A Moment to Ponder

By skinner_jennifer
Thu, 14 Apr 2011
- 4126 reads
A sheet of memories I took with me that day
the sweet scent of patchouli,
its fragrance still lingers
caressing my senses,
time enough for me
drifting on that quiet lake,
as I lay under a cloudless sky
silence slipping into silence,
soft white feathers take flight,
I watched as two white swans
flew overhead... their necks
so lithe and proud,
sun beams dancing on golden lake
ripple like glistening jewels,
as gently I float away
drifting into gentle slumber.
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Very visual and gentle -
Very visual and gentle - lovely.
Just noticed a typo in title, Jenny.
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seashore has got it just
Permalink Submitted by Insertponceyfre... on
seashore has got it just right - visual and gentle - you take the reader floating on that lake with you. I really enjoyed this jenny
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I have nearly gone
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
I have nearly gone blissfully to sleep whilst reading this Jenny...so soothing it is;-)
I love the imagery of sunbeams dancing on a golden lake.
Much enjoyed.
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It's all been said Jenny. I
It's all been said Jenny. I really enjoyed this serene quietude
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Soft and sensuous, a cloud
Permalink Submitted by Richard L. Prov... on
Soft and sensuous, a cloud of restfulness and great imagery. Writing a short poem like this with a blend of the outdoors and contemporary thinking is a challenge; a great job. Richard LP
Richard L. Provencher
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Hi Jenny, I didn't catch
Hi Jenny, I didn't catch this until late on and I'm glad I did. Really nice poem and I know I've said it a few times recently about your work, but at the risk of being repetitive and boring, you are getting better and better the more you write and that is as it should be. Perhaps your writing is like a good wine - maturing with age.
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Jenny, this is just
Jenny, this is just beautiful - probably my favourite poem of yours. :-)
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