The UFO Children 2 - The Careers Teacher
By mallisle
- 549 reads
Carla sat alone with one of the teachers in his office.
"Hello Carla, I'm Mr. Valentine and I'm your Careers Teacher. What do you want to do when you leave school?"
"I want to be a doctor," said Carla. Mr. Valentine looked curious.
"Lots of people in this school want to be doctors or scientists or engineers and, for some reason, they all have pink eyes. I wonder why that is? Can I ask you a personal question, Carla?"
"Are you of mixed race?"
"You could say that."
"Was your grandfather from some lost tribe in a far distant country?"
"A very distant country."
"Can I get there by British Airways?"
"Virgin might fly you there. You sound as if you already know."
"Know what, Carla?"
"You tell me, Sir, what do you know about the people with pink eyes? Who do you think we are?"
"I know about the flying saucers, Carla. I saw the one that landed in the playground. Apart from the fact that Mr. Weathercock has all sorts of maps and photographs on the school computer. Do you have to kill all humans who know the truth about aliens? Are you a shape shifter Carla? Are you going to turn into a reptile and kill me?" Carla burst out laughing.
"Do you really think we do things like that?"
"I read it in a book. A scientist who worked at Area 51 was murdered by a shape shifter who turned into a reptile."
"You read it in one of our books, Sir. The aliens have official books published about themselves by the Ministry of Misinformation."
"Why do you have a Minsitry of Misinformation, Carla?"
"To make sure the press are fed wild and whacky rumours about flying saucers in order to make everyone believe they're a fairy story. Polar bears and pyramids on Mars. Photographs of the sun shining through the trees in such a way that it produces a pattern on a cheap camera somebody bought for £50. Deliberate press releases that rob the subject of extra terrestrial life of any credibility. Tell people that we're aliens and no one will ever believe you. Keep telling them and you'll end up in a mental hospital. Our secret is safe."
"So why do you want to be a doctor, Carla?"
"It is in our nature to help people. You would also benefit from our technology. I can just reinvent some technique that was known on our planet a hundred years ago, become world famous, and spend the rest of my life working as a professor at Cambridge University."
David had his appointment with the Careers Teacher.
"What do you want to do when you leave school?" asked Mr. Valentine.
"I want to be a missionary." Mr. Valentine stared into David's eyes. "Why are you looking at my eyes for Sir?"
"They're the wrong colour."
"I can't be a missionary because I've got brown eyes, Sir? What's that got to do with it, Sir?"
"What do Christians believe about flying saucers?"
"The majority of Christians believe that there is no life on other planets because there is none in the Bible. That has always been the official line."
"What do you believe, David?"
"I do not believe the Bible to be exhaustive in its knowledge. Of course there are questions that it leaves unanswered. In the book of Ephesians God can do more than we can ever imagine or think. Lets not limit God to what we can imagine or think and especially not to what it says he can do in an official text book, however infallible it might be. In the book of Leviticus the secret things belong to the Lord our God and the things revealed belong to us and our children forever. There are secret things. Why are we talking about flying saucers, Sir?"
"Where do you want to be a missionary, David? Is your destination going to be very far away?"
"Oh, further than anyone has ever been before, Sir."
"Are we talking Indonesia or the Philippines?"
"Further away than that, Sir."
"Have you ever visited Planet Nibiru?"
"It would be extremely difficult to visit Planet Nibiru as it is a star. I have visited the moon Nibiru 9 which orbits Nibiru. Yes Sir, I want to preach the gospel to extra terrestrials. I want to be a missionary to Nibiru 9. In order to get some qualifications I want to train to be a priest."
"Well David, you're doing very well at school, you should be able to get good grades in any A' levels you want to take. Religious Education is the obvious one but try to think in terms of English Language and English Literature, obviously skills that a priest would need. History and Geography are useful and the school have just started doing a Philosophy course at A' level."
"I'm very interested in Physics and Chemistry. I'm good at them too. I got 100% in a Physics exam. That's why I went on the school trip to Nibiru. They thought I was one of the aliens. Please Sir, I'm not an alien. I'm not a cross breed alien either, like the people with the pink eyes. I love Physics and Chemistry but I will never take them any higher than GCSE. That is the sacrifice I will make for taking Holy Orders."
"You can still read about Physics and Chemistry in books."
"I can jump on a space ship and fly 50 billion miles, Sir."
Ten years later, Carla sat with a woman in a hospital who was dying of cancer.
"Doctor, am I going to die?" asked the woman.
"The cancer is very advanced. It has spread to your kidneys, it has spread to your liver. But if I inject the little robots I have in this syringe you will recover."
"Little robots? Is that possible, Doctor? What do they do, these little robots?"
"They're programmed to sense cancer cells and destroy them with their lazers."
"You said the cancer was in my liver and my kidneys. How are they going to get inside them? How big are these robots, Doctor?"
"I don't recall the exact number of atoms but they're something like the size of an influenza virus. They'd certainly have no difficulty finding their way around the tiny tubules in your liver and kidneys. They'll also find any stray areas of cancer in your brain or your lungs and destroy those."
"Are you a real doctor?" asked the woman.
"What do you mean?"
"I think you wanted to be a doctor when you were young but you had a mental breakdown. You walk around hospitals pretending to be a doctor. I understand tragedy, Carla. That is your name, isn't it?"
"Yes, it is."
"I have three young children and I'm dying of cancer. I just want to tell you that I know how it feels when your whole world falls apart."
"Look into my eyes," said Carla. "Have you ever seen anyone with eyes that colour?"
"No, but I think you could possibly buy contact lenses that colour."
"Do you believe in flying saucers?"
"I don't know."
"I came from one. I am the result of an experiment. A hybrid human-alien embryo was implanted in my mother's womb on an alien spacecraft 25 years ago." The woman looked thoughtful.
"I want to believe you. Either you're telling the truth or you're an ex-trainee doctor who had a mental breakdown and bought some pink contact lenses. Inject me with that stuff in the syringe, whatever it is. At worst you'll kill me. I'm going to die anyway." Carla gave her the injection. "The pain," said the woman. "It's going. It's fading away already."
"It only takes 15 minutes for the robots to take their full effect," said Carla.
While David was training to be a priest he took an interesting summer job, about as close as anyone could ever get to visiting Planet Nibiru. He was on a cigar shaped space ship 5 miles long orbiting the star at a distance of a few hundred miles. The ship was harvesting hydrogen from the star in order to return it to Nibiru 9 where it would be used as spacecraft fuel.
"What is the surface temperature of the star?" David asked one of the technicians.
"On the surface, Nibiru is only the temperature of a hot cup of coffee. At the very centre it's about the temperature of a blast furnace. It's very easy to harvest the gas from the surface of the star and we just suck it into a plastic tube."
"How much gas can you get into the spaceship?"
"It's eight kilometres long and fifty metres wide. That's quite a lot."
"What's the maximum pressure the container can withstand?" asked David.
"I don't know. We just keep sucking up gas until the meter tells us that the ship is full."
David went to the bar on the ship after work. He sat next to a mature but not elderly man in a suit who was eating a large meal of strange coloured vegetables and drinking bright orange liquid from a pint glass.
"I'm David. I'm looking for someone who can explain spacecraft engines."
"I'm Zakod. I specialised in them at university."
"Why do spacecraft engines require hydrogen? Haven't you heard of zero point energy?"
"They're plasma engines. The hydrogen changes to plasma when the zero point energy hits it. Now I'm talking double Blazurian." Zakod sniggered. "Think of a simple example. The hydrogen is subject to electrolysis using pipes. The pipes have to conduct electricity and they have to be able to withstand the high temperatures that occur when hydrogen changes to plasma. When I was a student they were made from a kind of reinforced concrete that was made from crushed bricks, sand and steel alloy. That would allow them to work at temperatures of a few thousand degrees."
"Crushed bricks, sand and steel alloy?" David looked amazed. "Like the substances found in flying saucers that are somewhere between metal and something else." Zakod smiled.
"They're old flying saucers if they contain pipes like that."
"The one that crashed in Roswell in 1947."
"What colour were the aliens at Roswell?"
"They had silver skins."
"The greys," said Zakod. "They always were a little bit behind the times. That UFO was 20 years old when it had the accident. I don't know anyone who has used pipes like that in a spacecraft engine since 1927."
"How long ago were you a student?"
"About 100 years ago. Modern spacecraft use rare asteroid elements. We mine asteroids for elements that aren't in the periodic table. Stronger pipes. They don't need to be replaced every few years and they operate at higher temperatures. Now, to understand the basic principles of a zero point energy reactor. Imagine a spacecraft engine with pipes that conduct electricity. You have to make them vibrate at the resonant frequency."
"What resonant frequency?"
"That's the frequency that the hydrogen atoms vibrate at. The hydrogen atoms vibrate all the time and you have to tune the pipes to the same frequency. The pipes have to be made the right length and physically conditioned to make them resonate properly. Then you plug them into an oscillator and tune it to the right frequency."
"What happens when you reach the resonant frequency?"
"Your reactor has become an aerial tuned to the frequency of the invisible energy waves that travel through space. Those waves will now interact with the hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen gets hotter and hotter until the electrons fly away from the nucleus. Now the hydrogen becomes plasma."
"You get an enormous amount of energy and all you needed was a tiny electric current," said David.
"That's exactly how it works," said Zakod.
"Could you do it with water?"
"You could. They did it that way hundreds of years ago. I can't imagine it would work at all well."
David went and got a brown fizzy drink from the bar. He came back and sat next to Zakod again.
"The people on the ship couldn't answer my questions," said David.
"I bet they couldn't!" said Zadok.
"So they sent me to you."
"I can talk about spaceships all day. I love being an engineer. We were asked to look for a solution to the problem of accelerating a spacecraft to a quarter of the speed of light without killing the occupants. We came up with the idea of slow acceleration. A quarter of the speed of light is approximately 48,000 miles per second. If you accelerated to that speed quickly, you would be killed. But if you took 100 days to reach that speed, 2400 hours, how fast are you accelerating then?"
"You would reach 20 miles per second after the first hour," said David.
"Yes you would. It would take an hour to reach 20 miles per second. How fast would you be going after the first minute?"
"One mile every 3 seconds. About mach 2. Twice the speed of sound. 1500 miles per hour."
"That's not going to kill you at all, even if you were a frail human."
"But I am human."
"How can you withstand the radiation this close to the sun if you're human?"
"I've had surgery on one of your spacecraft."
"I think you needed it."
"Are these drinks alcoholic?" asked David.
"Are they what?"
"Do the drinks contain mind altering drugs?" Zakod and several other people around them in the bar burst out laughing. "On Earth it's quite normal," David explained. A small dose of alcohol makes people happy, care free and friendly."
"I think you'll find we have no need of such a thing here," said Zakod. "No need to drug the drinks because we are so happy and friendly already. We're like that anyway."
A few years later back on Earth, Carla was receiving the Nobel Prize for having found a cure for cancer. There were thousands of people in the hall. One of them was the careers teacher, Mr. Valentine. Carla spoke into the microphone.
"I am so humbled," she said. "Let me say thank you also to all the scientists and engineers who helped me to create these cancer destroying laser nano robots." Most of them lived on Nibiru 9 fifty years ago, Carla thought but didn't say. "Thank you to all the people who helped me to put this technique through the necessary trials and tests that were required to actually produce a marketable cure. I want to give all the profits I make from this cure for cancer to Sheffield University where I have become a teacher." Carla stepped down from the stage and Mr. Valentine spoke to her.
"Hello Carla. I'm happy that you have decided what you want to do with your life. But tell me, how does anyone actually produce these things? They're about a hundred years ahead of anything a factory anywhere on Earth could manufacture."
"They're not made on Earth."
"Hasn't anyone ever challenged you on that?"
"No. They're used to designing things on computer and emailing them somewhere and having them manufactured. The entire hi-tech industry is run that way nowadays. These things just happen to be manufactured on another planet."
"What if the technicians don't believe in life on other planets?"
"Then they don't have to know. If you order something from the internet you don't know where it comes from, do you?"
David stood outside a huge temple on Nibiru 9. He had paid for a huge statue of Jesus on the cross to be put in the temple grounds. He stood there, prayerfully gazing at the statue as the purple sun shone behind it. Tana was a nun wearing long brown robes.
"Hello," said Tana. "How is your name pronounced?"
"David," he said.
"How are you finding things?"
"There's just one thing on my mind. I have opened a Roman Catholic church here but it doesn't seem to be very popular. I only have 2 or 3 people at mass most evenings and absolutely no one wants to come to confession. Am I holding my services at the wrong time of day?" Tana looked shocked.
"David, I have something to tell you. The people on this planet haven't ever sinned."
"Haven't ever sinned? Haven't ever sinned? What, is this true of everyone? There must be some criminals or some prisons somewhere. Don't you have a police force?"
"David, you use words that people don't understand. The people on this planet have never taken drugs, whatever they are, have never been arrested by the police, why ever that would happen, and they don't know what you're talking about."
"It must be true, then. The people on this planet haven't ever sinned. But I trained to be a Catholic Priest. 'Lamb of God, you take away the sins of this world, have mercy on us.' What does that mean here? I needn't have paid for that big statue of Jesus in the yard. I have wasted my life."
"No David, you haven't. We are all very religious. We love to look at your statue of Jesus in the yard. Jesus, dying for his beliefs. Jesus, forgiving his enemies. Jesus, showing us the way."
"If Jesus died to show us the way then all religions are the same."
"On this planet they are, David, very much the same."
"I should have joined the Church of England."
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well, if aliens are as nice
well, if aliens are as nice as that, they can visit anytime. Maybe we should become aliens ourselves.
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