I Crown Thee "King Jazz" My Neighbour's Hero Cat Updated /25 March 2013 News April 22nd news later
By Cavalcader
- 7419 reads
As I'm resting some days in my bed "Jazz" is on the other one as I sing to him "Jazz" is a lovely boy" He is my day star as bright as the sun and the beautiful black cat that understands His nose will twitch and his paws stretch out his head coils round I wonder what? or who! he is dreaming about I tempt him one finger dabbed with Chocolate spread another 'utterly butterly' Ah! goes for utterly butterly mum would've said "keeps cat from going astray" "Le Chat Noir" knows when had enough all his antics and previous make me laugh! green eyes that sparkle in the night when I'm at the shop then next door Choosing my bar of chocolate he is sitting on top a fridge I say hello! bent down then to choose from a lower shelf My goodness something goes bump into me I turn so narrow no one could get by but it is "Jazz" or he will cry! very dark "where are you I will say" but he has beaten me to our door runs in quick for his usual stroke and chat! to him Then given the loving touch goes all cute his ears prick up and he will turn his head If mine has him first massages his head and back down to his tail looks up as if to say please! carry on again "Jazz" is faithful comfort loving cat runs in if bedroom door nearly closed he will bump! it with his head Bingo! he is in on his cosy bed He will lay on table and if on AbcTales bump me again get his attention or flat out coils his head around On one side I grab the camera as he has closed his eyes I can't wear glasses yet Will he still love me the way I look yes,and I love him too constant therapy in good or bad fun summer rain or snow "Jazz" looks at me so strange as I let him out I say "do you recognise me with my black panda eyes Before I went back to bed do come again I said sure enough nearly three weeks meow meow! He is my hero never left me at all "Jazz King" is my little darling and a bundle of love and fur maybe I could wear him Like a neck collar to keep us warm but love him just as he is I prefer "Jazz King" deserves a crown or medal from H.M The Queen or maybe a note! for his love and comfort to me and all As he ran into the bedroom the other night I couldn't see him gave me a fright then I saw "Jazz's" silhouette hiding behind the pale blue curtain makes me laugh "Jazz" is my wonder cat then I must be a his wonderwoman like an angel that watches over me rolling in the sun or waiting at the door He is my "Hero" by my side forever more in a big shop mechanical fall blood all over the floor two great ambulance men Questions and tests done patched up time they came finger's pricked told sugar count low Ray sent out get something sweet I said pray to them in came Ray 'Milky Way ordered to eat and a cup of tea 10 minute wait finger's again pricked All back to normal on bus home got in dry blood all through my clothes Couldn't get clothes go over my nose three months no glasses on cuts and bruises 'Jazz'cat came next day and many more sitting on Ray's bed his love always as I have said Oh! *** dear Now the song? My belated mum sung at home! "Mother Hear My Tears Are Falling"! I hated. Dear "Jazz" amazing owner's cat,I have in always! Slowing down, when is in,short while,now,on bed,I am tickling his chin! As lifts it higher. "My Tears Are Truly Falling"! See him slowing down so much,when the time and day comes! Hope not for a while yet! Mentioned not eating food.no I never feed him! Everyone loves "Jazz" and children. So much comfort if hubby,gone out! Very hot weather for "Jazz". Like me getting old? yep! Owner kind of mentioned to me! Could be longer! And will wander back in to me,not lay in shop pathway,if look,and call him! Just go Miaow! Yes,came now after fourth call. Few hours. Lucky me! Just a cat given so much love xx. Nobody would understand. When two black eyes,cuts and bruises! etc ;once shop fall? still came,wonderful owner,let's me have,got too face this day some when! So many photos of him! Won again £10. But "Green Eyes" poem seems be going higher higher in readings! Not this one yet! Busy going "Singing for pleasure" Gt. Musical Director Simon Gray all getting ready for Hove Town Hall,Sept;29th Argus Appeal. Surprise photo's taken of all, in Argus Friday July 27th. Shame all short people,not clear! Simon Gray/Robert should been at the front! at the back! x Now Corrected by one finger exercise not bad make sense! After my big accident mechanical shop fall. Fingers and wrist and more didn't work. Up till 3am. Done! All comments please! Have altered the Title seems more prominent? What? Do you think! This is mean't to follow story I am trying,and why! can't wear glasses "panda Eyes". at moment! Sits on wall always there! outside waitng if not washing himself! now photoed him through window. Not in my bed,no but will climb up! Ray went put him out other night! sat in hall, I Said "Jazz" slowly bending to him "look do you recognise! me"? "Miaow" says Opened door sat there till,Ray picked him up,dashed back in and onto bed again! Which follow,in in my story! Why! no glasses! can wear,weeks from shop mechanical fall. So done this first! Know not the best! All comments please! Corrected Now! By doing one or two finger's exercise,Up till 3am. answer gradually. No glasses can't wear on yet. "Le Chat Noir". Knows when to go,and when to stay! wake up, and come into front room! Talk to your cat or animal it works. My neighbour's cat. Hope not boring! Or if going out then,open the door sitting right up to it,love wtching the water from watering can. Knows everything wants and likes. Oh! laughter he brings! sniffing flowers and water,looking out window for his master? Denzella's idea of new title as I asked lovely. great thanks. Denzella for part new Title thrilled. Thankyou. Correcting some,may have lost part of poem. Have to check copy have later. Done! April 21st 2012. Now ps *** To The Editor t.cook (Tony) This is the big surprise. I mentioned tell you later. Re; Feb: 6th. Mechanical fall in shop Feb 21st Answer March 6th I will tell you wonderful surprise! When all gone wrong! Who from? while laid in bed recovering, shop mechanical fall here,Ray brought in post, I'm in bed,letter from H.M. The Queen what! Card Reads: Envelopes always headed E II R Buckingham Palace Reads: Buckingham Palace I send you my grateful thanks for the words of loyalty and support which you have so kindly sent on the occasion of the sixtieth Anniversary of my Accession to the Throne. Elizabeth R Now 2nd one has arrived!? Same why! July 27th 2012 2012 sixfab photos of H. Majesty.The Queen. As already have 2nd hand books of all, and given,and Diana I bought some and things, I adored her,and given to me,books dvd and all Royal Family Prince's in 2nd books. etc; Diana d then buried on my birthday then,put photo on window, drew the curtains, went vigil Brighton choked,I sent letter one day only put my name and address my goodness reply back from Lady in waiting. Way back knowing about marriage myself ups and downs being accepted. And Ray took me to London. Still have £10.Then sent for ring from that time,and better one £5 shop bigger in Brighton when H.R.H Prince William got married. Diana thimble given to me then and bits etc; "No! your joking I said" feeling sorry and low in bed frrom shop mechamnical fall, but it was, and wonderful words in print of my loyalty to Ma'am,wow! as you see part lines about wonderful cat neighbour's, always faithful always here,and wouldn't go,mention "Jazz" could be given a medal cerificate or note from H.M. The Queen in it. But it was beautiful card with wonderful photos 6 of her Diamond Jubilee coming up,I forgot I sent 2nd hand card,with great words to H. M.The Queen So overwhelmed! Her loyalty country,serving never gave up,mum nan grandma. But first the Queen. So young when King George VI died,and the coranation. Ma-am was beautiuf. Put on Envelope and attached this Poem to H.M. The Queen. and how was overwhelmed only one replied then! With mail going astray sometimes and emails not getting through,don't know if got there! I so much hope for cherry! But card thanks from H.M. Queen Elizabeth thanking for card Diamond Jubilee just took my breath away! And mentioned how it arrived during this terrible mechanical shop clothes fall. As have had letters from Lady in waiting way back,Diana marriage,like ours was heading for. and many thanks Royalty, books and things 2nd hand and given me by friends have in past. And when not heard from anyone. Only Editor t.cook Tony AbcTales I was so delighted H.M. only one. Two friends couldn'stop. listen. No calls over three weeks when help other's to or go singing n/home. just been to the first "Singing for pleasure" great Musical Director "Simon Gray".No song sheets great teaches all. Happened mechanical shop fall then. Friends and people knew,never returned calls,ask how was there for them,strange world. And my x priest then phoned kindly asked him pray accident. Taken four weeks. Hope Tony has improved, emails not replying here! Saw daughter and son in law. I am now up and about and my face is back etc; not done much on here! moment love to all. julie xx busy other things cropt up,business!wise. and back to singing now? Now 10 week course great had miss three weeks. So time taken up. Not sure as put overwhelmed on envelope reply and why! if poem got to H.M The Queen things go astray. Hope you are improving Tony.x Thrilled to bits now Readings of This wonderful neighbours cat "Jazz" taking over the number against poem "Say Something Nice" Always here love and massage and comfort especially, during,difficult time of mechanical shop fall. Three weeks and all involved. Now mentioned. Love to all. Whether the poem got to H.M The Queen I don't know! But I did this poem on 2nd March and couple lines mention H.M. The Queen in medal or certificate or note for "Jazz" special cat, neighbour's,let's me have in, and try poems of him. Comfort and love and care and 6th March in bed resting,Ray brings in post one from The Queen no don't be daft! But not about poem didn't know, as am Royalists follower in big book 2nd hand and of Late Diana. I'd sent Ma'am card of great words in card to her,as some previous letters come on Late Diana put my name and address my goodness replies. My Life is a bit like Diana's. Ray took me to London the dream awful loved Diana buried think said on my birthday, Ray got up for work,mentioned to him sitting up startled, put tv on exact time the awful dream and feeling,it was all true! then. Experience jolt of heart I said to Ray. But H.M The Queen now I was over whelmed laying in bed,from awful mechanical shop clothes prop fall. and H.M The Queen never given up from time Coronation or missed anything her loyalty as ma'am says and her age to continue all through, said long may she Reign. And loving words. What! did I find before arriving at "The Great Wheatsheaf" poetry night! A shop third time lucky,with Ray made us late,top hat Royal blue,and Union Jack on wow! gave my sparkly one away,in "Street Elderly" we used to do,also bought wonderful t shirt with H.M The Queen on in third try, shops in London size and picture. Amazing photo of H.M. the Queen. From orignal in papers,and at the waxworks "Madame Taussauds"thrilled to bits An invite July so N/home party was. Might wear top hat and lovely t shirt,with H.M.on in lace beautiful dress,and crown and royalty faces on for n/home do. Or maybe. Do coming up Brighton Pier. "Jazz" "I Crown Thee King Jazz" poem. the cat of neighbour's,just popped in,didn't stay long,cried go out,jumped off beds,and Rays,lap. Usually 11.30pm back from "The Wheatsheaf" out on wall,huge cry! come in for while,not there this time,getting old,like me. But he popped Friday for while,thank goodness! Used to stay three hours asleep! Then Ray's lap,and look for his master,out our windows. etc. I know he frets,and misses him so. But will always,and allowed take in for while,let him go. Bless you too. Editor I will send email why! Later Editor T.Cook AbcTales (Tony) "Jazz" Won Again! The cat "Jazz" has been faithful comfort,not mine, but stayed by my side, during all. Black eyes,cuts,bruises and pain on and off for four weeks.I stroke massage and tickle him ask if with my black eyes then,he still came back,Miaow! Always therapy me all, and him I whisper in his ear,your beautiful I love you now, as he coils up on 2nd divan bed when asks to go out,I say now thankyou,come again. Or wakes when ready,where in front room,look and two big "Green Eyes" staring at us. Which has few years now. The love he can give out. "Jazz" is my Hero! Waiting for H.M. The Queen To Crown". Know one knew I couldn't get out! **To come everyday nearly 4 weeks",my two black eyes,cuts,wrist eyes,hand and bruised bust! Love he gave out! Still he comes back again and again! Super cat "Green Eyes". Nose too tender wear plastic glasses! But re-covered,strokes and purrs! to "Jazz" unconditional love,I will do anything for him! and "Jazz" to me! Touch of love. And to Ray as well.now likes him on his lap. If time. Or he pushes away,till cushion,so "Jazz" balance on end of his arm chair. And another card thanking me for his birthday,from H.R.H. Duke of Cambridge Prince William words and photo. I know this poem needs polishing up. I even sent a copy to H.M. The Queen. as one of stanzas have Ma'am in. Miaow! Editor t.cook AbcTales.com (Tony)is it posssible,for to you make this more polished up please! I have bought on ebay a crown,may put it on "Jazz" get a photo,but possible might chew! it. Only yesterday back in again,as trying computer,lost him watching me,suddenly bump on the bottom as I had not sat down then and it was "Jazz" to say "here I am pay attention to me". And I sent this poem somewhere else!? I have noticed like human beings. Gift of touch now! Taken years get,spiritually and all. I now have "Jazz" run in on bed,his little heart beating so fast,end of massage and calming talk,he is just about breathing,calmed right down,like is good for all of us need it. Ray states man's cat, as he hangs on to Ray balances on arm of chair,if Ray has lap top on his lap! course his owner is a male too,very nice neighbour. You will notice I have repeated myself, too. If and when, All Credit be The Editor goes to him,t.cook Many Thanks all the help, and too others,I hated comments,or how to exchange with all,when been there yourself etc; I have deleted make this Poem Top of The Year Now. As at time great loss of blood etc; Mr went out very soon,just marvellous cat 'Jazz' and me. Four legged friend stood by me always. julie x
November 24th 2013 Everything done from beginning to end in all adversities.
T.cook Editor then kindly delivered the two mugs! AbcTales wearing abit now,like me
Updated now! 'Look Into His Eyes' and Green Eyes' also 'I Crown Thee King 'Jazz'
'Forever Faithful' many thanks,just trying out new set up! Thanks working..
please Read added now onto poem 'Look Into His Eyes' Never been Crowned yet! Could be winner 1000 000
stories poems,Many Conrgatulations to Our Editor t.cook Tony all emnse help! so many. Trying get the new lay out,now spacing double. Wishing you all the best 'Luke Neimar' .Not done any work while! Doing things!
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Hello Cavalcader, Julie, I'm
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Julie this is really good!
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How did I miss this? I like
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Moya, 'Jazz is King' Long
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Nolan, I thought Julie's own
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"Jazz King". Does he like
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Hi Julie, I am well again,
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Hello Cavalcader. Julie, I
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Jokes aside the poem is
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Hello Cavalcader, Julie, Yes
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