Stories My Father Told Me
By Silver Spun Sand
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Startlingly emotional. I
Startlingly emotional. I loved the way this wove in and out through a lifetime. It's a fine piece of work and one that you should be extremely proud of. This is what it means to be a writer.
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Tina, I've been musing on
Tina, I've been musing on this. It is so good to have that picture of happy father-child fun and involvement. I've been working on a little piece recently about a father who just couldn't get involved with his child/children, seemed unable to, and the mother had difficulties too, and see the results of that, though not abuse, still handicapping the growing children. Also see some of the roots going back to the parents' own childhood problems, but see the younger generation responding to warmth even in adulthood and being enabled to break the cycle to some extent.
So, I did enjoy your memories, even if you sometimes would like to go back to those times! Rhiannon
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This beautifully describes
This beautifully describes the pain and frustration of finding yourself without the unconditional love of an irreplaceable Dad. I'm sure lots of people will identify with it, me included. Really wonderful. R
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Hi Tina.
Hi Tina.
This brought home the simple truth to me that no matter how 'grown-up' we get to be, when it comes to our parents, a part of us is still very much a child at heart. For me, your poem tells not only of the longing, but also gives a glimps of the man. Lovely writing. And you always make the last line count.
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Wonderful again. Was this poem inspired by the previous one? They seem to be a pair. Was this deliberate or did it just happen? Either way, your love for your parents and their love for you shine through your words.
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