Charlie Chaplin" and others great.
One present we hoped for, or 2nd hand bike we all rub spokes down pop teach us sandpaper and paint it pop test brake blocks before we could use.
Mum made Panda from fur coat may be that's where I taught myself toy making now?
Sunday's was Sunday school all in best but sometimes dinner wasn't ready. "Myna" bird pop was ill he would say "Where's dad along the pub"
just heard name t.v I remember Myna bird's name was "Pancho" he would say. and grow up! as probably boy's said amongst each other as kids.
embarrassing any called. rabbits goldfish we had animals and kittens once couple born paraylsed pop put by stove or tepid water bottle maybe that's where polio came from, or swimming pool at camp school all children all kind backgrounds used.Mostly we were undernourished.
Pop when he came on leave he get us to shell the peas and take out bad ones. Pearl Barley, bread pudding, neighbour's broken biscuits empty her tin if I'd shopped for her. Pop's allottment Sweet Peas, and potatoes, Curly Cale' was like a cabbage.Dumpling's grated cheese on and stews and later two other brother's in Navy came home and bring friend's pop' just knew they would come he was right!he would make great cheese on toast' and add oxo and other things marvellous. Tripe I hated look of. Oxes Tongue too he would buy. No one knew when they come on leave or letters.Once an uncle took me holiday to Birmingham we had bread and sugar truly loved it.
I remember doodle-bug what a noise !We be taken next door air raid shelter, or under our bed's and the gas mantle lamps black out blinds I hate noise of siren's.
I used have to go Royal Alexandria Hospital for ears, and throat etc: I was about 6 years old,my belated Mum took me, the arcade seemed so dark and tall and gloomy to a six year old.
Mum and I waiting for a bus up the hill to
hospital, suddenly awful noise, I thougt Doodle-bug coming over, Mum threw me on the ground as German plane "Messersmitch" I now learned it was not Doodle-bug! from pictures shown of war world 2 in Hove Museum,of 1944 other week, and I am trying to get photo now of the plane Curator is putting me on the list I have been in contact with to try and get one.it landed by St. Nicolas grave? no two ladies told me it hit the wall, and picture of plane in the next room go and look strange seeing it there?
Plus gas masks pictures I said to them "I called Mickey Mouse why? I don't know no" they said "you are quite right were red". I also remember red tongues, on them.
No one had a day in bed or out of work not aloud. Many tears over roast dinner's, the fat give it to the dog before pop came back pub.
We would have inspection who bit their nails course I did? But little sister "look daddy I don't bite mine?" she would say.ugh!
Shoes polished and cleaned,sometimes pop just rub shoe on back of each of his trouser legs of go for his pint.! he would put basin round the boy's head cut hair four of them, mend shoes on iron anvil. Played Violin and accordian, piano but know one picked his talent up. Typed and later in life painter decorator sign writer, and eventually worked in nursinghome. He's gone now d. young drink hard work.cancer big smoker too.
We used push his wheelbarrow miles with paint and cans on for his work heavy another brother and push miles for him Southwick to Hove then.
He made Aircraft models of ships and model St Paul's Cathedral put coloured silver wrapped sweet wrapper's for the windows, looked so effective. If any statues with mouth open he would blow smoke in fascinating to watch smoke come out. He tie rocket on end paint can did't it go bang! I usually stop in after "Jumping Jack" firework chased me!
Pop never put pegs on washing line, course wind blew all over next door and hung onto Lilac bush few words said? by ratty neighbour. Was a very angry then over his pigeons.
We had outside toilet one way switch so if one gone in from toilet other left in dark, no garden light plus alleyway also if in from toilet and gone upstairs we have to shout out for switch to be put on down stairs first, as relation put it on wrong at the time. Pop used to do dobing means like grapes take shoes and socks of and stand in tin bath and pound feet up and down get sheets clean no washing machines then. He never made his pension ill big Cancer never day off work. worked so hard.
Mangle mess.
Now come to the Mangle! I was about 7 years old and the mangle stand with 2 rollers on used for crushing apple's in a cloth and make wine. But I remember when young I told my brother if he put his threepenny bit in the mangle ! I could make it bigger oh! he said "ok younger than me but how stupid' I turned mangle handle but he did not let go! of his threepenny bit as I wanted to make it bigger! for him and last longer I ran away
screaming!for mum, and to this day tip of finger slightly squashed.
We have so much now! and can't always appreciate the things that accumulate, or get on so well with each other. we always want more. Could always get things on tick for mum as kids did all and could borrow cup of sugar neighbour or 1/- for gas, local shop let her have groceries
if I had find out what she had no one knew racket.
Thing's then I think safer in lots ways then. hostility infamilies, always somewhere just got on with, we sung around the piano, pop played but the violin he played Carols before going for a pint,the poor old sheep dog 'Rags' used open his mouth and howl Because of th high notes.
When dad was a painter and decorator and sign writer, and he painted ladies bungalow, after polio he fixed it up, for me to go and meet
elderly couple then no children just one cat and dog, they took to me, I was only 11 -12 years old,
and I stayed till week-end always I would make home made biscuits for dog "Laddie"
contained oatmeal and marmite nice, I was taught I tried them to
Night- time I played game chestnuts with toasting fork for the cat, and he had musical wind up roundabout to also the cat
"Nicky" would hook out the sprats for the dog "Laddie" down below to catch. His mouth so soft it could hold an egg inside his mouth is a true fact? Labradors.
Early morning walks and owner and his labrador dog over the downs then was safe come back rosey cheeks and an appetite.
I was treated like a Queen all my clothes first time in life all bought shoes coat dress by them elderly lady but "Cinderella' I was like.
Then week-end came had to leave them all behind and change! into my scruffy clothes, so Cinderella never went to the ball? Later in life I joined British Red cross society and believe it or not nativity scene had to sing and part of ragged child I was so nervous, then took part of a king.
I stiil have photo, all make up caked on pop! went barmy say "if you want paint on go to my cupboard get paint as painter!"get that muck of your face".
I would have been about 12 then.
I could have worked for them once I left school but, I couldn't leave my brothers and sister then, and be pampered with all the wonderful things I had including citrus fruits,yum yum, and leave them at home in poverty.eight of us. They visited now and again didn't or wasn't allowed in only very young. I felt awful then they only looked at the garden.
I used to take some brothers up to Stanmore Hospital very young to visit the one who had to have more operations later. We all go by coach if parent's couldn't afford or go. as kids all of us have a sing along on coach maybe a comb too. The escalators we have fun going up and down, but come out of the wrong tube line not knowing tube lines as only children.
Visiting the sights and babies Rickett's in ward awful their little legs strung up in the air in air in plaster poor little mights.
I think makes one very sensitive to others lives now especially as we live in a must! have days but repeated history later in life marriage, eventually started with nothing and a babe no marriage at first times still hard and love what we want and need, no hankies out please.
But as our Editor T.Cook Abctales says every one has a tale to tell. Sunny I'll go out? For the day.
My prayers go to all Haiti" and families but it will and should be a global funding all partake in.
I put £5 in somewhere to help every little bit counts when we are all so lucky!
Bless+ you all.re-done alterations now.
and added to this is to long for story for 'Hiati'.
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You're right Julie -
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Gosh it must have been hard
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Sorry I'm so late in
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Hello there, -A long hard
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Hi julie x I loved reading
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Hi julie x, That's a good
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Hi Julie x, I am not sure
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Hi Julie,x Yes it looks
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a lively and interesting
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Now I understand why you
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Julie. I have read this
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Hello Cavalcader Julie, Wow
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