
By Insertponceyfrenchnamehere
- 7968 reads
So sweet of you to lend me this bikini.... it was a nightmare because they lost all our luggage in Paris... yup... every single bag except our carry ons. Good thing I put my jewellery in that one. Actually Mark was a little taken aback when he saw I’d brought this ring.
Yes it’s pretty…..thanks…bit show off though isn’t it. Of course I wouldn’t have bought anything this big – who could afford that nowadays? No, it’s a family piece. Yes…real! I know, I read that part too. They do seem rather poor don’t they, but you don’t actually have to go out of the airport when you transfer to the little private plane ..and then of course here it’s all very different isn’t it.
Oh absolutely – I love to see the real country too, when we go away. I mean sometimes you can’t ..I was in Dubai with a few girlfriends last month – oh yes it was wonderful – the shopping was to die for – but you can’t really leave your hotel there – there’s nowhere to go for starters. You don’t need to anyway – it’s all there for you – I mean what do people go there for apart from the sun and the pool anyway?
Yup, they do the trip on a Wednesday to the local village, are you coming too? Oh good! We can meet up, love to! Your children going? I’m not sure about mine. Freya’s sulking. No idea why. Maybe the cases? She’s refusing to leave her room – yes I know, two days and all she’s done is watch dvds. I had to bribe Felix to come out, …..yes he’s nine. I said fifty pounds if he can find five different kinds of lemurs to photograph. Children are hilarious aren’t they
Um… no I don’t work – I’m so busy, there never seems to be enough time for a job – I would love to otherwise. I have my charities of course. I flew to India a couple of months ago to look at conditions – oh yes it was fascinating ..wonderful hotel – marvellous spa too and I could keep up with my yoga – India’s wonderful for yoga. Oh yes very poor, but we have these ladies who make things, all fair trade you know, and then I put them in my auctions. I do love auctions. A lot of work though, all the organising,, and it costs so much – catering, flowers and so on…..still, it’s all in a good cause!
Yes, I generally seem to get away once a month…let me far this year, Dubai in January, here for half term, and then skiing next month.. I suppose it is rather a lot, but one does need a break from London and Mark is just snowed under. Hedge fund management. Yes they do say that, but he’s busier than ever – hardly see him these days, funny isn’t it? Good thing though……Bedales for three costs a bloody fortune – oh absolutely worth it – the ethos, so wonderful. No the two eldest don’t like boarding but it is heaven there, and I’m so busy! Anyway we can have quality time on holiday. They are the limit aren’t they. That’s why Freya’s sulking, Says she wants to be at home with her friends. Oh I’m sure she’ll snap out of it soon
Mark? I’m not sure where he is actually. Haven’t seen him to talk to since last night. Yes, I think he might have gone for a long walk or something, He wasn’t there when I woke up. I didn’t say anything did I..last night? No ..not too much to drink…well, maybe a little..oh god I’m sorry. Poor you. I didn’t did I? How awful
What is it Felix? Oh darling let me see….that’s splendid…….the best ever…..not until you have five different ones darling. Well go and find your sisters then……..go on…….tell them they have to…….off you go
Anyway……god I’m so sorry …...what must you think of me. Oh; no harm done then? ……maybe that’s why Mark went out so early. Did you see him? Oh lord was he? No honestly, it’s just that when I drink anything it mixes with my anti-depressants. Oh yes, you should see me without them. With the barman? God I didn’t did I? Are you sure?
Oh look..the manager’s coming over. I love those sarongs they wear don’t you? So ethnic!
A note for me? Thank you. Shall we order some drinks now he’s here? What would you like?
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Really love it. Got into it.
Burton St John
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Well I certainly think
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If you´re still stuck have
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Great! Really enjoyed this
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This is out Twitter and
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Brilliant stuff you. Loved
Burton St John
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You are too kind - she is
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I am the master of
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I do wish you could start
I do wish you could start writing again, this is really funny. Is she real? She's like brilliant satire, too ghastly to realise what she is saying, like Jennifer Saunders in AbFab. Only worse. I met some people from Bedales once, at a schools' poetry competition and they were really nice. But like plants in a terrarium
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Will have a look for the
Will have a look for the worse one :0) I like that the charming person was the only first to put a car on the roof. Imagine how the school manages cars on roof in insurance claims :0)
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