Beatle mania
By pumadelta
- 995 reads
Blood red bleeds along cobbled stone
Of rain washed streets
A neon sign illuminates the cavern
Ten o’clock and a queue runs
Like a charm along a stick bill wall.
Chatter punctures the iron vaulted sky.
Smoke rises like snakes from cigarette ends
And smells like incense.
The scene reminds me
Of Amsterdam’s Canals at twilight.
Two door men dressed in
Black bomber jackets
Built like shit houses
At ease like coastal rock
Guard the entrance.
A red sash rope
Hooked between two pillars
Hercules and Samson
Radio contact to ground control
On deck down below
I’ve arrived at the place where history
In the making was just a sperm
Trying to impregnate the minds of rebel's cause
Where 4 youths dared to be different
And couldn’t give two hoots
about established agendas or political ideologies
Now freedom liberates my mind
Transports me on the vibe of music
Rushing up the stairs, vibrating plate glass windows
The mania still lives on.
This is where it happened
The life and soul of the north
Breathing and heaving
Like giant lungs between these walls
Shouting peace and liberation
Put down your guns
And make love not war
i was an uncle tom in the army
the queen never really cared.
I get goose pimples on my bared arms
The rain is like balm and soothes
My black skin from the cold night air
My new squeeze presses her strawberry cheek
up against mine then kisses me
I know life has changed for the better
She has a daisy in her hair
and a smile on her face
she picked it earlier in the day
at the local park.
I remember my childhood
In boy’s brigade, quiz time
Name the 4 beatles…
I was good with insects
Radio 4 was a good encyclopaedia
I had my chance at 1 minute of fame
Scarab, Rain…then laughter…
I was sheltered from all that stuff
Stuff that street wise kids
And the well informed
Took for granted…
We didn’t have a telly
And secular music was banned
Because the devil steals our souls that way
News stuff…documentaries the odd funny.
Was all we lived on
Nearly 35 years ago.
Time moves on as life punctuates the airwaves
Like a big bass drum
And now I’m here at world changers ally
With my arm around the shoulder
Of one who died so young
Imagine that…it’s easy if you try
At peace with myself and life’s journey
Without a spliff a drink
Or any of that trouble and strife.
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This is lovely and has some
This is lovely and has some real timeless elements. We have nostaligia and romance and some nice metaphores. I'm loath to mention Beatles and incense in case they were intentional typos. The rest of the piece is so concise. Really enjoyed this one, thank you.
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i enjoyed this, i had a
i enjoyed this, i had a punchy fluid feel in places with certain images springing out, vibrating plate glass windows, a red sash rope/hooked between two pillars. lots of effective word choice
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