Missing Years ( Part 23 )

By jolono
- 2600 reads
The beast within Trevor Wilson’s body now had two days, just two days, to gather more strength. The strength came from taking lives. With each life he took he gained power, he liked this form, this human vessel; he could achieve great things within it.
He left his room and wandered the local streets, it was dark, he liked the darkness, he was powerful in the dark, these mortals were all scared of it and that made them weak. He followed one of them to a housing estate and there he pounced, took the life with a single blow, dragged its form into the darkness so he could devour it. He was more powerful than ever now. One more tonight and he would be ready, his power complete, ready for the battle to commence.
He would rather do the deed himself but he knew there were others out there, others with dark minds that could well beat him to it.
Spencer and Swan had driven to see Ray Samuels; they were sitting in Eddie’s front room. Ray spoke first.
“So Commander, what have you come to see me about, what was so urgent that it had to be today”
“Ray, look, I’m going to be brutally honest with you, we want you to reconsider this plan for Friday, I’m here to help you make that decision”
“And how will you do that Commander?”
“By telling you the facts, off the record of course, you have come back from god knows where, you need time to settle in again, take your time before you make any rash decisions, it would be in your best interests to do so”
Spencer interrupted, knowing where Swan was heading.
“Ray, all we’re saying is not yet, don’t do this yet, as the Commander says, take some time to get things sorted out, have a holiday, do some travelling, but don’t go ahead with Friday, if you want people to do something, then get them all to give £5 each to a charity, you choose it, we could call it the Ray Samuels Foundation, it would raise millions, think of the good you could do with that, think of the lives you could save with that money!”
Ray looked at them both and stood up to speak.
“That’s been done before and nothing has changed, if anything it’s got worse, charities only try to help the problem once it’s already happened, what I’m trying to do is stop the problem from happening in the first place. Look at organisations like Red Cross, they do a great job, but they’re only trying to clean up someone else’s mess, the real problem is the people who have caused the mess in the first place, if we get rid of those, who knows, one day we may not need these charity organisations”
Swan took a deep breath and changed his tone.
“You’re being naïve Ray, you know that the people in power will not let that happen, you do know that don’t you?”
“Of course I do Commander, I’m not stupid, why do you think I’m here, what do you really think is happening here?”
“Go on, tell me!”
There was sarcasm in Swans voice.
“I am here for a reason, that reason has now become clear to me, this world WILL change, trust me, it is you who is being naïve Commander, by thinking everything has to stay the same, people are crying out for something, something to believe in, SOMEONE, to believe in, not Politicians, not Kings and Queens or Presidents, they want to believe that they can change the world, THEY, can change the world. I’m here to let them know that they can, all they need is a little push, that little push comes from me, Friday is just the start, you wait and see, just the start of something much, much bigger!”
Swan noticed that when Ray spoke he seemed to grow in stature.
“Things could get nasty Ray, very nasty, I’m already hearing that a few of the papers are thinking of running stories that will discredit you, saying that you’re a fake and only out for money, then of course there’s the relationship you have with Stacey, your daughter, that won’t go down well, will it, you wouldn’t want your family to get hurt would you”
Ray looked at Swan, for the first time since he’d come back he felt real anger. His voice boomed and filled the room.
“Get out of my father’s house, Judas comes in many forms, but mainly as a liar, go, go and do your dirty deeds for a handful of silver, shame on you”
Spencer and Swan made a swift exit, as they walked to their car, Spencer looked at Swan.
“Well that went well, what now?”
Swan wasn’t listening, he was busy dialling a number on his mobile, the call was answered. Swan spoke slowly and carefully.
“Ok, you can go ahead, get it done, get it done quickly”
A few miles away a man in his mid-thirties put away his mobile phone and walked slowly towards the big house in Gidea Park. He walked around the back, climbed over the garden fence and tried the handle of the back door, it was locked. He took a bunch of keys from his pocket and within a few seconds he was standing in the kitchen. The house was in darkness, the residents in their beds. He started to climb the stairs, one by one, gently, so that none of them made a sound as he put weight on them. He reached the landing at the top, took a few more steps and turned the handle of the first bedroom door. In the bed in front of him was a women in bed sound asleep, he walked towards her, towards……….Laura Samuels.
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Wow! jolono, this is getting
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interesting. I'm waiting to
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I agree with Jenny about the
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Had people staying so
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