The Return

By seashore
- 8084 reads
The Return
by Julia (Overthetop1)
Watching a mauvey dusk dry your hair
Sensing its curl looping your neck,
Feeling your voice through a yellowing heat
Looking as your body negotiates the world
The lie of your linen shirt on your shoulders
A few straying chest hairs scrambling upwards
Your shoes still turn inwards, sharing old secrets
Those soulful fingers can soothe like strong cats
A metallic mask is shed, like skin
You have returned to my senses, complete.
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Wonderful imagery in this
Wonderful imagery in this piece. Less is always more - something you're very good at.
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oh you know what it is - when
oh you know what it is - when someone writes a teaser, it appears if you look at work on the 'new' page, but if you click on the 'unreads' it doesn't - just the piece itself. My apologies to you both - it's still just as beautfiul!
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perhaps if you write the
perhaps if you write the intro in the body of the work above the piece itself? Mind you, the only people likely to not see it currently are those who read from the unread list
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Such a well-observed sensory
Such a well-observed sensory piece.
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your shoes stil turn inwards,
your shoes stil turn inwards, sharing old secrets'; a mighty line and like fine wine the poem ages well.
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Powerful and full of spirit.
Powerful and full of spirit.
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Hi Coral,
Hi Coral,
there's so much depth to your daughters poem, maybe meant for a special loved one.
Is that a photo of your daughter by the way? She's beautiful.
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This wonderful poem is our
This wonderful poem is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day!
Please share/retweet if you like it
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Very tender and a hit on the
Very tender and a hit on the senses - economical but clinical word choice throughout - dry, looping, yellowing, scrambling... 'Your shoes still turn inwards - ' is beautiful observation projected.
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This is our Poem of the Week
This is our Poem of the Week - Congratulations!
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The little details made big
The little details made big with careful word choices. It's touching and yet distanced at the same time, and both mutually exclusive of each other depending how you read it.
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