Lenny Mass's Branhal School Diary - Monday 3 November
By Char88
- 642 reads
Monday 3 November
Wow, that week went by quick!
In English, we have moved onto the topic of literature about witches and wizards written by witches and wizards, and the stereotypes involved. Before half term, we studied the topic of literature about witches and wizards written by non magic people, and the stereotypes involved. We started off by reading fairy tales by Hans Christian Anderson and the Grimm brothers, plus The Wizard Of Oz by Frank Baum. We discussed how non magic people have written witches as ugly and evil, which led to witches being hunted for centuries, while wizards were always being written as being wise, whether they were good or evil . Then we read a chapter from each Harry Potter book, and we discussed how J.K Rowling stopped with the stereotypes, and wrote wizards as not being wise, and witches as being either beautiful and good or beautiful and evil.
Everyone found it really boring, but I secretly found it fascinating. Plus I got to read my favourite book series.
Anyway, today we did the same, just witch/wizard authors this time. We started reading from "Magical Tales", by Bonita Eefats. We discussed this particular story where a wizard was so jealous of his friend - who was better at magic, and turned him into a picture on his wall.
"I'd find it more interesting if Mr Ennall just let us read," Wendy said, at the end of the lesson. "He's sapping the fun of it."
"It was a good story," Johnny said. "Could you imagine if we did that to Michelle?"
Being the bookworm that I am, I decided I wanted to read "Magical Tales". Ten minutes before lunch ended, I told my friends I'd meet them in Maths, and headed to the library.
I looked along the Fantasy section til I found a copy of Magical Tales. I picked it off the shelf, opened it up, and flipped through the pages, looking at what stories were inside. There was a story about a genie who wanted peoples' wishes for himself. There was one about a dragon who wanted to be human. I thought the pictures were really pretty. Then I got to the last story, the one about the wizard was so jealous of his friend - who was better at magic, and turned him into a picture on his wall.
There was a picture of the bad wizard putting the picture of his former friend on the wall. Then the book showed the actual picture of the poor wizard. Underneath, was the spell the bad wizard used, which I had to say slowly and out loud:
"Erupkip Nosrep."
I've just realised that I've been writing for forty five minutes about books. I am such a dork.
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magical tales sounds quite
magical tales sounds quite magical. Having a rival as a picture on your wall. I don't know how that would look.
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