Missing Years ( Part 14 )

By jolono
- 4762 reads
Swan made the call to Spencer.
“Is it done, are they are there?”
“Yes Sir, Laura, Stacey and the Dad, they’re all here”
“Good, then I’ll arrange everything for tomorrow morning, be here sharp at 07.30 and bring that waster Lucas with you, all the family should be here as well, by that I mean Wife and Daughter, not sure we want the religious lunatic but if he wants to come then we can’t stop him, everyone here at 07.30 understand?”
“Yes Sir, I’ll make sure it happens”
“One thing before you go, how is he coping?”
“OK Sir, it’s a shock of course, for everyone, but so far so good”
Swan put down the phone. They were on the eve of breaking perhaps the biggest story the world had ever seen, so he wanted everything perfect. Ray should be sitting between his wife and daughter alongside Spencer. Spencer would do the talking and then Ray could answer any questions, 30 minutes max, then he’s on his own. Every newspaper will offer him a fortune for an exclusive; he will end up a rich man if he plays it properly. It’s not our job to explain it, just give them the facts, let them try to work it out!
He picked up the phone again.
“Home Secretary, I’ve arranged the press conference for tomorrow, everything is in place my end, his close family will attend"
There was a pause then he added.
“Thank you Sir”
Spencer was in room 41; Ray was in 37, Lucas in 43, Eddie Samuels in 44 and the two women in 42.
All together, all safe.
Laura and Ray were left alone so they could talk privately.
“Ray this is all such a shock I don’t know where to start, you left 25 years ago, I waited, waited for 15 years then met someone, his name is Jim, I’m so sorry Ray”
“It’s Ok darling, I understand, I’d have done the same thing in your situation, life moves on, it has to”
“Ray, I just don’t understand how you’ve not aged, I have, bloody hell look at me, I’m fifty two years old, Old enough to be your Mum”
They both laughed, shared the joke, but they both knew that it was more than that, they were coming to terms with reality, they both knew it couldn’t be as it was before. Laura spoke quietly.
“My mum and Dad both died within a year of each other, six years ago now, Dad with Cancer then Mum just sort of gave up, died in her sleep, you know about your Mum don’t you?”
“Dad told me, I kind of expected she would be the first to go, Dad was always so strong he has such will power, he seems indestructible, but Mum was always the weak one, always in and out of hospital even when I was around, so no, no surprise”
“Stacey has grown into a fine looking woman, she’s bright, bubbly, good at everything she does, bit like you Ray, don’t you think?”
“She certainly is a stunner, just like her Mum!”
They smiled, hugged each other and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Stacey was in her room with her Granddad, they had gone to the pub and got two bottles of wine, they were half way through their second.
“What will happen now Granddad?”
“That’s up to your Dad, sweetheart”
“But what will he do, where will he live, he can’t go back with Mum not after all these years, besides she’s got Jim!”
“He can live with me, I’ve got a big house, only me there, so plenty of room, he’s got to make his own way now love, don’t worry about your Dad he’s a born leader, he’ll become a household name soon mark my words”
“But how Granddad, how will he do that”
“Darling, your Dad is special, how else can you explain what has happened, he’s been gone for 25 years, but has returned to us, THE SAME MAN, its Gods work”
“Granddad, I know you have your beliefs, that’s fine, but there has to be another explanation surely”
“Like what? Did your Mum ever tell you about the vision that I had before your Dad was born?”
Eddie recounted the story of his vision and the words that he heard, Stacey was looking at him in disbelief.
“So what you’re really saying is that my Dad is some kind of prophet?”
“More than that Stacey, much more, in the words of the twentieth Psalm, he was brought down and fallen, but now he has risen, and stands upright, let us all hear the King when he speaks!”
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Need to read back (I've
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I must admit to having
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Hi Jolono, I am all
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Have now read from part six
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I'm still loving this and
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