Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 9 ) Dreaming of Home

By skinner_jennifer
- 1223 reads
Back in Grasshopper Valley at Tariq's and Kalina' cabin, Dawson sat by the fire, his face pale and body aching. He sipped the broth that Kalina had prepared, still very weak and unable to move very far after his ordeal in the catacombs, the poor man couldn't even remember how he'd got to this cabin, it all seemed like a nightmare, but the folk had been kind and he knew with time and patience...something he had plenty of at the moment, that he would recover; the only problem was, he was down to his last diabetic tablet and had no idea what he would do once it was gone.
He watched Kalina kneeling on the floor, playing with her son Tegan, she was tickling his tummy as he chuckled and wriggled around . Dawson smiled, it reminded him of how much he missed his wife Laura and son and daughter, he thought they must be wondering if he would ever return, it made him sad to think they might be worried. He'd given a lot of thought to his family while being imprisoned, now feeling ashamed that he'd ever left the ship and got himself into this mess in the first place.
Just at that moment there was an unexpected rap at the door, Kalina looked up from her giggling son. “Who can that be?” She exclaimed, as it was only strangers that normally knocked.
“I've no idea,” replied Dawson, putting down his broth. He was worried it might be bad men come to take him back to the catacombs. “Perhaps you shouldn't answer...just in case.!” He was concerned for both their safety, knowing he was too weak to defend Kalina or himself.
Picking up her son, the woman made her way over to the door, putting her ear close, trying to get an idea of who was out there, she could hear whispering but wasn't able to make out what they were saying. “Who's there?” She called out nervously.
“It's me Jay – I've come with good news.”
Kalina breathed a sigh of relief, quickly opening the door, as Dawson picked up his bowl and started eating again, satisfied there was no danger. Kalina was taken aback by the strange looking men that accompanied Jay, with their curiously odd clothes. “Jay...come in, it's good to see you again. How was your journey with the children?” There were so many questions she wanted to ask.
As they entered, Dawson nearly choked on his broth when he saw Addie. Rising up from the chair as if to stand too attention, he lost his balance and fell back down again. “I...don't believe it!” He declared staring at the Captain open mouthed. “How...how did you get here?” He stuttered.
Addie having been told that Dawson was here wasn't so surprised. “More to the point – what are you doing here? You were supposed to stay with the ship.”
Jay decided he needed to explain a few things to Kalina who looked confused, so before she had time to ask any more questions, he took her off into a corner of the cabin, and in a whisper started to throw some light on the situation, though he knew he'd have to lie somewhat about how he came to meet Addie. “We found these men wandering, how they came to be here, I don't know, they seem to have lost their memory.”
“Well!” Replied Kalina, “they seem to know Dawson pretty well. Aren't you going to introduce us?”
“Oh! Of course!” Said Jay, “let me introduce you, this is Addie and his friends.”
Addie shook hands with the woman, then acknowledged his men. “Pleased to meet you Kalina, this is Ruben – Brett and Mason.” The three men stepped forward and took her hand in greeting.
Addie was curious as to why Dawson looked so ill, as Jay explained. “He'd been kept a prisoner deep down in the catacombs amongst the dead bodies, and had also been on a long journey from the mainland where he was imprisoned. “It's been quite an ordeal for him, with starvation and being left to almost rot by the hands of a bad man by the name of Bracus, but Bracus is dead now, so we can now return to the mainland.”
Addie approached his crew member. “What of your diabetes Dawson? How did you manage to get this far?”
Dawson pulled his last tablet from out of the pocket of the jacket Kalina's husband Tariq had given him. “This is the last of my medication...although they took my bag, I managed to hide the tablets in my boot.”
Addie grinned. “Well! Dawson, you're in luck, because Mason has some in his backpack, so you won't need to worry any more.”
Dawson breathed a sigh of relief and started to feel better already quickly finishing the rest of his broth.
Kalina put Tegan down, then filled a huge pot with water and placed it on the fire. “So! Can I give you men some tea? it will calm you all down after your ordeal.”
They all nodded. “That'll be fine,” though they began to feel they'd had enough tea, but didn't want to be rude.
“So!” asked Jay, “where are the others? I need to speak with Ben.” He looked at the baby crawling around on all fours. “Your son is certainly a fast mover.”
“Yes!” Said Kalina, I have to watch him, he gets into everything.” She picked the child up again and placed him in his cot, where upon he began to cry.
“Here!” declared Jay opening his arms, “let me hold him, I'm usually pretty good with children.” As soon as Kalina handed Tegan to Jay, he stopped his weeping.
“Well! Fancy that,” uttered the woman. “Wish you were here all the time.”
“I just might be around longer,” uttered Jay. “But again, where are the others?”
Kalina took the pot over to the fire and placed some wooden tankards down on the table explaining. “Ben and Varden, are at Meadow Down Valley with Tariq, Nathen and Evelyne, working on their cabin. Evelyne's been busy making covers for their bed, whilst Nathen has designed and created a platform off the floor, to use as a base to sleep on – you should see it Jay, they've put down some prepared bear skins for bedding, making for a real cosy feeling.” The woman put some dried herbs into the tankards then continued. “Me and Evelyne even made some candles to take them through the Winter months. The extra help from Ben and Varden means they'll be in their new home very soon.”
Suddenly a gust of air blew in, the door flew open as Kalina's other son Fallow returned out of breath. “Mother, we've been exploring down at Hawks tunnel...I showed Cinnamon and Will where I first spotted the Flying Fish arrive.” Young Will and Fallow were about the same age, young Will had become quite attached to the brave Fallow, loosing all the fear he'd had at the hands of Bracus.
Fallow gazed over at the strangers in their cabin and suddenly went quiet. Walking over to his Mother and looking up into her eyes he asked; “Who are these people? They're very strange looking.”
Kalina smiled. “You mustn't talk like that son, they're just dressed differently, don't worry I was as surprised as you to see them, but they're friends of Jay and Dawson, so they must be okay. They're staying for some tea, waiting till your father gets home with Ben, Varden, Evelyne and Nathen.”
Fallow decided he felt uncomfortable with the new arrivals. “I'm taking Will and Cinnamon outside, we won't go far.” Kalina said that was fine, she had enough on her plate with her son and all these visitors.
It was later that day that everyone was in deep conversation, when the others returned tired and in need of food. Ben was over the moon to see his brother-in-law Jay.
Evelyne and Nathen were pleased to see their son again. “Me and your Father hope you're going to stay around a bit longer Jay,” said Evelyne, desperate for some time with her son as she gave him a big hug.
“Well!” Said Jay, “you might be seeing more of me than you anticipated, in fact I could be living here if things go to plan.”
Evelyne's face suddenly lit up. “Why that's wonderful Jay, what brought this on?” She was desperate to hear more.
“I've become very fond of Liora, the healer on the island, I'm almost sure she feels the same way. We've connected so well, I really can't imagine going back to the mainland without her. I know she won't leave here and I wouldn't expect her too, so I'll be staying – that's if she'll have me of course.”
Evelyne was excited at the news, it seemed everything was fitting into place.
“You know something!” Ben voiced. “I have a feeling once things get easier, Fern and Netty could be persuaded to come over for a visit...that's if she'll agree to leave the forest of course.”
“You never know...you never know!” Agreed Jay patting his brother-in-law on the back.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 10 ) On Hallowed Ground | ABCtales
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Hi Jenny. Hadn't realised
Hi Jenny. Hadn't realised you'd posted these other chapters until just now. It was a lovely surprise, and I intend to read the others when I have finished washing my kitchen floor
Another lovely chapter this one, and I could just see that chuckling baby. Wonderful descriptions, as ever that make it all come alive.
Just a tiny thing, in the first paragraph a typo...should be 'patience'.
As ever, I marvel at the names you give both your characaters and their locations...Grasshopper Valley one of my favourites.
Shall look forward to reading on, only now, a mop and bucket await me.
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What a gentle scene
What a gentle scene, so homey and sweet, maybe they can all get back to their normal lives now, but what about Gregor? One more villain lurking in the shadows...great work Ray
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