The Art of Art

By Silver Spun Sand
Sat, 20 Aug 2011
- 3208 reads
At school
they made us
paint a picture
of a
in our road...
in our garden...
in the park.
“Get real close,”
Miss said...
“Just inches
from its bark;
feel it – touch it...
become that tree
through art.”
As I recall,
I was uninspired...
People stared
like I was crazy,
and a bird
left its ‘calling card’
on my head.
What was the point?
A tree, is a tree,
is a frigging tree!
In shadow-lands
of now...
fifty years on
I stand beneath
that tree...
its green,
wet smell.
Sense the contours
of its bark;
its gnarled,
arthritic branches
like question marks.
Only now –
my answer.
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Lovely picture. Must have
Lovely picture. Must have been an inspiring teacher! I agree a tree is not just a tree. There are so many thousands of different trees and types of bark and leaves. Oh dear what do I know- but I think you know what I mean?
Thank you for a very enjoyable read Tina- really conjures up a lot of atmosphere and appreciation of nature- as usual in your glimpses of nature-
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I wonder at what point this
I wonder at what point this learning comes? A simply wonderful, beautiful poem as befits trees.
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An art teacher with
An art teacher with vision.....a rare breed. Inspirational - poem and teacher, Tina.
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"its gnarled, arthritic
Permalink Submitted by MistakenMagic on
"its gnarled,
arthritic branches
like question marks."
- love, love, LOVE these lines, Tina! A truly beautiful piece. Well done on the cherries :)
Magic xxx
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Hello Tina, I think that the
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
Hello Tina,
I think that the teacher you had, was such an
insperation. Somehow I'm sure that what she taught
you, made a lasting impression, for you to have
written such a beautiful poem.
Thankyou for a read on two subjects very close to
my heart, trees and painting.
Have a peaceful, sunny weekend.
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'Youth is wasted on the
Permalink Submitted by threeleafshamrock on
'Youth is wasted on the young.' Funny how appreciation grows with age/experience(s). Love this Tina and can identify perfectly but luckily, even the young(er) can appreciate this lovely piece and who knows, maybe even learn ;) Superb and as usual, hits the nail squarely on the head!
Chris ;)
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What is the sound of one
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
A poem with a subtle, Zen-like quality. You created a 'koan' of your own choosing. Nice poem. Evern nicer imagery, especially the way you challenge your reader to travel beyond the black on white.
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