York Evening A Thank You

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York Evening A Thank You


Just to say a big thank you to Scratch for organizing last nights wonderful evening and to Tony who made everyone feel welcome and gave each reader a terrific introduction. I was more than a bit anxious about reading my piece but everyone was kind enough to listen and I went back to my seat a very happy lady. It was also lovely to meet and put faces to names such as Tony, Scratch, Parson Thru, Lechenelf, Blessing, Sooz, Peej and Hovis. I didn't get a chance to speak to MistakenMagic but I enjoyed listening to her wonderful poems. I have read some of the work of most of the people there but there were some whose work I have not yet read but I intend to rectify that as soon as possible.

Once again, many thanks for a wonderful evening and congratulations and best wishes to all the other readers. Now I must go and sharpen my pencil, perhaps even, my wit, though that is not something I can do quite so easily.


Fantastic night, thanks to Scratch and Tony. And it was great to see everybody.


Moya, you were brilliant yourself last night, absolutely brilliant. Overall I thought the standard of everyones reading and of course their writing was outstanding. My friends were astonished and quite taken aback by the whole thing and as we left for the curry house they said that they felt the same buzz that you get after a great concert. Thanks to all who attended, it was a truly special evening. Kind regards to all.


Got a shiver just thinking about your friends' buzz. Well done Scratch, Tony and all who read work. Sounds like it was a cracking night


And a big thank you to PT for the copy of his book. I promise (and I never brake a promise) that I will make a donation to ABCTales on your behalf, may take me a couple of weeks, big interview on Thursday for a job upgrade. But I promise as soon as I get a new wage coming in I'll do it. And I'm looking forward to the read.


Sid, I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of reading one of yours "Shall We", TC said it would be ok. I love that poem (as you know) and an ABCtales evening wouldn't feel the same without something from you! I hoped to see you there but I guess something cropped up. Next time eh?


To say the quality of work from the readers was high would be an understatement. Thanks for organising the event Scratch and to all who made the evening such a pleasure. x ps. still shaking when I got home :-)


Sorry I missed you, Moya! Unfortunately I had to dash for my train before jet-lag rendered me comatose ;-) You read superbly, as did everyone else. I had such a brilliant evening and wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thanks so much for organising it, Scratch! Magic xxx


I've written this elsewhere but don't mind repeating it: thanks scratch and Tony. Great to meet and hear everyone. Well worth the journey up. Brilliant Moya. Thank you Sooz. Here's to next time.

Parson Thru

'Ello Parsons, I just replied to your lovely email from earlier. It was a great night there's no doubt about it - I'm still reeling from the sheer brilliance of the stuff read out. Thanks to all. By the way, I only spoke to the Landlord of the pub, booked the room and cadged the mic' etc' so please everyone, it was no hassle at all.


Sounds like a brilliant evening! Reading your enthusiastic comments, I'm very happy for you all (and a little bit jealous). Really hope I can get to an abctales evening sometime!
Hello Steve, I know just how you feel because that is how I felt about the London Evenings. York was a wonderful evening but hopefully you will get the chance to go to one at sometime. If you do don't pass it up but I'm sure you won't. Moya
Glad to hear it was a success, hope that means the York nights might continue as I was dying to meet all you Northerners. Scratch- that is without doubt the biggest and best compliment I've ever received in my life. Almost makes up for missing it- I was so moved when I heard I thought I was dreaming. Thanks mate you made my day :D


Adding my thanks to everyone else's. Well done Tony and Scratch for organising and entertaining us all. And well done to all the readers. (Parson, Sooz was up half the night reading that bloody book you gave her! Haha!) Highlights of the night for me were Moya's reading and Scratch's, but everyone was brilliant! I definitely felt part of a welcoming family, which is amazing seeing as I'm pretty new here! Andrea, you should have come over for it! Would have been lovely to see you again after so long!
And a massive thankyou from me to you all who make it so special. My daughter and her mates were very impressed! Here's to the next one.
Was such a great evening - fabulous readings, terrific entertainment - funny, sad, uplifting, poignant- it was all there. Thanks so much to scratch and tony. Was lovely lovely night. Am so glad the York venue might be a regular yearly do and glad to connect back with abc tales and talers :) such talent x
Thanks, Peej, would be lovely to see you all again. Alas, health not so good at mo, but maybe at next UKA do, eh? And we always invite our ABC bros (and sisters) as well, natch :) http://www.ukauthors.com(link is external)