Little boy lost … (IP)
By Rhiannonw
- 3595 reads
Little boy lost in a great big crowd
pushing and bumping, the noise very loud;
a forest of legs, and a sea of shoes –
‘I don’t think my Mummy’s are any of those.’
‘If I were to shout, they would all look down,
and all of those eyes would stare at me, and frown.’
Suddenly, “Sh!” “Hush!” “Quiet”: then loud and clear
booms out a voice, “Can everyone hear?
A little boy’s lost – has somebody seen
a lad with red jumper and trousers (– um?) – green?”
‘Then they do look down, and they pull back away:
“Here he is!” “There he is” many voices say.
I’m all alone and I stare at my toes
– a rush and a cry, and my Mummy throws
her arms tight around me, “Here’s my son!”
There’s a great big cheer, and I cling to my Mum! ‘
[This week’s IP: Lost in the Crowd]
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Hi Rhiannon.
Hi Rhiannon.
Nothing worse than losing your child in a crowd. When you get them back, you don't know whether to hug them to death, or scold them for putting you through it. But seen here from the little boys perspective is an unusual viewpoint - seeing all those legs and shoes and looking for his mummy's. Then from not wanting to be looked at to the relief of being found by her. Lovely!
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Hi Rhiannonw, I hope your
Hi Rhiannonw, I hope your well.
This is Brilliant, well don.
take care
Keep Smiling
Keep Writing xxx
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Hi Rhiannon,
Hi Rhiannon,
I thought this was such an apt poem for this time of year, with many parents rushing around town and there little ones fascinated by all the toys and lights.
Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a Wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Best Wishes,
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Hello Rhiannon,
Hello Rhiannon,
Another great take on the I.P. How you manage to keep doing that and responding so quickly to each one I just don't know how you do it.
This poem was lovely and unusual as it was written from the boy's perspective. The last line is so touching.
Hope you had the Christmas you would wish for.
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Hi Rhiannon
Hi Rhiannon
This is such a cute, sweet poem.
There is nothing so frightening for parents than losing their child in a crowd. But I know as a grandparent I have done my share of worrying too. We took the grandchildren to Manchester Museum of Science, and while my daughter took her little boy on the train, I was supposed to keep track of Susannah. She is nearly 10, so not a small child, but she rushed off here and there, looking at one thing, and quickly on to another, before I could keep up with her. But we had a designated place to go to, if she should get lost, which was a relief.
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