Great Aunt Zelda

By Silver Spun Sand
Fri, 07 Sep 2012
- 2908 reads
Afternoons, I’d climb on her bed,
brush her hair...grey, and yet
a trace of russet lingered –
feathered her pillow in the soft
shuttered, three o’clock light.
From a kettle, simmering
on the stove I’d fill her bowl –
white, with Asiatic pheasants...
painstakingly stitched in the days
when people mended things,
before this, ‘broken – so get
a new one’, age.
She would splash her face –
trail her fingers in the water –
pale, translucent – fragile;
and I picture them, even still;
the jug that matched, now filled
with roses, and her bowl sits
on my dresser like a marble pool
in a midnight garden...
silver fishes – moon-kissed,
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bowl – white, with Asiatic
bowl –
white, with Asiatic pheasants...
painstakingly stitched in the days
when people mended things,... I need a clearer view of this Tina. Initially I was seeing a ceramic bowl, but then we get the cross-stitching and I;m not sure what I'm looking at.
Even with me not being able to 'see' the bowl with the stitching, I love the old lady-cottage-musty feel of this one. I can visualise the brush that you used. Beautiful.
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Just read it again... it
Just read it again... it didn't stop me first time round, but on second read, I prefer in [a] midnight garden to some. Some feels too modern-speak for the rest of the poem.
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Oh visions of some far away
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
Oh visions of some far away long forgotten time,
when people cared about the little things in life.
Of cottages and gardens full of beautiful flowers
and childhood with it's long hot summers.
A child sitting on her Aunt's bed brushing her
Great Aunt Zelda's hair. What a perfect picture
of serenity you paint here. It was like something
out of a fairy tale book. Maybe Little Red Riding
Hood going to see her Grandmother. I know it sounds
daft, but I truely had this picture in my mind.
The flow of this poem, was very dreamy, like a
hot summer's afternoon, thinking of those lazy,
hazy days.
Simply beautiful as always Tina.
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Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Silver-Spun-Sand
Well deserved cherries!
But I felt same as SooZ006
Sorry! Age!
Like Jenny says really dreamy love,
memory poem.
But when I read think hard,stitching bowls
expressions good,broken,always glued,that's how I remember,cross stitch done on material if I've got my facts right! Patchwork blanket made once.
Remember Delft blue china pottery glazed I think!
Don't remember a wire,only as stands. All interesting.
Last stanza all images in poem.
Have a good week-end.
julie x
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new Silver-Spun-Sand Hi!
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Silver-Spun-Sand
Hi! tina,74 now day late Princess Diana buried,
on my birthday then have books cd dvd 2nd books,ring two, after terrible crash! never wore little first one again.
both cheap,on like "H.R.H. Duke got engaged, "I wed on
thee on mummy's ring,replica huge,£5. New Look told got. Books given me,and red bow 2nd hand goblet,recently,'Diana books,
Ray took me London,on all adversity,lay flowers,and met,Remembrance notes all over the world. so many,books of Royalty had given me! mags;thimble given,bell,poster! loved her millions did! And photos now,from H.R.H. Prince William,H.M The Queen Nightmare,Ray said go back to sleep! put tv on early work,then all true! drew curtains devastated put photo Diana Princess,in window,and went vigil Brighton,but plus my birthday,'Diana was buried on,had to come home to upset!
Now there doing film,true story,by actress Naomi Watts, feel not right,as she states some like some won't. Frightened to do why! do it at all. ONLY one Princess Diana,even got reply,when our Marriage,not working,I wrote Diana,got an answer Trying to word kind words for,answer back OMG Diana's from Lady in waiting, Buckingham Palace.Wow! all
because I put my name and address on,what a surprise,
Although couldn't get to London Ray took me,in all adversity met so many! Princes stated miss her every day,course there mum. Princess Diana may she R.I.P.
Sorry! Ray says he knows,about wiring of china,in your poem,not disputing,just wanted know! as followed read a lot never seen.
Nursing blocked wax ear,so no hearing aid,yet coming going,drops,then oil. So can't make London so sad,or singing yet,bit more complicated other ear.
Love Editor's (IP) Clouds Late Diana maybe,should have sent copy to Princes. William and Harry! loved it. Jazz owner back? had Jazz cat in 10 days,twice day,wonderful,asleep bed now! owner knows.
Have good week-end had lovely presents,daughter son in law while came,and 'Jazz' photoed,bit money gt.
Hope your well! Mine Ray wouldn't stop in,just couple days,till hear a bit better,all drops had be done by him,so went down park,carefully watching roads,not bowls gone snooker!
Wasn't pleased now hear seven days extra,for ear oil,days. Wish could do! myself. Course can't wear hearing aid. take care. Base part life like 'Diana's,so understand most. And terrific lot Abctales tales
julie xx
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Sorry! eventually gone
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
Sorry! eventually gone through twice!
I was impatient.
julie x
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Yes, I know exactly what you
Yes, I know exactly what you mean now, like brass staples. It's just dawned on me that I have seen it on the telly. But that is a prime example of why I love this site and why, if you don't understand something, it's always good to ask. Now it makes perfect sense and I can see it properly.
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Julie, I feel as though I
Julie, I feel as though I know Jazz now, next time he visits, please, give him a stroke from me. Hope the ear soon gets better.
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new SoozOO6 Hello! What
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new SoozOO6
Hello! What lovely thoughts,thanks,not yet!
I will give that hero! 'Jazz' cat strokes from you!
After big accident shop fall,whoops!
Course adores so many times,good for all.
just pray! difficult time!
Year older no wiser? Same Day Late Princess Diana died,
whom! followed read,and things given books cd dvd.
Royals right way through. And cards and photos replies,
from,Buckingham Palace,Lady in waiting,on Diana's divorce wrote,Omg replies. Free leaflets with her sons of H.R.H. Prince Charles,William,and Harry,Princess.All in books,some given me,Coronation,
charity in window,No not for sale,"but wanted to buy sold it too me. Much more London mine took me that time,sea of flowers,late Diana,so sad millions had written notes,and on trees,flowers. Thats only half what! happened,nightmare! Morning of crash! Couldn't believe,as hubby shift then put t.v on true! Omg!
R.I.P. Diana. Got magazines,thimble bell,goblet 2nd hand,etc' Hope film is not going be made! Even if good actress young,scared to do,only ever one Diana.
My opinion feel strong,bad to do it new year!
Thankyou cards for Jubilee words six photos,Diamond sent by H.M The Queen wow! words loyalty,then first thanks too H.R.H. Prince William first Wedding Anniversary,Duchess Kate Middleton,beautiful photo they sent. Paper stated send cards when it was Prince
Williams 30th Birthday did,one back gorgeous photo of him. Collected bought down through ages,all. First ring replica,L Diana lovely,read all,after terrific crash! put away only £10 send for then. Then H.R.H. Prince William, 'On Thee I Wed On Mummy's Ring' I was
told shop,to get one,course have,big large,only £5
Can hear tv bit,all through h/aid broken,repaired,checked ears found deep wax. Always had problem other ear! not that ear. Being treated,so no London unfortunately. First drops,now suggestion nurse,olive oil,I will be frying soon.
One birthday present Sept 6th oldie! daughter and son-in-law,was Tea Tin,who was on it,H.R.H. Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge,colour picture their wedding,wonderful. Among other beautiful things.
Sun is shining mine took me up market,sun is too warm ear yet! Said far too much. Prince Harry is 28 week-end,have bunting books,Queens tray T Shirt,flags miniture tea pot or Prince William and Duchess Kate,wedding on,glued t.v friend came and we dressed up fascinators,small clip hat,and toasted took many photos off t.v all in paper. Though and mags. great.
Have a good week-end, many thanks. Princes said t.v day never goes by,without thinking of their mum Princess Diana,course! When I joined AbcTales 2009
I was never going to comment! do now. Not poet or story writer! Just having a go! Want get back,Singing for pleasure' gt Musical Director Simon Grey' pay we do,taught! without music',Simon Grey' Plays for us,we sheets words on! Great! Lot go. But two buses,dodgy at moment,or go alone,three weeks go,all in can,Hove Two Hall September 29th 'Sing A Long favourites mid-day hope hearings back,or treatments work.
'Jazz' in 10 days now,twice a day,or laying outside in sun by our flower pot,open door voom in,edgy running each room,waiting for his master's return back! goes. All stroke him such a comfort,love yes,and to him his chin lifts,paddles on hubby's lap,
and divan settle asleep hours,owner let's me have kindly. Last time or bit back,mine brought me by train London Wheatsheaf fab evening met all. Home full moon,dark,two big cries! bit siamese in him think quite late 'Jazz' sprang up onto wall,so had in hour before! bed time. Goes to many,daughter mine,never likes cats,but if his lap top on knee,won't have without cushion,'Jazz' do two cries,up balance beside him,till free.
cavalcaderl x julie x
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This is such an expressive
Permalink Submitted by Linda Wigzell Cress on
This is such an expressive piece. You are so skilful in conveying atmosphere in so few well chosen words. Wish I could do it! This poem is yet another jewel in your crown!
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Like the sound of great Aunt
Like the sound of great Aunt Zelda. Gone but not forgotten but the jug filled with roses now.
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