Missing Years ( Part 34 )
By jolono
- 1878 reads
Eddie looked surprised, he knew what James Conroy was saying, but it just didn’t make sense.
“But how can we get some holy blood, it doesn’t exist does it?”
“No Eddie, it’s not meant literally, have a look at the book of John chapter one what does John call Jesus?”
Eddie didn’t need to look in his Bible he knew this off by heart.
“In verse twenty nine he says, John seeth Jesus coming unto him and saith behold the Lamb of God who hath taken away the sins of the world”
“Correct so we know that Jesus is the Lamb of God, it’s written in the scriptures, so the Blood of the Lamb must be the blood of Jesus, correct?
“Yes, without doubt!”
“So we can defeat demons with the blood of the lamb, which means the blood of Jesus!”
“But once again I have to say where do we get the blood of Jesus?”
“Eddie, it’s not meant literally, have you heard of being under the blood?”
“Yes of course it means being under gods care and protection”
“Exactly, it comes from being under the sign of the blood. Which was the blood of a lamb that was painted on certain doors to stop the plague from killing the firstborn, if you were under the sign of the blood then the angel of death wouldn’t get you, you were protected. The Bible goes into great length about the Lamb of god which is Jesus, he is God’s Lamb, so the blood of the Lamb is Jesus’s blood and if you are under his blood you can defeat demons, it’s what the Bible tells us time and time again, you Eddie are under the blood, not me, not Stacey, but you!”
“But why me, why not any religious man?”
“Because you’re closest Eddie, tell me what it says in the book of Luke about father and son!”
Eddie didn’t hesitate.
“In Luke, ten, verse twenty two it says, no one knoweth who the son is, but the father, and who the father is, but the son, and he to whom the son will reveal him”
James didn’t let Eddie say anymore, he wanted to make a point.
“Think about it Eddie, the Bible is telling us that no one really knows who the son is but the father, then it goes on to say that the father will reveal who the son REALLY is!”
Eddie thought long and hard, he had never thought of that verse in that way, but James was right, it could be read that way.
Stacey had been sitting with them the whole time listening intently, but now she couldn’t stop herself from asking the question.
“James, can you please tell me what the hell you two are talking about!”
“Look Stacey, the Bible is telling us exactly what to do here. We know that the Blood of the Lamb defeats demons both in Heaven and here on earth, the Blood of the Lamb is just a figure of speech, it literally means FAITH in the belief of God, but it has to be total belief and that’s what Eddie has. It also tells us that only the father can truly reveal the son. Add all that up and it’s simple, Eddie has to be the one that fights the demons!”
“James you say that as if it’s no big deal, exactly HOW do we do it?”
“Eddie has to go back to the house and confront them!”
Stacey shouted.
“James, he’s seventy four, let me do it, I’ve always had faith!”
“But not total faith Stacey, when your Dad was missing, I bet there were times that you doubted, wondered why God had taken him, questioned if there was a god, I guarantee it. But Eddie never did, he always believed that God had taken him for a purpose and he never questioned it, because it was Gods will, he’s always had total faith”
Stacey went quiet, James was right, there had been times when she’d hated God for taking her Dad, questioned her faith. Eddie looked up and smiled.
“It’s ok sweetheart, James is right, only I can do this. Tell me what to do James and I’ll do it but I have a feeling we have to be quick”
Stacey moved over to her granddad and gave him a hug.
“I love you granddad, please be careful, come back to me…… please.”
Stacey left the two of them and went into the kitchen, where she dropped to her knees, sobbing and praying all at the same time.
James went over and sat next to Eddie.
“There are certain words and phrases that you need to say Eddie, these may or may not be familiar to you but when you say them you must say them with complete authority”
“Ok James, let’s get on with it and then I’ll leave”
James smiled at Eddie and put his arm around him.
“Don’t think you’re getting all the fun on your own Eddie, I’m coming with you!”
Eddie was surprised, but also relieved.
“Thanks James.”
A few miles away, behind closed curtains, a very low voice was heard to say.
“We have to be prepared, they will be coming soon, but he’s old, he’ll be no match for our power!”
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Jolono, What's going on?
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They don't know what they're
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jolono, you have gone into
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