By Tipp Hex
- 824 reads
So many disappeared it was only a matter of time.
Inevitably, they came. The calm of the night shattered by the sound of splintering wood. Then the screams amid the tramp of boots. In waking sleep, that strange realm of confusion where nothing is real, I'm being dragged from dreams and the warmth of love. A soft pillow exchanged for concrete, sensual whisperings for brutal interrogation. In the flesh of my face, they leave the imprint of a policeman’s boot. Within that bloody pattern there's a story in brail, a secret denied.
Relax, the intellect advises; roll with the blows. Yet still the body flinches at bones broken. No answer suffices, no scream believed.
Time moves slowly until at last things change. Concrete becomes cold metal, vibration exchanged for solid ground. Upon my cheek, the last chapter is written, skin crushed between airframe alloy and boot.
Through an open door, cobalt sky and black ocean. At once, the tension is gone; no further questions. I’m to be free.
Relax, the mind soothes and this time the body complies. Out from the darkness and into the light with a kiss of salt air. There's thousands of feet to dream and remember. And one day, be remembered.
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Wow! That was an amazing
Wow! That was an amazing recitation of the end.
all comments welcome
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